opinions wanted.... (pics)


Well-Known Member
theres different types of mites some have a white spot or two white spots on back, and it looks like your plants are over nuted the leaf tips are indicating that they are burnt so i would just give them water until it stops and maybe one more nute solution before you flush for at least 10 days of straight water.. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
be aware that ferts that include things from salt water are high in salts... they do make nice soil amendments but rules should be followed when using them, like leeching the excess salts from the soil so that the plant can uptake the nutrients easier. too much salt locks out nutes. not saying thats your problem but its good shit to know


Active Member
does anyone have any ideas on harvest time for any of these?
i have surgery in just over a month and am hoping to have aleady been able to chop by then..........