The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
guys, all the strains i have ever done have been from seed banks and the odd 'jack' cutting, reading all about these 'UK-clone-only' strains is making my mouth water :P

I currently have Dutch passion strawberry cough and cali blue haze on the go, wil be ready to take cuttings soon, i dont know anyone from the 'underground' scene, so any advice on what to do would be appreciated :) maybe someone wants to do a swap? am willing to pay.

swear to god mate i have 5 EXO clones and they fucking STINK!! and only 3 inches tall in me veg cabinet :wowzer:



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Finally able to sit down and chop this bitch, been doing other chores all morning including a commando run down the local grow shop, i fucking hate aving to do it but needs must. Last big fucker i grow i think, yeilds looks a bit down to the last one i did but better than a kick in the nads i suppose. i just aint in the fucking mood for this bitch lol.

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looking brilliant as per Jimmy ... im guessing thats one of the killer flip flops in the background lmao ! ;)
someone is pulling your leg m8. but take from bottom when u do & dont make em to big, abt 3cm in so/rockwool cubeil & at least 3-4 leaves. get sum rooting gel or powder it speeds it up. oh do a few extra incase of failures aswell


Well-Known Member
yo fingers mate! thats one gorgeous lady you have to harvest. I cant believe your whining! lol.. you lucky bastard. Its all about attiutde mate. Relax and enjoy the beauty of your hard work. HAVE FUN! god damn your a talented gardener!!!!!!!!
well you told me didnt ya haha, cheers ambs. Dunno about talanted tho, more like sheer luck half the time.:-P


Well-Known Member
@jimmy thats a good looking plant there mate. i get what your saying about chopping down tho, it does my head in. i lock myself in the tent and smoke shit loads to get me through, smoking probably slows things down tho lol
Cheers bruv, yeah mate choppin aint my fav thing to do, covered in bits of trim that seem to get everywhere, up the stairs on the dogs on me clothes lol, fucking hate it hahaha.


Well-Known Member
i will be when i get paid ya mooching cunt....btw ive got loads of flies buzzin round my bleedin living room, funny thing was there was no sign of the fuckers before you turned up.
chil hel pay you wen his giro comes!!LOL

chedz pm matey


Well-Known Member
im not even gettin a giro myself, fuckin limbo land coz my esa was stopped and they havent sorted my jsa. coupled with the fact i owe out a good few ton and my yeild was fuckin pants.....throw into the mix ive gave up punting and the end result is im sittin here with 2 fuckin quid to my name....and the student loans company are being cunts as well......justa pure pain in the arse right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm all good cheers love, how you been keeping?

cal/mag is this stuff love It's just a calcium/magnesium bottled nute, turns out not everyone on here growing the blues needs it love so you might be lucky depending on your water.
The def shows up as yellowing leaves the go rusty then look like there burning around the edges and look rough as hell.

im good thanks, i will get some calmag. think i will be ok as the water is soft but will still add some...thankyou. what have you got on the go, did you put any wr down ?