enjoying your three day weekend?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Sorry to burst your bubble, it's personal experience.
Hence the word, "anecdotal".

I could shove flowers up your butt and tell you all about my dad's, brothers', cousins' experiences with Unions. All positive. But it's merely anecdotal. Like your claims.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Hence the word, "anecdotal".

I could shove flowers up your butt and tell you all about my dad's, brothers', cousins' experiences with Unions. All positive. But it's merely anecdotal. Like your claims.
What are you saying? That everybody is just lying?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
and when you return to your 40 hour work weeks, be sure to thank unions then as well.
Yup and the people that are looking for work because the unions make it more difficult for companies to hire more people, how many hours do they get?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Hence the word, "anecdotal".

I could shove flowers up your butt and tell you all about my dad's, brothers', cousins' experiences with Unions. All positive. But it's merely anecdotal. Like your claims.
Anybody that is pro union is either lining their pockets through the union or too stupid or lazy or both to keep a job on their own merits.


New Member
Quick little story about unions and the Kalifornia Labor Board.

A few years back my guys approached me to see if they could change our work week to 4/10s so they could get permanent 3 day weekends. I didn't care as long as our production wasn't compromised. Thank God my wife checked into the legalities, even though it was their idea, we would have been liable for 2 hrs overtime for each employee per day that worked over 8 hrs!

That communist regulation was worked out between California politicians and the unions, BTW, it's perfectly legal to work 4/10s as long as you are a union shop.