I need info on hps light !!!! Do i need ballast


i just bought a HPS 150 watt bulb not knowing i would need other pieces like a ballast and igniter is ther anyway i can use this bulb without a ballast and will a 150 watt be enough to grow one plant and if so what would be the perfect size of grow room


Well-Known Member
Come on bro.....Do some research before blowin your hard earned cash :( You're lucky the dicks didn't get to you first on here and flame you.

I agree with the above post on being enough for one plant.


Well-Known Member
Any HID (High Intensity Discharge) lighting such as HPS, MH & CMH requires a ballast, even the low wattage HID bulbs like 50W-70W require a ballast. Yes a 150W HID will grow one plant, however that's about all you can grow with it and I recommend to keep it fairly short, a 150W HPS/MH isn't going to have that great of penetration, it will produce some fairly nice buds but there won't be much for yield. I would imagine that a small closet, cab or PC would be the best place to utilized a 150W HID, what kind of setup will you be using? Soil? Hydro? Here is a 150W HPS grow thread, I'm sure you can find some useful info there: (https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/28781-150w-hps-grow-light.html)


Well-Known Member
Come on bro.....Do some research before blowin your hard earned cash :( You're lucky the dicks didn't get to you first on here and flame you.

I agree with the above post on being enough for one plant.
Granted if he would have just taken some time to do a search on 150W HID grows all of his questions would probably have been answered but how would he be "blowin" his hard earned cash? Maybe all he wants is to grow is one plant or maybe he only has the means to grow one plant, either way why would anyone "flame" him for that? Technically starting this thread is doing research and some people have a hard time finding information online so what exactly is he doing wrong? There are going to be "Dicks" practically everywhere you go who look to "flame" someone for anything that rubs them the wrong way, to hell with them, life's too short to worry about that, I for one won't be walking on egg shells because someone might have an opinion.


Well-Known Member
Take it easy....There are dicks on this site that WILL say dumb shit, just because of the question he asked.

You took that post the wrong way. sorry you thought I was being rude but unfortunately this website has a rep for having trolling dicks that flame newbs.

Also it is MY OPINION that he didn't do too much research before buying that bulb. I went to wikipedia typed in HID and saw this "Like fluorescent lamps, HID lamps require a ballast to start and maintain their arcs.

took me 10 seconds...

Great for you man for deciding to try growing. My advice to you would to do a bit more research before you buy anymore equipment or seeds. There is a lot to learn and if you cut corners something WILL go wrong.

Good luck to you man. If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to asks, I only said that because I was bummed you went out and bought a bulb without doing research only to find out you have to buy like a $100 ballast.

Maybe if he would have read a little more he would have wanted to go a cheaper CFL route who knows only he does.



i have found them as low as 30 dollars and of course i know that i needed a ballast but i have heard of some people making there own homemade ballast which is why i posted this thread to see if maybe any experienced growers had some kind of useful information that a newbie like me doesnt know about but i have decided to do away with the 150 watt and bump to a 400 watt not real sure if i am doing the right type of light its about 6 -7 weeks into veg high pressure sodium or MH or cfl not sure which is best for my first indoor grow but i have heard too many good things about the 400 watt HPS for what i am doing

the only reaso i am doing 1 plant is because its my first grow so i had bought only one bean PINEAPPLE CHUNK BABY shit looked good and has a 25 % thc level so i wanted to put all my attention on this 1 plant so i can get it down pat


Well-Known Member
You can grow 2 plants, max 3 (if auto) plants with a 150 watter. If done right with LST you can get good results. And Jpeg I agree with you, there are "some", not many but some keyboard growers here that will spout off dumb shit. If you got 90 bucks I can send you a link for a good HPS mini system. And remember a HPS system will run a Metal Halide bulb. You just cant run a hps bulb in a Metal Halide ballist. I will say do not cut corners when it comes to electricity. That the last thing you need is a jerry rig ballest to start a fire and your place burns down. I've grown with CFL also, and to tell you "wish people would have told be up front" you'll spend more on a cfl grow then a 90 hps system hands down if you want to get decent results and plan on doing more then a couple grows.


Well-Known Member
i just bought a HPS 150 watt bulb not knowing i would need other pieces like a ballast and igniter
Why in hell did you do that and THEN come here? That's trying to close the barn door after the horse ran off. Seriously, go to a hydro store and ask questions. There are no dumb questions. Just silly folks coming to ask what else.


Well-Known Member
Why in hell did you do that and THEN come here? That's trying to close the barn door after the horse ran off. Seriously, go to a hydro store and ask questions. There are no dumb questions. Just silly folks coming to ask what else.
See there are people that will say worse than mean

Although hotrodharley isn't a douche troll.

Just blunt and speaks his mind from what I have seen


Well-Known Member
You could have bought a 150w mh/hps kit for around 70-80$ hell maybe even 50$ just for hps.Ebay is your friend.I got 400/600w mh/hps batwing kit for $121.50 but it only came with 400w bulbs but thats what i needed for my space.