enjoying your three day weekend?

WTF does "bolded" mean? LOL

I'm not a very good typist and sometimes I make a typo, especially when the posts are coming fast. I'll own up to my mistakes, I doubt UB will own up to anything because he thinks everything he says and does is perfect. Whether it is or not.
Why would he gets so mad about what I said unless there was some truth to it?
One of two things happened to beenthere:

1. His testicles finally dropped and with that rush of hormones he said what he really thinks. Usually his racism
is under the surface.

2. He slipped and let his true feelings appear without the veil he always uses to hide behind.

Either way, like I've said many times here; he's nothing more than a scared white racist.
One of two things happened to beenthere:

1. His testicles finally dropped and with that rush of hormones he said what he really thinks. Usually his racism
is under the surface.

2. He slipped and let his true feelings appear without the veil he always uses to hide behind.

Either way, like I've said many times here; he's nothing more than a scared white racist.

Lots of people on here disagree with the democrats, Obama , liberals etc etc
a few of them are racist. They are usually the ones crying about anyone pointing it out

WTF is nigga rich ????? Damn your true side is really breaking out

Dude, where do you live, remote Alaska? LOL

been there is really showing himself. racist and proud of it.
I guess Dave Chappelle is a racist too, your type thinks being Johnny Whiteboy to the racist rescue makes the black man like you! LOL
One of two things happened to beenthere:

1. His testicles finally dropped and with that rush of hormones he said what he really thinks. Usually his racism
is under the surface.

2. He slipped and let his true feelings appear without the veil he always uses to hide behind.

Either way, like I've said many times here; he's nothing more than a scared white racist.

You're no better than Bucky, you also use race to build yourself up, I'll bet you even tell people you have a black friend!

I'm fairly certain most of the conservatives on this board would be strikebusters. The swine.
WTF? Dude, whatever you're smoking, please tell me where I can find some cuts of that shit! LOL

oops the clipboard in windows works as well as conservative economic policies.
Anybody that is pro union is either lining their pockets through the union or too stupid or lazy or both to keep a job on their own merits.
The company I used to work for appreciated having a union. Everything from discipline to promotions was outlined in the union contract so the company never had to worry about charges of favoritism or racism as long as they followed the guidelines. I don't know what kinds of unions you're referring to, but I have no personal experience with any union that would protect an employee's poor performance. We used to fire motherfuckers left and right for poor performance and there was nothing in the union contract that prevented us from doing it.
Just the 4 or 5 that I have personal experience with.
My experience with Unions has been positive and that is both as a supervisor overseeing them and as a member myself. I always thought it was a myth that Unions protect lazy workers. How did your Unions go about doing that and why would the employer agree to such terms?
The company I used to work for appreciated having a union. Everything from discipline to promotions was outlined in the union contract so the company never had to worry about charges of favoritism or racism as long as they followed the guidelines. I don't know what kinds of unions you're referring to, but I have no personal experience with any union that would protect an employee's poor performance. We used to fire motherfuckers left and right for poor performance and there was nothing in the union contract that prevented us from doing it.
Unions are bad
They contribute to pro labor candidates.
That's why republicans bitch about them.
be sure to thank the unions! :-P

I was thinking of all the things unions have done for the betterment of "America"

A living wage.
Health care.
Regular hours off, so you can raise and teach family values to your children.
Regular days off, so you can worship to the god of your understanding.

And the best, it brings out the "greedy" in corporations, to the point they will change the laws so we no longer have unions.

It's truly sad when a company says they will go out of business without concessions in wages, get the concessions, then give CEO's bonuses.

Most Corporations are "people" that have no patriotic value to the U.S., no regard for their actions other then increasing the Quarterly Profit Reports at any cost.
Just a side note: 50's-60's Auto Makers made record profits building a good product.
70's-80's Auto Makers loose profits by building a shit product. (the EPA didn't help but we now have cleaner air) I would venture to say there are more cars on the road from the 60's then the 80's.
1979 Lee Iaccoca head of Chrysler said " it's not the Labor thats costing us it the Health Care.

The smart thing would of been stop paying $12 for an aspirin.....Then and now!
Dude, where do you live, remote Alaska? LOL

You're no better than Bucky, you also use race to build yourself up, I'll bet you even tell people you have a black friend!

Pointing out that you're a racist is not "building myself up."

Yep I have black friends, white friends, yellow friends, brown friends, gay friends, liberal friends, conservative friends....gotta ask, why do you assume I'm white?
When I used to supervise union employees, I was sometimes forced to layoff younger, harder working, guys and keep slower, older guys due to seniority. When I was a young guy who got laid off, I thought that was fucking bullshit. But those older slower guys still had to maintain a level of productivity or face discipline. Without the union anyone older than 40 would have been pushed out the door in favor of younger new hires despite the fact that they were still doing a satisfactory job.

I found that the best thing that the union prevented me from doing was favoring my friends. Without the union, I probably would have laid off the old timers and kept my drinking buddies working. Job performance wouldn't have had anything to do it. Other supervisors actually put a great deal of effort into finding ways to keep their buddies working while screwing the guy who put in twenty years.
. I don't know what kinds of unions you're referring to, but I have no personal experience with any union that would protect an employee's poor performance. We used to fire motherfuckers left and right for poor performance and there was nothing in the union contract that prevented us from doing it.

I worked for two different unions before I started a business, both of them had quota performance clauses that were put in place by management (the company) not the unions. I remember one time our BA telling us to take it easy because they were in negotiations with management to ease up on production, some of the senior union members were complaining they were over worked. Truth was, they were lazy fat slobs that got after us young guys for making them look bad. One of them was my foreman, this guy used to hide on the job-site during part of the day and take naps.

Take Cal-Trans for instance, you'll see 7-8 guys on a two man job standing around holding a shovels up talking instead or working, yeah unions are great, for the lazy and the unions.