The Science of Interconnectedness.

So if he DID find free/radiant energy and he DID transfer energy at kinda long distance, his main investor J.P Morgan (makes millions off of costly energy) wouldnt of destroyed Tesla's lab and repress this information because this information would of cost him millions?

If he DID and DID, and J.P Morgan DID ... then someone somewhere in the intervening century WOULD have. But nobody DID. So I consider it very unlikely that there was anything to it except rumor, sweet juicy rumor.

But what benefit in playing what-if games? It's a bit like saying what if Cindy Crawford DID show up at your front door and she DID most huskily say "I have had the most revealing dream about you" ... the end result is the same. cn

Nothing gets accomplished because you are unwilling to grow, and you are unable to present any information that helps me grow. You are uneducated academically and green when it comes to life. The problem isn't that we can't agree to disagree, the problem is you are unwilling to learn and unable to teach. The problem is not that your views conflict with mine, it's that they conflict with logic and each other while managing to say nothing meaningful. They are the refuge of a confused and inadequate mind, and because your mind is closed, it will always be inadequate. This is the reason you are constantly missing the point. This is the reason you have trouble with subtleties and nuance. You have forgone teaching yourself how to think, and concentrated completely on telling yourself what to think. Learning how to think is a life long process that you somehow got completely right by age 20.

Yes, you hide behind the idea that spirit is beyond science so science must change, yet the only changes you want to make are the ones that causes science to agree with you.

This is only true if you do not understand the difference between science and pseudoscience. There are in fact real scientists researching these subjects, and they are getting consistent results, negative ones, for nearly 100 years. We can make the results positive, but we must throw out certain standards of science, making it pseudoscience.

The expected response from you Heis. Twisting things in favor of material logic so that you must have the upper hand instead of agreeing to disagree. You will forever use the same condescending tone because of the inflated scientific ego that you have grown over the years. You are so far deep into materialism that you couldnt even comprehend what Sheldrake was saying in his article. I could use the same argument that you are using, but I feel that I have a better understanding of the situation. Opposite passions collide and results in pointless attempts to get the other to see things in a different view yet we both think that each other is far too deluded to understand anything the other says... Yet you still try and engage those that you KNOW wont budge from their views.

So if god, the soul, the spirit world exist then it must be material? You are certain of this? Is this an exception to the rule of forbidden certainty? If they are made of material, then wouldnt it be easy to detect? It cannot be detected using material tools, so therefore it probably doesnt exist? Argument out of ignorance... These things are labelled by the scientific community as "supernatural", so yes, I think they are beyond materialistic science, and apparently materialistic science agrees with me, because the "supernatural" is above nature. If they werent above materialistic science then materialistic science would of found these things and proved them to be materially natural. Why is it so hard to accept that 'god' is not made of material? "Because everything else in this world is material" is a shit poor excuse. 'If' we die and our souls go to the spirit world to join other spirits and gods, obviously their world functions differently than ours. It is a completely different reality with different rules. Do you think materialistic science has value in the spirit world?

Another argument out of ignorance. If a scientist is getting positive results of the supernatural then his experiments must be flawed? Really? So a scientist that proves 'god' without a doubt, with repeatable and consistent results every single time is being deluded because he didnt use materialistic concepts? How do you not get claustrophobic in that box of materialism? Sheldrake has controlled experiments with consistent positive results and the scientific skeptics of much higher stature than yourself have the same argument out of ignorance. That he doesnt use materialism therefore his results must be flawed, they just say that over and over again without demonstrating how he is wrong and he goes on to win the approval of the unbiased audiences of these debates that are hosted by skeptics.

This is the song that never ends...
If he DID and DID, and J.P Morgan DID ... then someone somewhere in the intervening century WOULD have. But nobody DID. So I consider it very unlikely that there was anything to it except rumor, sweet juicy rumor.

