been a week and my clones have no roots? help pleaseee


Active Member
Sometimes it can take a couple weeks to get roots on some plants. Just wait it out, you'll get roots eventually. Do make sure to keep the rock wool moist too.
Sometimes it can take a couple weeks to get roots on some plants. Just wait it out, you'll get roots eventually. Do make sure to keep the rock wool moist too.
man its driving me nuts should i stop misting them twice daily? btw ive started using clone start to spray on them aswell but still no change


Well-Known Member
The more you mess with them the longer it's going to take. Just keep the environment for them perfect and it'll happen. A week is shooting pretty high. Usually 10 days is my average. Your pics don't work either, do they look ok?

Well-Known Member
Keep them moist and warm, the magic will happen. Mine take around two weeks for roots to show.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
They are alive and actualy look good, you are fine, try some voodoo juice if you have it, by far a great root stimulator


I agree with everyone!

Just as a side note.

Clones can root off tap water..

Not all clones will root, depending on the strain. As long as you act quickly and did not keep the flesh exposed for too long you're good. They're ways to prevent this next time.

If you follow this each time you're good.
pH water
Work quickly
I'd avoid rock wool personally, it has a higher pH than other growing mediums. I like EZ root cubes if I'm doing more than my EZ Cloner will take. EZ Cubes don't need anything else, just snip, dip ,wrap in wet paper towel and transport (cooler if you need time). Soak the cubes, put them in the cubes, lid and done.. (spray once-sh a day depending on circumstances) (get a pc fan or something to move the air around a little, you don't want PM)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cage there, that's great you took the time to create your own little environment for them. I used to have them on racks in my hallway however so it's not really a huge deal either way though.

What did you use to treat the clones before you put them in the rock wool?
What light are you using?
warmer the better (not too much, PM) Keep humid

They are alive and actualy look good, you are fine, try some voodoo juice if you have it, by far a great root stimulator
love this guy! awesome idea!
-God speed
I agree with everyone!

Just as a side note.

Clones can root off tap water..

Not all clones will root, depending on the strain. As long as you act quickly and did not keep the flesh exposed for too long you're good. They're ways to prevent this next time.

If you follow this each time you're good.
pH water
Work quickly
I'd avoid rock wool personally, it has a higher pH than other growing mediums. I like EZ root cubes if I'm doing more than my EZ Cloner will take. EZ Cubes don't need anything else, just snip, dip ,wrap in wet paper towel and transport (cooler if you need time). Soak the cubes, put them in the cubes, lid and done.. (spray once-sh a day depending on circumstances) (get a pc fan or something to move the air around a little, you don't want PM)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cage there, that's great you took the time to create your own little environment for them. I used to have them on racks in my hallway however so it's not really a huge deal either way though.

What did you use to treat the clones before you put them in the rock wool?
What light are you using?
warmer the better (not too much, PM) Keep humid

love this guy! awesome idea!
-God speed
i dipped them in clonex root stimulator asoon as i took each cutting and im using a lightwave t5 fluorescent atm but asoon as they are ready to pot im gunna change to hps
do you think if the one in your hand had roots they wouldn't have riped off when you pulled it out if the rockwool. stop messin with them be patient it could take up to 3 weeks like everyone els is telling you. just stop stressing out about it. if anything I wold have cut those big fan leaves in half toreduce transiration a lil bit but thats not nessasary
i see your point so im lucky they didnt i cant help but stress theres alot riding on this grow and i dont want to let myself down, closer inspection i noticed a root is starting to show through the cut but its very small it looks like a white spot underneath someones skin lol


Well-Known Member
leav en alone they are getting ready to root. You stressing will not make en root faster.they are plants they don't know your in ahurry.


Well-Known Member
Just planted 2 clones that have been in plain Alaska municipal tap water, not even left out to de-chlorinate but shaken like heck to oxygenate and changed frequently. Not even daily. Plain McD's large drink cup wrapped in gorilla tape for light blocking. No rooting dust, no Clonex (left in fridge last 6 months except for fun), no hormones or nothing!

Lifted cap today after 3 days of no water change and sweet mother of Ned roots galore. Both into 5 gallon DWC hydro units, one built ASAP today, and put into service an hour before lights out.

