Anyone who thinks race has anything to with intelligence is pretty damn stupid
I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you prove it?
Why do blacks get sickle cell but an Asian doesn't?
Why do nearly all Stephen Johnson's Syndrome patients happen to be Asian? The FDA considers tests for it unneeded and insurance will deny a Mexican getting tested for predisposition towards it.
There are differences among races which lead to different susceptibility to disorders. What then makes you so sure brain functions aren't different too? Because the brain is sacred? How about hormonal differences amongst races? I know for a fact once hormones kicked in, many boys did poorer in school. Some races might not be hornier?
Why is it then so hard to accept, maybe just maybe some races have different inherent intellectual abilities which some races naturally do better at?
Should we not allow such investigations out of fear we may not like the results? It's after all much easier to live in denial and vilify those who dare ask those questions.