Homemade Scale


Active Member
Until I get a digital scale is there any way I can construct something with the stuff in my house to get a pretty accurate measurement of 1 gram and .5? Just dime-ing up some beanos and p5's and wanna make sure im not giving out to little/much.


Well-Known Member
Can't help you, but scales are really cheap. You can find one for well under $20 on ebay, shipping included. These guys were really good to me. Try and get one with a calibration weight.


Well-Known Member
You could probably find fish scales/hand scales somewhere in town, but if you're gonna go buy something, might as well get a digi.



Well-Known Member
You could probably find fish scales/hand scales somewhere in town, but if you're gonna go buy something, might as well get a digi.

That baby brings back memories. Haven't had one like that in almost 10 years. This was back when decent digital scales were a lot more expensive. I had my eye on a Triple Beam for a while that was about $160.


Here's some pictures of my simple homemade deflection/spring scale:

First find some plastic, here I found that some trellis netting packaging will work.

Here is the design I ended up going with that so far works the best for weights from 1 gram to 4 grams

Find something to support the scale, a wallet or a book.

Calibrate it to the weight you want to weigh out. In this picture I used one US penny(2.5 grams) and 1 dollar(1 gram) = 3.5 grams calibration. Simply pull the scale out of the support until the scale just touches the flat surface with the calibration weight in it.

Remove the calibration weight and add bud(or whatever you want to weight) on to the scale until the scale just touches the flat surface again.

Here's the bud that was weighed out with the cheap scale on a nice digital scale to test it's accuracy. As you can see it was off by 0.1, and with more practice and improving your technique, accuracy can be even further improved.

This is great for several reasons, you can carry something like this around and not be caught with a scale and bud, as this can get you a serious citation in most states/countries. It's cheap and also doesn't require batteries to function. And it's straight bad ass.

If you need to do 0.5 grams you can either cut a dollar in half to calibrate it, or use a stack of pennies next(but not touching) to the end of the scale tray, if the scale is calibrated to 1 gram and when empty is, lets say, 6 pennies tall, add bud until the tray is at 3 pennies tall.

This method is just as accurate as any manufactured store bought spring scale.

There are also simple ways to make a complex balance scale and is even more accurate, like what I call a tissue box scale or a beer case scale, and is technically a safisticated balance scale. You take a case of beer open the top up nice and clean and cut the doors or top off, trying to keep the case semetrical and balanced. Make sure the case is empty. Get another piece of cardboard from the bottom of another box make sure it's longer than the highth of your beer case and almost as wide. You will be using that card board as the center stand of the balance scale. Prop up the center cardboard stand between 4 beers. Invert the empty beer case and carefully place and balance on the center stand. Using the center stand that should still be visible at the bottom of the scale mark where it's at or remeber a marking on the case, this is your balance reading. Now you can place weight semetrically on the top of the box using US currency... To weight out 0.5 gram with this scale you put the dollar halfway between the center of the box balance point and the edge of the box on one side of the scale, while using the other side to slowly add bud to bring the box to perfect balance again at 0.5 gram.

If you understand the concept of weight scales building and using these methods with accuracy is pretty easy.


Well-Known Member
Flexing any material not designed for flexion causes fatigue, cracks and then total failure. In a pinch I see your point. Your digital scales are in your pocket or bag because you might buy gold. You're very interested in it lately. Screw the cops.


Active Member
Flexing any material not designed for flexion causes fatigue, cracks and then total failure. In a pinch I see your point. Your digital scales are in your pocket or bag because you might buy gold. You're very interested in it lately. Screw the cops.
I wouldn't even tell them what the scale was for. Any communication would be from my lawyer.Cops suck but without them the gangs would rule.But hey that is a conversation for another night...

Anyways props for the ghetto scale as a self proclaimed Ghetto grower I think it's cool. But a digi is a hell of a lot more pro.


Flexing any material not designed for flexion causes fatigue, cracks and then total failure. In a pinch I see your point. Your digital scales are in your pocket or bag because you might buy gold. You're very interested in it lately. Screw the cops.
Good point, anyone who uses this ghetto scale should find a plastic that has a decent elastic limit and doesn't have rapid degradation, and should check the ghetto scale for signs of fatigue before trusting it's accuracy. Fortunately, most common harder clear plastic packaging fits the bill. I just know how it is to be on a tight budget, and this saved me from having to buy a new scale or batteries for my cheap scale that I bought(takes special watch type batteries). The damn thing eats batteries for breakfast, lunch and dinner, unless I pull the battery out after each use. My fault for not looking for a little better digi... Tried to get a cheap digi and that's what I got... shit. But, the free one works fine. Hence why I started figuring out how to build these in the first place. Another good point, police do suck, fuck 'em(most of 'em), but that doesn't negate the fact they have authority to make life more difficult than it should be. This just takes away one more thing they can write down on a citation.

I wouldn't even tell them what the scale was for. Any communication would be from my lawyer.Cops suck but without them the gangs would rule.But hey that is a conversation for another night...
Anyways props for the ghetto scale as a self proclaimed Ghetto grower I think it's cool. But a digi is a hell of a lot more pro.

I have access to a nice digi, but it's not very convenient for me to barrow and carrier it around every other day. I'm a new grower, which is why I'm on a tight budget. I'd rather spend the money on other utilities that will make sure my investment pays off. After my first harvest I'll probably invest some money in to a new scale. Wait, no I wont, I still have more shit to buy to make my grow easier on me, still need a complete watering system, new medium, more mom plant lighting, temperature vent fan controller, an EC meter, more nutes, etc.... Ah the joys of very low budget first time indoor grow from ground up.

Anyway, I've been using this ghetto scale for two months now and it always checks out +/- 0.1.