was this plant just in front of the portable fan? I have one with similar leaves and it's because she was sitting right in front of the fan.
Oh man. I think I am about to look pretty fucking stupid. But hey, I'm confident enough to admit if I've done something wrong, if I have that is... heh.
Anyway, I feel like I just had a eureka moment. Yes End, That plant was the first plant in front of my fan. The fan
does not oscillate and just blows through the plants. I move it throughout the day in different directions when I can. (Fan is/was 18-24" away and blowing through the bottom 1/4 of the plant.)
Not sure how much of the thread you read but this girl is the only one exhibiting these signs even though she is in the same conditions as every other plant so it sounds like you may be on to something. And this would cause this to happen from the bottom up? Or is the location of this, lets call it wind burn, due to the fan blowing in that area?
sry didnt have time to read the whole thread, but everyone on the 1st page besides monkey should not be helping people at all in the plant problem threads until they know what they are talking about.your foliage from your pictures is damaged on the bottom, OLD!!!! LEAVES/FOLIAGE.
NUTE BURN will start on the new foliage....TOP LEAVES/FOLIAGE ASAP........so it starts from the top....
to my eyes that looks like either a MAG DEFF or some micro DEFF. Good luck pm me if u need more help.
Thanks for the advice, man. I'm still extremely inexperienced with diagnosing my plants past the easy stuff (nitro def etc) but mag/cal def was my initial diagnosis and the reason i came here to confirm it. I know nute burn starts at the leaf tips and still I allowed myself to be convinced that's what it was. Inexperience will do that I suppose... Thanks again!