you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

So it's ok to deny people the right to vote in a democracy? If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral. In a democracy everyone has a right to vote... If you're worried about fraud take a thumb print on the back of the ballot for people that don't have ID's.

that is the most ridiculous half assed hare brained idiotic assertion i have heard since "Libertarian Socialist"

our votes are anonymous and private so we may vote how we THINK rather than how the popular opinion feels.

thumbprints on ballots eliminates the anonymity of the voter and places the vote under scrutiny by any who feel the vote or the voter should be examined

and of course bucky loves this idea.

popular opinion is the only poll he trusts, and political correctness is the only ideology he can understand.
Photo ID laws

See also: Voter ID laws (United States)

Main article: Jim Crow laws

Caging lists

Main article: caging list

Examples of voter suppression in the United States

incredibly long copy/paste with no source attribution whatever cut down to it's heart:
Republicans are evil

if you insist on claiming you have a source why not provide the link?

because WHERE it comes from is irrelevant, the seriousness of the charges is all that matters.

that's nothing but cheap gamesmanship. you should be ashamed.