But what benefit in playing what-if games? It's a bit like saying what if Cindy Crawford DID show up at your front door and she DID most huskily say "I have had the most revealing dream about you" ... the end result is the same. cn


LOL but inventors DID follow up on Tesla's studies and improved on it! Man I am starting to like this exchange lol. Money is power in this world, and if knowledge reduces the flow of money than that knowledge will be repressed. If free/unlimited energy were made public then 200 trillion dollars worth of limited energy would be useless. No oil, no coal, no hydro, no NOTHIN. Making this technology public would NEVER make up for that 200 trillion dollars that would be lost. Please watch the parts of the video I told you to watch and quit spewing arguments out of ignorance lol I never felt more in control.
ha ha he proves you wrong(based on your premise) and you just ignore it and go on with what if statements and shoulda beena talk . . . .. i love it, im entertained
The expected response from you Heis. Twisting things in favor of material logic so that you must have the upper hand instead of agreeing to disagree. You will forever use the same condescending tone because of the inflated scientific ego that you have grown over the years. You are so far deep into materialism that you couldnt even comprehend what Sheldrake was saying in his article. I could use the same argument that you are using, but I feel that I have a better understanding of the situation. Opposite passions collide and results in pointless attempts to get the other to see things in a different view yet we both think that each other is far too deluded to understand anything the other says... Yet you still try and engage those that you KNOW wont budge from their views.

Your attempts to shut others up have become more subtle, but still recognizable. No matter the reason I engage you, you will continue to be engaged. Condescending or not, my words are there to critisize, it depends on your ability to explain and defend, to find and communicate merit.

So if god, the soul, the spirit world exist then it must be material? You are certain of this? Is this an exception to the rule of forbidden certainty? If they are made of material, then wouldnt it be easy to detect? It cannot be detected using material tools, so therefore it probably doesnt exist? Argument out of ignorance... These things are labelled by the scientific community as "supernatural", so yes, I think they are beyond materialistic science, and apparently materialistic science agrees with me, because the "supernatural" is above nature. If they werent above materialistic science then materialistic science would of found these things and proved them to be materially natural. Why is it so hard to accept that 'god' is not made of material? "Because everything else in this world is material" is a shit poor excuse. 'If' we die and our souls go to the spirit world to join other spirits and gods, obviously their world functions differently than ours. It is a completely different reality with different rules. Do you think materialistic science has value in the spirit world?

You are not talking to me, unless you have not been reading my posts. I believe there is more to conscious existence than material things. Afterall, I accept psychology and sociology, which are not sciences.

Another argument out of ignorance. If a scientist is getting positive results of the supernatural then his experiments must be flawed?

This is not what an argument from ignorance is BTW. But anyhow, no one is saying that because he has positive results his methods are flawed. We are saying that because his methods are flawed he is getting positive results. This is what I mean when I say you have a problem understanding nuance.

Really? So a scientist that proves 'god' without a doubt, with repeatable and consistent results every single time is being deluded because he didnt use materialistic concepts? How do you not get claustrophobic in that box of materialism? Sheldrake has controlled experiments with consistent positive results and the scientific skeptics of much higher stature than yourself have the same argument out of ignorance. That he doesnt use materialism therefore his results must be flawed, they just say that over and over again without demonstrating how he is wrong and he goes on to win the approval of the unbiased audiences of these debates that are hosted by skeptics.

Sheldrake uses the controls he sees fit, and discounts those he doesn't like, which is also known as pseudoscience. It has nothing to do with materialism, Sheldrake has "American idol reject" syndrome.
LOL but inventors DID follow up on Tesla's studies and improved on it! Man I am starting to like this exchange lol. Money is power in this world, and if knowledge reduces the flow of money than that knowledge will be repressed. If free/unlimited energy were made public then 200 trillion dollars worth of limited energy would be useless. No oil, no coal, no hydro, no NOTHIN. Making this technology public would NEVER make up for that 200 trillion dollars that would be lost. Please watch the parts of the video I told you to watch and quit spewing arguments out of ignorance lol I never felt more in control.

