Your best/worst relationships


Well-Known Member
I've been in 2 serious relationships (24/m), serious being defined by more than a year. The first one ended because I was a clingy fuck. The second one ended because the chick was clingy.

And you?

What have you learned from your past failed relationships?
i learned that i compare every person to the first person i ever dated and that none could compare. they never measured up. my mistake.
i learned that all relationships in life are based on need. from beginning to end. love relationships. casual ones. sexual ones. and everything in between. but if you take out the sexual factor you can find some real fullfill ment. sex just complicates things sometimes.
idk...i guess we all think a like in some areas. and differ in others. i'm a simple guy. but i think i got that part figured come up with some pretty interesting topics...cheers
So, let me ask ya, how long did it take you to actually realize that and get over it? How old were you when you were with this chick?
I learned marriage is bullshit. Plain and simple. Never again. Have worked in medicine for almost 40 years and working with women sucks. And they hate it the most! They love the days the staff is heavy with men. Not to flirt but to work with less bullshit. I still have my guitar though.
i learned that i compare every person to the first person i ever dated and that none could compare. they never measured up. my mistake.
i learned that all relationships in life are based on need. from beginning to end. love relationships. casual ones. sexual ones. and everything in between. but if you take out the sexual factor you can find some real fullfill ment. sex just complicates things sometimes.

I guess it depends on the first relationship. I compare ppl to the first one but my comparison is to make sure I've done better. I agree though relationships are based on need but you gotta steer clear of the needy people that always need you! My worst relationship was with my kids dad he was abusive. Best relationship is my current one lol
What I learned is that the first fucking cunt I devoted my heart to was in fact a what? A CUNT! People, including myself, tend to look back on their first real relationship as the best that could ever exist, but this is a serious mistake. If the first person that you feel that you love was a fucking bitch I suggest you find someone different next. If you had a fucked up childhood like I did, you will likely be attracted to scum, AND GOD AM I ATTRACTED TO SCUM! These people might be fun for a little while, but they will destroy your heart in the end. You need to find people who share some/many of the same interests as you. If you are only attracted to their pussy/dick it will most likely end up bad for you. There is so much more I could say on this subject, but 1) I'm somewhat drunk (9+ shots), and B) there is so much to say it would be ridiculous and I don't want to psychotherapize anyone too much. First serious relationship = 2 or so years, second relationship I consider serious = 8+ years = I have at least somewhat of an idea about what I'm talking about despite the beautiful alcohol.... Basically I think what I'm trying to say is, don't let your first relationship, that you might think was the greatest thing on earth, destroy your 2nd, 3rd, 52nd, relationship because they aren't identical to the person who ENDED UP BEING COMPLETELY WRONG FOR YOU!
In all reality I could probably use some therapy my man. But on that same note, I'm not sure which person living today, or at any point in human history, couldn't benefit from some therapy/introspection.
Yea totally agree I know I could use some. My friends treat me like I'm the female Dr Phil and I'm supposed to counsel them well who's gonna counsel me lol
Well if you can help them out, I suggest that you should. I know from personal experience that this can be a daunting and exhausting task to perform constantly, but hopefully/eventually you will come across a person that can do the same for you. Just try to make sure you don't treat them the same that these friends of yours seem to treat you. Try to exchange help for help, and not just use them for your own benefit. It would really suck to find someone who can help you and then cause them to ditch you.
Always had long term relationships... even when I had planned on them just being one night stands.

Best and worst are both my ex wife. I still love her more than anything in this world and no one could possibly hurt me more.

Like mentioned no one ever lives up to that first real love (including the exwife). I still think about her to this day. Thankfully I added her to my facebook and have gotten over a lot of the feelings I had now that I realize we have almost nothing in common any more. I'd still hit though ;)
my first love when i was 20-23 in college. she was a cheerleader and hot and i was a frat boy. we both were stupid and fucked up. great girl and now she has 2 kids and married.

last love i just broke up with after 18 months of her flirting every time she got drunk. hot european girl, ok sex but she wanted it 24/7, cooked great, and even trimmed and water my plants. cleaned and did my laundry. but going out with her to a bar and having drinks trying to catch a buzz just to watch her go hug some guy and flirt with others made me sick.

i finally realized after some self inspection that the bitch is gone. no more of that shit. not worth it. dumped her sunday night.

best thing i ever read - there is no "the one." she fucked up and i'm a catch. i've been with over 200 women now and had 3 loves. 4-5 long term relationships and i'm 33. i'm kind of balding, a little fat, but am confident and funny and make money. so boom. that's what i'm working with and i bet i'm banging another 8+ in a week. the next "one" :clap:
So, let me ask ya, how long did it take you to actually realize that and get over it? How old were you when you were with this chick?
i was in my twenties and i'm sorry to burst your bubble...but at the time it was my bf frankie. and i didnt get over it. i just moved on. i go either way depending on what day of the week you catch me. the real healing part occured twenty years later when i just let go of my needs and just focused on theirs. it becomes like a becon that ppl were attracted to. they think i got my shit together. i don't. i just put their needs first. i listen and speak little of myself. ppl like that. especially women. it effected all of my relationships, not just the sexual ones. casual friendships, family relationships. i was able to figure out then the ppl that needed nothing but friendship. and figure out the baggaged ppl that needed more than i had to give. and the minipulative ones who were lacking of a partner who tried to get you into bed because they needed "you" to complete them. once you take sex out of any situation, for me, it becomes crystal clear what ppl need. i just help them if i can and move on if i can't.