Trying to figure out what it is..** PICTURE **


Active Member
Hello everyone i took some picture of my plant leaf problem so i took picture and with a bigger view i can see bugs . i look more like worms but it could be spydermites .. She's 3 week into flowering so i really don't know what to do..

Help me out if you have any idea please!!

Thanks a lot20120827_181204.jpg20120828_161505.jpg20120828_161511.jpg20120828_161525.jpg20120828_161551.jpg20120828_161730.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thrips..nasty little bastards. I see your Mighty Wash is one choice. Sticky traps too. You can do no pest strips with the lights and vents off at night if not in your bedroom. Any little white flying things? Some whitefly looking stuff too. same things kill em.


Active Member
Thrips..nasty little bastards. I see your Mighty Wash is one choice. Sticky traps too. You can do no pest strips with the lights and vents off at night if not in your bedroom. Any little white flying things? Some whitefly looking stuff too. same things kill em.
Hey Coho , I found something at my hydroshop it's called Bioprotec Soap ... I'll join the link of the product . Can u tell me what you think of it please?

Someone told me it was good but i needed to spray with water 1 week after a see no more bugs just to clean the plant..

Thanks budd have a good one!


Well-Known Member
If you can get ladybugs they work real well for most bugs with Aphids, &Thrips at the top of the menu, spidermites being the exception.


Well-Known Member
Too bad ... i took a microscope and looked some leaves and it's really spidermites.. :(
Sorry to hear about that. SM's are the worst little MF's around. I've never used mighty wash but I hear it does work. If your only working with one plant then this is probably your best option. Mites take at least 3 applications no matter what product you use. Myself at 3wks I'd use a neem based product, 3 doses 5 days apart and hope to finish. I won't spray any oil or soap after wk 5. You are at the worst time to find these guys (okay wk 4 really really sucks) So what ever you choose do it now and follow through. Best of luck.

If you want to know this is what I use, and it does work.


Well-Known Member
If you can get ladybugs they work real well for most bugs with Aphids, &Thrips at the top of the menu, spidermites being the exception.
Except it's the wrong season for ladybugs. And except for the fact that when you release them from hibernation they must fly X number of minutes before they eat a single thing. Hope your neighbor releases them too.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about that. SM's are the worst little MF's around. I've never used mighty wash but I hear it does work. If your only working with one plant then this is probably your best option. Mites take at least 3 applications no matter what product you use. Myself at 3wks I'd use a neem based product, 3 doses 5 days apart and hope to finish. I won't spray any oil or soap after wk 5. You are at the worst time to find these guys (okay wk 4 really really sucks) So what ever you choose do it now and follow through. Best of luck.

If you want to know this is what I use, and it does work.

I sprayed 2 hours ago with because i've been told that this one work great .. i hope i will kill these little mf's with this! if not .. i'll wash everything and start a new growth ... im on my first grow and i only have one plant so that's not bad as it could be but still... i see her growing for 4month now ... so at least i would be happy to be able to smoke 1 bud!!

Do you think i'll still be able to get something out of my baby in 2-3 week?? ( if i dont kill them with the bio soap... ) ( GOD DAMN , i hope it will kill them for good! ) ( :'( )


Well-Known Member
I thought you didn't see mites? Azamax is what I used when I had em. I also spray as a preventive.


Well-Known Member
I did but you got me thinking so I started looking hardcore and what I found was a mite of some kind. Check back into my thread.


Well-Known Member
Good luck intenseneal! bongsmilie Killem all. If not put off by pest strips..really knock em back.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have thrips for sure. And I have seen the pale white round balls on my NY Diesel but no spider mites well nothing that I can ID for sure as a spider mite. I sprayed all my plants with CaliClean that I made earlier. Man that stuff is strong. Dont gt it in your eyes and try not to breath it.


Active Member
Wow I have the same thing going on with my leaves, weird whiteish crusties on them. I thought it was spider mites. Will caliclean method work on these??
I used BioProtect Soap to wash this once and it worked pretty well ! 2 shot and it was done! give it a try!