The United States isn't the whole world. Don't you think the Germans would have done this, if they could? And I don't mean the woo <cough> foo fighter thing either.

Or the Sovs. Or the Imperial Japanese. or even the poor dear Austrians. If there had been anything to it at all, J.P. Morgan and his merrie men would have had no capacity at all to stop the research in a developed but unaligned nation. The Germans of the '20s through '40s were a force, the masters of technological creation until the war those fools started and lost kicked the USA off their complacent neutralist butts. Sic transit Gloria. cn
Here is an example of one of the things Sheldrake would change about science, the null hypothesis.

His posit of morphic resonance basically states that memory is inherit in nature. So when a certain shape, structure, behavior, ect has occurred many times, it becomes more likely to occur again. We each have fields, and those fields are based off previous fields. Similar fields are connected and resonate with each other. This offers an explanation for all sorts of phenomena like esp and precognition, such as knowing who is calling on the phone before you answer. He points to examples of these fields when we see a flock of birds move in perfect unison, or how a squirrel knows to gather nuts for the winter when he has never been through one. It's basically an expanded concept of collective memory to include consciousness.

But science looks at this hypothesis and see possible predictions. If the idea were happening, shouldn't we see chemical compounds being easier and easier to synthesize as their shapes enter into natures memory? Shouldn't things like puzzles and video games become easier to solve as the enter more and more into the collective consciousnesses? Mankind has been learning to ride a bike for a pretty long time now, how come it has not gotten any easier for children of today to learn than it was 100 years ago? How come every year there are a percentage of squirrels who do not gather food for winter and die?

Well this is where Sheldrake starts criticizing science. Somehow, asking these questions becomes being anchored in the materialistic paradigm. He feels no need to consider the null hypothesis. Yet, when he finds studies that seem to support the idea, he accepts them. Rats learning to run a maze better and better with each generation. Termites working together perfectly even though they are blind and separated by a steal plate. When it is pointed out that these studies are sloppy and flawed, it's back to the "science is outdated" rhetoric.

Sheldrake see evidence in anecdotal information. If someone feels compelled to stop their car and then a tree falls in front of them, it''s confirmation. If someone is thinking about their mother and then she calls, it's evidence. He makes no mention of the times when we think of someone and they do not call, or the times we stop our car and nothing happens. He glances over basic critical thinking concepts such as confirmation bias, he devalues scientific concepts like experimental protocol, and then when he isn't taken seriously he blames the system for not being as deluded as him.

Here is a paper that demonstrates what can happen when we ignore scientific protocols when doing science. This paper shows a positive conclusion that listening to music about being old actually makes you physically younger. When you use methods such as Sheldrake's you can pretty much show a positive result for anything. So the idea that listening to music about being old will reverse your aging process has as much support as Sheldrake's interconectedness.

Oh so all of the sudden you are able to understand what Sheldrake is trying to say? I think the copy-n-paste is being used here...

Consciousness is a factor in Sheldrakes theory. Do all organisms of the same type share the exact same consciousness? They do not. They have different personalities. Its about harmonious resonance with those that emit a vibration field that is similar to yours and your consciousness/personality effects what vibration you emit. There are many people and things that we are not in harmony (like me and you) so, according to his theory, that is why we are not completely connected. Not because Sheldrake ignores hard facts. You are more connected to those that you are in harmony with. I could be using the word "soul" as well but I think thats a bit too far fetched for you.
The United States isn't the whole world. Don't you think the Germans would have done this, if they could? And I don't mean the woo <cough> foo fighter thing either.

