Bc growers thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
i really hope that oongawa heard right and that we will be allowed to have a certain number of plants no doctors note needed that would really open the eyes of alot of people seeing as most just follow and do what the government says is good for them anyhow. oh and hello there kitty! been a long while how are things going wth you? got something cool and amazing in the works right now? please feel free to post some pics if ya get a chance! cheers and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Little update on my lady. Her vertical growth has completely stopped and is strictly focusing on flower production. All the buds are nice and frosty aside from a few lower ones. The lower buds are slowly pushing trichs. Is that normal, slower trich production in lower branches?



Well-Known Member
ya man usually lower branches will not produce as much as all the energy is being focused up top on the good stuff :D looking real nice man pleasre continue to keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
If they aren't going to produce should I just cut 'em off?

Also, I'm 4 weeks into flower, does the growth seem appropriate for this stage?


Well-Known Member
well judging by the structure of your plant i would let most of it just grow from here seeing as you are outdoors and have lots of sun the lower stuff will still turn out nice plus cutting this late into flower can be a huge stress. for 4 weeks flower she looks good man still got lots of time to faten up real nice but straight up man she looks great! i would reccomend finishing this grow the way she is and then look over the whole plant and see what ya do and dont like and then next time you can just cut it off or do some topping earlier on .... or even try a scrog :D haha lots o possibilities even for you outdoor guys.


Well-Known Member
MMMMM banana kush! thats sounds tasty as a mofo ..... always nice to see someone interested in canadian seed retailers :D


@mello...That could be too......quantity might even go up as well. A number of people I know who get legal pot are allowed to grow at least 48 plants.....just let me grow 6-8 sweeties for personal consumption Mr H, that's not too much too ask, now is it...? Guess he'd rather have me buy his chemicals, as opposed to taking my own proactive, earthy approach.

@1st, those look awesome man, way further ahead than mine were for about the same age, fewer tri's on lowers I have found normal. I trim the lower stuff, thin it out a bit. Lollipop...? never tried it myself, sounds interesting, but could see stress issues. But I do think light thinning of leaves is good overall, just to keep the plant on its toes, as it were.



Well-Known Member
That could be too......quantity might even go up as well. A number of people I know who get legal pot are allowed to grow at least 48 plants.....just let me grow 6-8 sweeties for personal consumption Mr H, that's not too much too ask, now is it...? Guess he'd rather have me buy his chemicals, as opposed to taking my own proactive, earthy approach.

He'd rather keep it illegal so he has more bodies to justify the new prisons he's proposed.

I'll leave it at that, you really don't want to get me going regarding the actions or policies of the Conservative party.


Well-Known Member
amen brothers the day jack layton died is the day i lost hope for this country and its government in the near future, that man kicked ass ...... for a politician at least :D


how's it going uhm....will mid-late october until they're done, 1st pic, that girl needs water...!! a shot of bloom nutes might kickstart the others into flower, nice colour, looks good uhm...!



Well-Known Member
Update for those of you watching. Just starting week #6 -The flower growth seems to have slowed a bit but they are still filling out it seems.


I do have a couple of questions though;

1) Pistils are starting to change colour and the vertical flower growth has slowed considerably. Should I be concerned about the slowing of flower production at this time or is it fairly normal? Is the plant moving toward "fattening up" the buds?

2) I haven't fed her in about a week, some of the lower leaves are starting to yellow (rapidly). Should I be concerned about this? Would it be out of line to give her a little more Nitrogen at this stage to try to slow the yellowing?

3) I haven't noticed much in the way of new tric development aside from lower bud sites. Is this a concern?

4) Being that this is the 6th week of flowering I think I'm on track. I really hate to be "that guy" but I'm going to throw it out there...
4a) Am I looking at about 4 more weeks to be ready or do you think more?
4b) What type of yield do you think I can expect? Is1-2oz a reasonable expectation?


Well-Known Member
whats up first time guy , your plants loking good and on par for this stage of flower to most ie seen around this time expect pistils starting to change colour and all vertical growth stopping as this is fatten up time for her. also you should keep her fed around these times she needs lots of food to make big buds , lower buds will not show much trichs forming from now on as most of the energy is being pushed to the top stuff and it looks like you probly have 3-4 weeks to go and you'll be all good id say you will get 2 oz's easy off her if not more :D cheers man happy growing


Well-Known Member
For those of you still watching, here's an update on my lonely girl 12 days later.

IMAG0529.jpgIMAG0532.jpgIMAG0533.jpgView attachment 2340889IMAG0530.jpg

Pilstils are all starting to brown now, leaves are yellowing. Daily I've noticed caylax's are swelling noticably :)

I've also observed what appears to be new tric developement, is this normal?

They are not huge buds compared to some I see around here but I think they are at least somewhat respectable. I'm happy with the progression so I guess that's what matters :D



Well-Known Member
wow man she is looking great! i think she will yield even more than what i was thinking she really fattened up nice my guess is she will give ya 3-4oz's :D shes very pretty what strain is she again? new teich development can happen late in the game some times people dont notice it but i have before for sure too ..... nice call on the dead frog man some nice beer they make :D. i would post up some pics but i had some misfortune and had to move my setup to my buddies place till saturday ..... fucking coit coming to clean the vents in my house (i rent) so ill have more pics saturday or if i go stop by ill try to remember to snap a couple my girl is just beastly now .... not fun to move :(


Well-Known Member
Curly, I can't wait to see you girls updated. I've been watching your thread, the LED grow is really quite intriguing.

Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, the Dead Frog is a really decent local brew. Every year for our anual "guys only" camping weekend we grab a keg and toss it in the lake. Pick it up at the brewery on my way home from work and drop off the empty on my first day back after the weekend ;)

As far as the strain, it comes from an aquaintance that is an indoor commercial grower. He told me they were a NL x Lemon Skunk... I'm not relying on that info at all. It smells like pineapple, grapefruit and Lime with a very slight skunky undertone (really great smell actually).

Being that I can't be sure of the lineage of the strain I've resorted to calling it "RICOS GIMBY" or "Gimby" for short.

I suspect I might have a couple of seed hidden away in the youngest parts of the bud as my male opened a few of his pollen sacs the day before he got the chop.