DWC Greenhouse update

wizard az

Arizona deep water culture greenhouse up date

Here are a few pic of the greenhouse. They got too big about a month ago. Had to take out the vegetables ran out of room LOL. Everything going well so far as you can see, growing in the valley is not imposable, Take care.



Well-Known Member
Wow I am amazed how are you dealing with water temps ?? Using a chiller or does your DWC water just stay hot?

wizard az

If you keep your grass nice and green around the greenhouse your water should stay 80 deg or so. The roots are nice and white and take up about 5/8 of a 5 gal bucket


Active Member
I bet you wish you would have gone with that 10x12 instead of the smaller one!!

Looks nice and packed!!


Active Member
Amazing you don't get pythium even at 80f res temps. Do you run a lot of H2O2? How often do you change nutes, what size air pump and is it a recirc system? I don't see any lines anywhere... either way congrats, that bad boy is truly overgrown!
Is that a cooler hooked up to the greenhouse? What size?
only guessing but if you're lookin at what I'm lookin at, looks like a 5000 CFM cyclone exhaust fan?

wizard az

The cooler is 2000 cfm works great for the size of room great air flow. You can control humidity by turning on the pump when needed. Watch out that you don’t get the humidity to high or you will get mold. All the piping for the system is underground this will help cool the water temp in the reservoir nice and cool. No h2o2 added at all. Nutes change every two weeks works well for me. This is all tap water with a ppm of 650 GH nutes with hard water Micro. With a tap water ppm that high I run at 1300 ppm. Air pump 45 liter. You just need to think out of the box and try something new. It has been great to stay away from the high electric bill and the smell


Well-Known Member
The cooler is 2000 cfm works great for the size of room great air flow. You can control humidity by turning on the pump when needed. Watch out that you don’t get the humidity to high or you will get mold. All the piping for the system is underground this will help cool the water temp in the reservoir nice and cool. No h2o2 added at all. Nutes change every two weeks works well for me. This is all tap water with a ppm of 650 GH nutes with hard water Micro. With a tap water ppm that high I run at 1300 ppm. Air pump 45 liter. You just need to think out of the box and try something new. It has been great to stay away from the high electric bill and the smell
Sounds cool. Do you have pics of everything when you were burying it?


Active Member
Oh it's one of these things?
and you shut the water pump off manually if the RH gets too high? or you have it on a humidistat? I'm struggling to get my humidity UP with AC in a tent... swamp cooler is probably perfect for AZ. Still don't see how you keep the res temps down though.

wizard az

Yes that is the cooler i manually turn on the pump.If you can see my res,piping and buckets are in the ground. The water in the ground keeps my temp right @ 80 deg even when its 112 deg outside. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
How often do you change out rez?
If you dont ever encounter any slime or diseases in your res then you dont need to change out just add back, not the way I would do it but yeah some people never clean/change out the res just add back water..Even 80 degrees would scare me but I guess it works for him and his operation.