Or the Sovs. Or the Imperial Japanese. or even the poor dear Austrians. If there had been anything to it at all, J.P. Morgan and his merrie men would have had no capacity at all to stop the research in a developed but unaligned nation. The Germans of the '20s through '40s were a force, the masters of technological creation until the war those fools started and lost kicked the USA off their complacent neutralist butts. Sic transit Gloria. cn

Why would this information be impossible to repress by J.P. Morgan? He would of been one of the first to know about it, he was a powerful man and he made things happen. Not expecting anything, Teslas lab was burnt down and all information was lost and he was threatened to not continue his studies on radiant energy. How would this information of got leaked when it was so quickly put under wraps? How would other countries have knowledge of this extensive research if barely any of them knew he was studying radiant energy? How many countries even cared that he was doing these studies?... Money is the world man and this form of knowledge would of threw 200 trillion dollars down the drain, making those in power MUCH less powerful.
Your attempts to shut others up have become more subtle, but still recognizable. No matter the reason I engage you, you will continue to be engaged. Condescending or not, my words are there to critisize, it depends on your ability to explain and defend, to find and communicate merit.

You are not talking to me, unless you have not been reading my posts. I believe there is more to conscious existence than material things. Afterall, I accept psychology and sociology, which are not sciences.

This is not what an argument from ignorance is BTW. But anyhow, no one is saying that because he has positive results his methods are flawed. We are saying that because his methods are flawed he is getting positive results. This is what I mean when I say you have a problem understanding nuance.

Sheldrake uses the controls he sees fit, and discounts those he doesn't like, which is also known as pseudoscience. It has nothing to do with materialism, Sheldrake has "American idol reject" syndrome.

Even though you know your engagements are completely useless, you engage. You like wild goose chases. And I do criticize and explain, then you criticize and explain, then I criticize and explain, forever and ever pointlessly. With both sides saying that the other is refusing to learn... Because one side likes wild goose chases...

You completely avoided my argument here, please answer every question in the second paragraph.

You only say his methods are flawed because he is not sticking to the material paradigm of science, therefore every positive result must be flawed, according to you.

I explained more about Sheldrakes theory with my last response to you. I use that as a response to this.
Oh so all of the sudden you are able to understand what Sheldrake is trying to say? I think the copy-n-paste is being used here...

If you think these aren't my words I welcome you to locate the page I copied from. I have heard of Sheldrake's research since back in 2006 when he did the telephone study. I've listened to him debate Richard Wiseman, and heard him interviewed on Theater of the Mind. Morphic fields were integral to the plot of Torchwood last season. I realized this was the person you were championing about 10 pages ago, and no, I still haven't followed your original link.

Consciousness is a factor in Sheldrakes theory. Do all organisms of the same type share the exact same consciousness? They do not. They have different personalities. Its about harmonious resonance with those that emit a vibration field that is similar to yours and your consciousness/personality effects what vibration you emit. There are many people and things that we are not in harmony (like me and you) so, according to his theory, that is why we are not completely connected. Not because Sheldrake ignores hard facts. You are more connected to those that you are in harmony with. I could be using the word "soul" as well but I think thats a bit too far fetched for you.

Exactly, when his assumptions are criticized, like asking these questions,

If the idea were happening, shouldn't we see chemical compounds being easier and easier to synthesize as their shapes enter into natures memory? Shouldn't things like puzzles and video games become easier to solve as the enter more and more into the collective consciousnesses? Mankind has been learning to ride a bike for a pretty long time now, how come it has not gotten any easier for children of today to learn than it was 100 years ago?

He defends by making more assumptions. He heaps more bullshit onto the pile to cover up the bullshit that's being pointed to. When it's pointed out that science values parsimony when making assumptions, he says science is outdated. It is only the disqualifying controls he has problems with.

Following these standards you can prove just about anything you want, even in a scientific looking way. When something looks like science but makes mistakes which science avoids, we call it pseudoscience. Sheldrakes brand of pseudoscience is not hard to understand, they all arise for a similar reason, which is, 'Parts of science disagree with my pet theory so lets throw those parts out".
Even though you know your engagements are completely useless, you engage. You like wild goose chases. And I do criticize and explain, then you criticize and explain, then I criticize and explain, forever and ever pointlessly. With both sides saying that the other is refusing to learn... Because one side likes wild goose chases...

