Teach your children well please


Active Member
You think Child psychology books will help you raise your child? Most of those books are full of shit! Also don't go judging other peoples parenting styles over a single or a few instances. Be a mommy or a Daddy day in and day out, whether or not you feel good or are having a bad day it don't matter. Sometimes we like to indulge our children and there's nothing wrong with that. i was raised by parents who indulged me and were
kind of easy on me and I thinkI turned out fine. I work hard and am a responsable person. Also why would you post a message to your sister in law here?
When you say indulge do you mean they allowed you to tantrum and then gave you whatever you wanted? Yea that parenting style is called laziness. And I don't think any child should get want they want just because they had a tantrum. I'm not here to be my kids friend I'm here to be a parent and they have to learn you can't always get what you want.

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
You think Child psychology books will help you raise your child? Most of those books are full of shit! Also don't go judging other peoples parenting styles over a single or a few instances. Be a mommy or a Daddy day in and day out, whether or not you feel good or are having a bad day it don't matter. Sometimes we like to indulge our children and there's nothing wrong with that. i was raised by parents who indulged me and were
kind of easy on me and I thinkI turned out fine. I work hard and am a responsable person. Also why would you post a message to your sister in law here?
yes i do think it will help. i didn't know how to grow weed until i started reading about it. i didn't know how to read until a teacher taught me. humans are born with the least amount of instincts in the animal world earth. we learn almost everything. i said they are great parents but the child will become a problem sooner than later. it's already started.

i will learn from experience, sure. but for you to say that books are bullshit is prob some sort of rational for your lack of reading. i was spoiled but had a firm hand of retaliation when i acted out.

my dad once gave me some change after lunch. a couple pennies or so. i threw them on the ground. he told me to pick them up or i would never get another dollars allowance. no hitting, but lesson learned. to this day i have 4 bottles on my desk. one for quarters. one for dimes. one for nickels. and the biggest for pennies.

again - if you think you are the best, you are wrong. if you think you know everything, you're wrong. if you refuse to read, you will remain ignorant.

and when i become a daddy - i will do so on my own accord, planned out with an open dialogue with my partner. we will read books on expecting, methods, take classes to learn how to be the best we can.

sister in law bit was a form of venting. can't say anything directly bc of divorce going on. i can't say anything to family or about them bc it's embarrassing. and maybe someone on here will read it and stop


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you can't beat little kids asses anymore. So many of them need a good lick. I remember growing up the scariest phrase my mother ever uttered was " wait til your father gets home".


Well-Known Member
Shit, I don't have kids, but I sure was one. Throwing a tantrum? That never even entered my realm of possibilities as a child. Why? Because I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that my dad would fuck me up one way or another if I acted out. He never laid a hand on me, but he made it clear to me in other ways... really, really clear.

Scare the fuck out of your kids while you still can. It's your only chance at not raising a monster.


yes i do think it will help. i didn't know how to grow weed until i started reading about it. i didn't know how to read until a teacher taught me. humans are born with the least amount of instincts in the animal world earth. we learn almost everything. i said they are great parents but the child will become a problem sooner than later. it's already started.

i will learn from experience, sure. but for you to say that books are bullshit is prob some sort of rational for your lack of reading. i was spoiled but had a firm hand of retaliation when i acted out.

my dad once gave me some change after lunch. a couple pennies or so. i threw them on the ground. he told me to pick them up or i would never get another dollars allowance. no hitting, but lesson learned. to this day i have 4 bottles on my desk. one for quarters. one for dimes. one for nickels. and the biggest for pennies.

again - if you think you are the best, you are wrong. if you think you know everything, you're wrong. if you refuse to read, you will remain ignorant.

and when i become a daddy - i will do so on my own accord, planned out with an open dialogue with my partner. we will read books on expecting, methods, take classes to learn how to be the best we can.

sister in law bit was a form of venting. can't say anything directly bc of divorce going on. i can't say anything to family or about them bc it's embarrassing. and maybe someone on here will read it and stop
What you need to understand about children is that they don't rationalize things the way adults do.Small children don't see that 1 cookie was bigger then the other. The only thing that registers to them is one of them
got more. They are more simplistic about things cause there brains are still developing. To the child it really wasn't fair.
Yes I know a lot of people would have gotten beat for things "back in the day" but were not back in the day anymore.


Well-Known Member
Shit, I don't have kids, but I sure was one. Throwing a tantrum? That never even entered my realm of possibilities as a child. Why? Because I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that my dad would fuck me up one way or another if I acted out. He never laid a hand on me, but he made it clear to me in other ways... really, really clear.

Scare the fuck out of your kids while you still can. It's your only chance at not raising a monster.
Lucky you. I got my ass beat growing up. Probably why I don't speak to my parents often. ( every other Christmas ........maybe.)