Drooping Problem


Hey everyone. I Just registered here because I need some help. Here's my story.
So I've acquired this plant recently (its about 5 feet) and I feel like I've been taking good care of it. Giving it enough sun and water, the right soil and such. But these past two days its been very very droopy. It just looks sad. I've done a lot of research on this topic and i keep coming up with the whole "over watering or under watering" debates but I really don't think i've done either of those. I feel the soil before i water it and also it's been raining so thats been doing the work for me. I'll post some pictures and would appreciate what everyone else's input is. It just doesn't look right to me. The buds seem to be coming in just fine, but all the leaves are so droopy now. First time grow by the way, so I'm not expirenced really at all, which is why i'm posting on here to hopefully get a diagnosis from some more experienced growers to see if my buddy is sick or not.
Anyway, i would appreciate the help.


here are some pictures (don't know why they are all sideways)



I hope not. I feel like I haven't watered it at all since I got it. And even when I have, it's only been a little

Thanks for your opinion by the way


Well-Known Member
Looks like it in shock Mon. I wonder how you recently "acquired" this plant, you didn't happen to "take" this plant did you Mon? Otherwise I believe you could "ask" the person you "acquired" it from?


Active Member
picture 3, 5 looks like wilting, water it , its big and in a little pot so it will dry out fast on hot days


Haha well first to clear things up. I did not steal it. Me and my friend invested some money and bought it. I would have loved to ask him all theese questions, like when was the last time he watered it and such but long story short, it was really rushed and the guy was ssuper messed up on all sorts of stuff and pissed at something and ended up going to jail that same night (sketchy I know). Otherwise I would be giving him a call about it. Also it was fine a few days ago it seemed. If it was a free plant I wouldn't be stressing too much about it.

about the pot size, I don't know. Been trying to figure that out myself. Does it look like it needs a bigger one compared to the plant itself?
so you think it needs more water? Thats a good point because it seems to dry pretty quick. The last thing I want to do is over water but Ill give it a shot.
thanks for the suggestions so far guys. Could really use this help


Well-Known Member
Ok sorry Mon, as long as you didn't steal it.........If it seems to dry quick then yeah give it more water Mon. Give it 2 gallons of water and maybe it came from indoors and never sun hardened yet MON, put along a fence in shade for a couple days and see if it looks better this mon would wait a day before watering again UNLESS ITS DRY. Good luck son and remember keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG.


Well-Known Member
I hope not. I feel like I haven't watered it at all since I got it. And even when I have, it's only been a little

Thanks for your opinion by the way
This could be the problem son, this Mon would give that ho a gallon or two every other day....Keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG!


Well-Known Member
Looks like she is dying of thirst.
My larger plants that are in 5 gal pots, I have to water every day.


Active Member
Underwatering is just as a common mistake as over watering.... if i had to guess, she needs more water (badly).... dont be afraid to water her...also i like the wet/dry weight comparison test better then the finger in the soil....more accurate imo


yea stealing a plant would be very bad karma for me and it.
But thanks everyone, i think you guys were right. it rained decently last night so i came out this morning and its looking a lot better. i guess i was just too worried about overwatering that barely watered it in the first place. I will most likely start watering it everyday because even after the heavy rain last night, the soil was pretty dry. so i gave it around a half gallon and now its nice and saturated.

There do seem to be some lower/smaller yellowish leafs at the bottom, would it be bad to cut those off? there was one big ol' leaf that was extremely droopy and starting to yellow and by my judgment it needed to go so hopefully i didn't hurt it too much.
Also bugs are loving this thing, I'll search on some more forms at this wonderful website, but any suggestions on ways to keep these pests away naturally?

thanks a bunch again everyone, great help so far


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like a nute burn it would go a brassy / brown colour. I have 5gal pots and they need to watered everyday or other. If I forget they start to wilt and after a few gallons of water and an hour later they perk right up and make sure your pots have holes in the bottom to release the excess water if the soil is already well saturated. I would put my money on this that it's definitely lack of water.


Active Member
yea stealing a plant would be very bad karma for me and it.
But thanks everyone, i think you guys were right. it rained decently last night so i came out this morning and its looking a lot better. i guess i was just too worried about overwatering that barely watered it in the first place. I will most likely start watering it everyday because even after the heavy rain last night, the soil was pretty dry. so i gave it around a half gallon and now its nice and saturated.

There do seem to be some lower/smaller yellowish leafs at the bottom, would it be bad to cut those off? there was one big ol' leaf that was extremely droopy and starting to yellow and by my judgment it needed to go so hopefully i didn't hurt it too much.
Also bugs are loving this thing, I'll search on some more forms at this wonderful website, but any suggestions on ways to keep these pests away naturally?

thanks a bunch again everyone, great help so far
Yea man water everyday if you have to, try to read your plants ....if they get even a little droopy give em water even if you watered not too long ago....try smartpots next year too, almost impossible to overwater... also those pests love your plant bc its stressed from lack of water.... try a pyrethrin spray such as "FF dont bug me"

As far as removing leaves, i dont take them off unless they are already completely yellow and come off with zero effort.... if you pull on it and it doesn't come off super easily, leave it...you're fine tho as far already pulling them off, just don't go crazy


Well-Known Member
It was overwatering the leafs would have a claw foot look. They would look like a claw.


it was for sure under watering. I just checked after giving it water earlier today and she's looking very happy. ill post pics.

ok ill go to the store later tonight and pick some up. i was also thinking about getting some neem oil because i read some good things about it. but if the other stuff is recommended then i'll give it a shot.
good to know about the leaves. another question is: should i be saving them if I'm trying to make hash? Like even the all the way dried up ones? i mean i know how to make hash already so i figured might as well.
thanks, you guys saved a plant today.
here are some pictures of today. (this happened in one day by the way) check out my first ones if you haven't already and compare. and yes thats my dog hiding behind it in the first one