I don't think they are useless, which is why I engage. If my goal were to change your mind I might reconsider, but obviously that is not my motivation.

You completely avoided my argument here, please answer every question in the second paragraph.

That paragraph was not addressed to me, or else it was written to me by someone who has not read my posts on the subject. I do not take the position that life is only about material concepts. I believe Tyler was discussing that issue with you.

You only say his methods are flawed because he is not sticking to the material paradigm of science, therefore every positive result must be flawed, according to you.

I am saying he relaxes any protocols which allow him to massage the data, on top of misunderstanding the distinction between science and pretend science, and why it's important to distinguish. You would like me to say something like "therefore every positive result must be flawed", but I didn't, unless you ignore nuance and make assumptions. I am saying he ignores methodology which controls for certain errors because his very hypotheses depends on those errors.
If you think these aren't my words I welcome you to locate the page I copied from. I have heard of Sheldrake's research since back in 2006 when he did the telephone study. I've listened to him debate Richard Wiseman, and heard him interviewed on Theater of the Mind. I realized this was the person you were championing about 10 pages ago, and no, I still haven't followed your original link.

Exactly, when his assumptions are criticized, like asking these questions,

He defends by making more assumptions. He heaps more bullshit onto the pile to cover up the bullshit that's being pointed to. When it's pointed out that science values parsimony when making assumptions, he says science is outdated. It is only the disqualifying controls he has problems with.

Following these standards you can prove just about anything you want, even in a scientific looking way. When something looks like science but makes mistakes which science avoids, we call it pseudoscience. Sheldrakes brand of pseudoscience is not hard to understand, they all arise for a similar reason, which is, 'Parts of science disagree with my pet theory so lets throw those parts out".

My explanation still counters the errors you presented. Chemicals compounds are not living organisms so they have less of an effect of the fields of reality. Their mechanisms and habits are more fixed. A puzzle would be easier to solve if many that share a similar consciousness/personality were doing that puzzle. Bikes would be easier to ride if many kids that share a similar consciousness/personality were learning to ride a bike.
I don't think they are useless, which is why I engage. If my goal were to change your mind I might reconsider, but obviously that is not my motivation.

That paragraph was not addressed to me, or else it was written to me by someone who has not read my posts on the subject. I do not take the position that life is only about material concepts. I believe Tyler was discussing that issue with you.

I am saying he relaxes any protocols which allow him to massage the data, on top of misunderstanding the distinction between science and pretend science, and why it's important to distinguish. You would like me to say something like "therefore every positive result must be flawed", but I didn't, unless you ignore nuance and make assumptions. I am saying he ignores methodology which controls for certain errors because his very hypotheses depends on those errors.

So your motivation is that you are protecting people from being fooled because the information being presented doesnt sit well with how you view material reality? Please tell me your motivation for these wild goose chases.

I am talking about god, souls, and the spirit world and how they are not of material. You criticized me like you think such things would be of material, my argument was completely relevant. I think you are avoiding that argument because I would be proving a point.
So your motivation is that you are protecting people from being fooled because the information being presented doesnt sit well with how you view material reality? Please tell me your motivation for these wild goose chases.

You would like for this to be an issue of motivation. The only motivation we need to criticize bad ideas is to agree that some ideas are worthless and some are useful. Even useful ones have room for improvement.

I am talking about god, souls, and the spirit world and how they are not of material. You criticized me like you think such things would be of material, my argument was completely relevant. I think you are avoiding that argument because I would be proving a point.

