I will do so master grower.. I'm sorry I under estimated u now i shall go back to my parents basement and rethink my plan. That's should have been your reply.. Never said I was better until I felt ppl wanted to belittle my way of growing ... All I said was I have a faster cleaner more efficient way to grow for all those ppl out there that aren't nerds and just want a good quick harvest instead of tryna study the fucking plant lol. But oh we'll I guess there's nothing wrong with me being the only person to get two pounds from one thousand watt but yea everyone disregard everything I said about anything and just wait for my system to hit the market Lolol I never have to work again a day in my life and I own two houses and three cars. Imagine what I will own when it's own the market lolololol my life is a dream. Ok everyone it's been nice sharing ideas or GIVING ideas to the middle and low class now back up to hi class where I belong