While everyone is focused on Clint Eastwood


New Member
What do you think of Mitt Romneys advanced declaration of war on Iran?
This is the most disgusting video I ever watched, I couldn't even bare to finish it...it beats out the day obama won as far as disgusting....."I am going to help you and your family..." followed by standing ovation and cheers of "USA!USA!" what a bunch of fucking apes...fucking cattle!

Not even kidding I just almost vomited. If you understand liberty this is a very sickening thing to watch.


Well-Known Member
This is the most disgusting video I ever watched, I couldn't even bare to finish it...it beats out the day obama won as far as disgusting....."I am going to help you and your family..." followed by standing ovation and cheers of "USA!USA!" what a bunch of fucking apes...fucking cattle!
So original planet of the apes subway scene came to mind?


New Member
Then I just thought about how doomed we are when republicans cheat the election and rapidly increase the elevation of the police state - that’s when I almost 'frew up'


Well-Known Member
So original planet of the apes subway scene came to mind?

haha, I am saving some quotes I have seen from lefts and media about the RNC, and I am going to say the exact same things after the DNC. Watch how quick I am called a racist.

This one adds to my favorites, after the DNC I am going to post on another forum...

"So original planet of the apes subway scene came to mind?"

Ill be called a racist 1000x over that remark.

another one will be...

"I looked around at the people at the (DNC) and I realized THESE are not MY people".


Well-Known Member
Yes it crossed my mind but my primary thought was that 'Dumber' film were they all try to feed the plants gatoraide and have the pro-wrestler president.
Idiocracy - a movie made from the short story "the marching morons"


Well-Known Member
You must be one of the very few people I know who's read the original. RoboCop used several concepts from that story as well. cn

I was sorely dissapointed in the movie's treatment of a very deep concept. The intelligent minority being forced to support a world of idiots while feeling the need to have them think that their society was moving forward with cars that gave the perception of speed, would you buy it for a quarter?

Sometimes I feel the scenario has come to pass already.


Ursus marijanus
Notice that in RoboCop, inflation has transpired? "I'd buy that for a dollar!" And who doesn't want a 6000SUX? cn


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I was sorely dissapointed in the movie's treatment of a very deep concept. The intelligent minority being forced to support a world of idiots while feeling the need to have them think that their society was moving forward with cars that gave the perception of speed, would you buy it for a quarter?

Sometimes I feel the scenario has come to pass already.
i.e CVT transmissions that make a shift noise or bump/knock on frame to simulate gear change

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Which car does that? cn
many, if it has a cvt transmission badge on it and it makes a noticeable shift then there you go

on some cars that are hydride they have speakers on back that simulate exhaust noise as well, not sure if here in the states but elsewhere i have heard of them used as OEM equipment on vehicles

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hating government....

We have been convinced by those who use government to its own ends - big business and now the rightist propaganda machine that the only source of tyranny is government. This is very convenient as big business can hide behind the very institution it depends upon to appear blameless.

"well, the reason the price of our fuel is so high is..... government"
"well, the reason the price of fuel is so high is... government"
"we are your friends, we give you jobs and we give you choices, government does neither"

The question that should be asked of one's self every morning is -

What do I believe that big business would like me to believe"

Ask that of the common conservative and you will find no sunlight between the two things.

And of course - as you have seen me post - the notion that government cannot work is self sustaining. So long as we continue to believe government can't work, it won't.

When we recognize it as just one more tool we can begin to have it work for us rather than the other way around but so long as government is seen as alternatly a harsh and efficient master of our destiny and an inept thief of our liberty, it will be nothing but a weight around all of our necks.
The "problem" is when people or groups of people have power over others and don't bother with getting their voluntary consent to wield it. This can and does include government and the many entities that government shields. I agree with your last line....nothing but a weight around all of our necks.