Again, you would like me to make this argument, but I am not. Ive made statements such as

If we lived by scientific rationale, we would be forced to ignore sentimental value, yet each of us has some item that means something special to us because of who gave it to us or possessed it previously. Science is forever objective, the human experience is subjective. Science can't give me any reason why I do not like the taste of spinach. If science can't hold sway of such a simple thing just because it's subjective, then science is obviously not the only tool we use to navigate life. Science is both necessary and insufficient.


Just as it's proper to say that in matters of spiritualism, science does not rule, or even hold sway.

And just so there is no confusion, I accept that there may be a sacred element to our consciousnesses and that element could very well be beyond the understanding of science. I value spiritual investigation, I just don't over value it. I accept that science may be too objective to fully grasp the subjectivity of consciousnesses, but I do not accept the false dichotomy that this means we have to accept pseudoscience.

And as I have pointed out before, when spiritual concepts tread into the physical world, like morphic fields certainly do, they must then play by the rules nature has outlined, or give proper motivation to adjust the rules. Hand-waving dismissal of criticism is not proper motivation. Morphic resonance is a bad idea and it falls apart in the same ways all bad ideas fall apart, and Sheldrake justifies it in the same way all pseudoscientists do.
My explanation still counters the errors you presented. Chemicals compounds are not living organisms so they have less of an effect of the fields of reality. Their mechanisms and habits are more fixed. A puzzle would be easier to solve if many that share a similar consciousness/personality were doing that puzzle. Bikes would be easier to ride if many kids that share a similar consciousness/personality were learning to ride a bike.

This is not a counter, this is an example of you making as many assumptions as needed to support your view. Show to me that these aren't assumptions and I will pay attention. You do not think similar minded people find puzzles an interesting hobby? You don't think similar personalities are attracted to video games? You think bike riding is so uncommon that not enough of the same group has learned to ride? Certainly all types of people have learned to use the English alphabet, yet it has not gotten any easier for kids to grasp when learning it. Are there just not enough of the same personalities that read for it to become easier? How many Chinese children have learned to use chopsticks? Shouldn't they be using them shortly after birth by now?

Strange how resonance fields are unique in just that certain way which gets them around elementary scrutiny.
You would like for this to be an issue of motivation. The only motivation we need to criticize bad ideas is to agree that some ideas are worthless and some are useful. Even useful ones have room for improvement.

Again, you would like me to make this argument, but I am not. Ive made statements such as


And just so there is no confusion, I accept that there may be a sacred element to our consciousnesses and that element could very well be beyond the understanding of science. I value spiritual investigation, I just don't over value it. I accept that science may be too objective to fully grasp the subjectivity of consciousnesses, but I do not accept the false dichotomy that this means we have to accept pseudoscience.

And as I have pointed out before, when spiritual concepts tread into the physical world, like morphic fields certainly do, they must then play by the rules nature has outlined, or give proper motivation to adjust the rules. Hand-waving dismissal of criticism is not proper motivation. Morphic resonance is a bad idea and it falls apart in the same ways all bad ideas fall apart, and Sheldrake justifies it in the same way all pseudoscientists do.

Yes, you said "this is not my motivation" for engaging in wild goose chases, so I figured the topic was motivation. It seems like you twisting things in your favor again. Can you tell me your motivation for starting wild goose chases? Im trying to improve science by taking the materialism out of it because I'm convinced things like the soul, the spirit world, and god are not of material.

Again, you are avoiding the argument. I am talking about specific things, not about the non material examples that you have provided... Why do you think that things like the soul, the spirit world, and god would be made of material? We cannot detect the soul, the spirit world, and god using materialism, therefore it probably doesnt exist?

So if you except that there may be something sacred about reality that is above science, why not remove the part of science that is stopping it from exploring this sacred reality? Why are controlled experiments impossible when materialism is thrown away? It seems stubborn and lazy. Im only making this point because I got the impression that you think things like god must be material.

I told you why your take on Sheldrake is wrong in my last response about his theory. You seem pretty confident that you have proved him wrong when scientists of much higher stature than yourself have failed to.