All this aero and whiz bang hocus pocus might produce clones faster. But I do it for free. I grow for me and for mine, not for sale and I keep things moving along so who cares if they root faster when mine root beautifully. Today's had veils of beautiful healthy white roots, into pumice with AN Sensi Grow A&B 1/4 strength, 1/4 strength Bud Candy to carbo load (these are flowering taken from a plant that began flowering a week later so . . . ..). Dual airstones gorilla glued together with a genyoowine Alaska rock gorilla glued to the 2 for weight and maybe free dolomite/lime. I know diddly squat about hydro and now it's going to be learn-on-the-fly with your help and the inevitable catcalls of shitbirds.

Water cloning - recommended by me and pot plants everywhere.

Oh yeah for those who are always thinking and ping on those travel mugs - if you use one they work great but don't put the cutting through the cap opening that comes with it. The roots it grows out in that pitch black environment keeps them from coming out easy. Better a plastic drink lid, large, laid over it, with holes. Those cut easily to free your clone while holding it in the center. NO NUTRIENTS!


Well-Known Member
Ok, first of all....the white thing you see is actually the thin layer where the roots will shoot from. To cut clones, you should cut a stem that is not too thin or thick. it needs to be strong enough to hold itself up but thin enough to allow easy root penetration from inside the stalk.
I cut my clones with scissors.....yes i said SCISSORS lol, and then use an exacto knife to slice a 45 degree angle on the tip. Next, you want to scrape the outer layer off the stem at the tip, where you want roots to come from. Dip it in water, then the clonex, and then directly into your rockwool or soil plug. I've used both, and also just filled a tray with perilite, stuck them in and got roots in 5-7 days.
Check out my threads, grow journals, and pics., There is alot of info in there for you to use.

Next, the relative humidity needs to be around 75-85%, with temps in the 75-80 range. I use a heat mat and thermostat under ALL my trays to control temps inside the dome. The lights are flouro's and i dont mean t5's, i use the regular tube 25 watters for a 4 foot shop light. I use a tall dome, and the light lays right ontop of the dome.

I agree with the others, PATIENCE is #1 RULE in this hobby of ours. Cut,plant, and watch.....ONLY WORK ON PLANTS WHEN THEY NEED IT.

I mist the clones, NOT THE RW, twice a day, and dip the rw cubes or plugs in PH balanced water with a drop or two of superthirve when they show signs of needing water. YOU CAN STILL OVER WATER CLONES (FYI) :)

Good luck to you, if you have any other questions feel free to ask


Well-Known Member
I would cut the tips of your leaves off also.

Since we're all expressing our cloning opinions... I'll tell you how I do things:
Firstly I honestly see no reason why, given the perfect conditions, that ANY strain will not root.
I haven't been taking clones for the longest time and don't claim to know shit about it, but I've never had a clone not root on me using the simplest method I could think of. That being said... I use peat pellets, the shitty ones from walmart, and I use Shultz brand cloning POWDER. Also found at wally. Pretty simple after that. I cut (with trimming scissors) a top, remove all but the last two sets of leaves, get a 45* angle going and score it. Dip in water, dip in cloning powder, put in peat pellet in a dome. Water when dry, mist daily. Boom. Roots in ~10 days. 100+ clones taken, not a single miss. Seems pretty easy to me.

Also, I don't do any type of pHing or crazy cloning solution. Costs me about $10 every month or so? I don't give a shit enough to even keep track it's such a simple thing for me. Cloning is all about patience IMO.

Stop pulling your clones out of the rockwool. Hell if I were you I'd ditch RW all together, has given me nothing but problems.
I would cut the tips of your leaves off also.

Since we're all expressing our cloning opinions... I'll tell you how I do things:
Firstly I honestly see no reason why, given the perfect conditions, that ANY strain will not root.
I haven't been taking clones for the longest time and don't claim to know shit about it, but I've never had a clone not root on me using the simplest method I could think of. That being said... I use peat pellets, the shitty ones from walmart, and I use Shultz brand cloning POWDER. Also found at wally. Pretty simple after that. I cut (with trimming scissors) a top, remove all but the last two sets of leaves, get a 45* angle going and score it. Dip in water, dip in cloning powder, put in peat pellet in a dome. Water when dry, mist daily. Boom. Roots in ~10 days. 100+ clones taken, not a single miss. Seems pretty easy to me.

Also, I don't do any type of pHing or crazy cloning solution. Costs me about $10 every month or so? I don't give a shit enough to even keep track it's such a simple thing for me. Cloning is all about patience IMO.

Stop pulling your clones out of the rockwool. Hell if I were you I'd ditch RW all together, has given me nothing but problems.
what do you use instead of rockwool? you mean coir pellets?