What to do with hermies or pollinated crop


Active Member
We have six plants that have been in flower for 30 days. They have either Hermie'd or as I suspect they got pollinated from another source. Males were removed immediately and all 6 were flowering just fine. We had two major power outages during this grow. the last about Two weeks ago. I would find it hard to believe that they could all have hermie'd. Is it possible to pollinate your plants by touching other dried MJ that perhaps had a hermie. I found one seed in a QP of AK-47 (stash) Could pollen have been transferred by hands or on clothing after breaking up weed to smoke? Second, what is the best thing to do with these six plants?



Well-Known Member
make hash out of them...... by far the best thing to do.

as for the pollination. i doubt that is the case, my guess is they hermie'd due to the light fuck-ups


Active Member
I am wondering if I should cut them now or should I let them finish. Doesn't light degrade THC since THC production stops when they start making seed. I don't know much about hermies though. I am sure someone will have the answer.


Active Member
from my minor experience in da weed growin field i have also delt wit problem with light my first set up was direct connect to the elecrticity nd since i use to party alot id end up cuttin da lites off a all different times so naturaly a hermei grew nd i waited till it was ripe choped it nd smoked dat shit but idk i guess u could make hashh


Well-Known Member
let them finish..... base when you harvest just like you would if you were smoking them. that way the hash has the same sort of effect.


Well-Known Member
what is the best thing to do with these six plants?
I am afraid you will have to send them to me for further evaluation and study.
lol j/k
Too bad that happened to such a nice crop.
I bet the best thing to do with them still would be smoke them.


Active Member
interestingly enough, A bunch of hermied bud is out there. I have seen some lately. The plants are reasonably healthy so I will let them finish and test it . Otherwise -hash time. I wonder what it will take to get my rooms pollen free for the next round. Also I am looking for the best seed bank with the fastest delivery to the U.S. (Excellent genetics only) Any advice is welcomed.