anyone flowering outdoors ?? my plants not flowering yet


Well-Known Member
i feel you medshed would be nice to use a greenhouse and run it 24/7 i"m interested in seeing what aged herb would taste


Well-Known Member
I totally agree on outdoor being easier. The bugs take care of themselves, the light is not only free, but MUCH better, AND there aren't many mold problems in such low humidity. Now if only I could discretely grow trees!


Well-Known Member
I wish the bugs would take care of themselves where I'm at. I really feel like I'm fighting a losing battle against the mites
outdoors since it's so exposed.

Tried spraying azamax and floramite already too :(


Active Member
Hey Greenpeak, I've got one of your/BP's NL#5 cuts (#4) going outside too and it is stretching but no flowers yet. I'll let you know when it is ready to chop so you can have the info for the breeder's notes.

Please update us on the Shooting Star and Bio D harvest dates. I am interested in the Bio D for outside, but late October can get risky if you don't have a snow cover...

Awesome Med cant wait to get feedeback on that NL lady.

I will deff keep you updated on the SS and Bio D harvest dates, I like that we have our shortest flowering pheno of SS outside because if she is about 3 weeks into flower that only leaves 4-5 left and she will be cut down late september . The disussion has already taken place about a snow cover for the Bio D because she might go 10-11 weeks flwr outside and that would put us right about october 13-20. I will know more as the dates approach and will update you ASAP.

Hoping for a long indian summer


Active Member
Hey Greenpeak, I've got one of your/BP's NL#5 cuts (#4) going outside too and it is stretching but no flowers yet. I'll let you know when it is ready to chop so you can have the info for the breeder's notes.

Please update us on the Shooting Star and Bio D harvest dates. I am interested in the Bio D for outside, but late October can get risky if you don't have a snow cover...

Awesome Med cant wait to get feedeback on that NL lady.

I will deff keep you updated on the SS and Bio D harvest dates, I like that we have our shortest flowering pheno of SS outside because if she is about 3 weeks into flower that only leaves 4-5 left and she will be cut down late september . The disussion has already taken place about a snow cover for the Bio D because she might go 10-11 weeks flwr outside and that would put us right about october 13-20. I will know more as the dates approach and will update you ASAP.

Hoping for a long indian summer


Well-Known Member
here is a update on outdoor greenhouse flowering i l lost one plant a purple flo due to heat issue it was in a pot these are in the ground now since they started flowering
im growing ak47/blueberry and purple flo the ak/blue is on the left in first picture the purple flo on right the ak/blue is 3 weeks into flowering
the flo started a week after so its around 2 weeks but im not in a hurry to finish these things as you cant rush the hands of time with organic herb
also these are being feed a mix of bat guano and worm castings mixed in the soil before planting and worm castings as top dressing


Well-Known Member
hey man sorry for late respond no i dont have any purp clones at the moment
i seen a ad on craiglist for some but the guy was asking way to much like 20 bucks
for a small clone i guess it can be worth it if there super quality but i wont pay that
in the past i have paid 50 bucks for a clone when bruce banner 3 started being sold
and it was a great plant probably my favorite when it finished looked like it was double dipped
in sugar


Active Member
@medshed the one in the picture is a purple flo the other is flo in the pot looks healthy big and bushy
So you say its purple flo?Whats your next story?

Did FLO last year 30 to search through got a few lbs. FLO turns purple toward the end of its flowering period......So you got FLO.
I have an extra dwc system laying around that I might try for next season. My Cherokee Purple tomatoes turned out great this year but I'm sure if I'm using my mmj nutes they would go crazy!!


Well-Known Member
I have an extra dwc system laying around that I might try for next season. My Cherokee Purple tomatoes turned out great this year but I'm sure if I'm using my mmj nutes they would go crazy!!
Hey Matt - if you are considering doing dwc outside, I can tell you that I had mixed success with the method after a few years of trying. The temps get unwieldy on hot days and the root rot sets in if you are not careful. I was running a recirculating system with the reservoir in the shade but the temps still ran high. Just a little word to the wise...


Well-Known Member
I’m finishing my Maui-Wowie mom outdoors. The clone was cut Mar 3[SUP]rd[/SUP], and she’s been cut, tied down and given many clones to the cause. She lived her life in my small veg box at under 24” in height until mid July.

7/24 – Day after she was released and transplanted into a 3 gal hempy bucket. I’d recommend a hempy to anyone who wanted to use hydro outdoors. I took another half dozen clones off her during the next 10 days.
projects 007.jpg

8/10 – Still veggin’ and growin’ I need her to start flowering so she can finish before the first frost.
GR 005riu.jpg

8/14 – Built a makeshift tent to limit hrs of light. Went to 12 ½ hrs light or less. It only took 2 nights in the tent to get her to show the first signs of real flowers. Kept using the tent for 10 more days.
tent8-14 001riu.jpg tent8-14 002riu.jpg

8/29 – Day 14 flower, she’s been showin’ signs of fading for the past few days, I keep upping the food, I can’t believe the amount of nutes she’s eating.
Mom 002riu.jpg

Today – Day 23. Rained pretty hard here last night, and I think she liked it. She’s starting to pack on the buds. Hopefully I’ll see no frost till after the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] wk of Oct.



Well-Known Member
Looking good Watt! I'm keeping the fingers crossed for you on the 2nd week of October for frost/snow. That is around average for our area and I think this year seems hotter than normal so we should be OK...


Well-Known Member
@medshed yo man can you post some pics of your plants i like to see all the cool outdoor grows we got going in colorado
i hope to have some more up this week to show a little big bud sites


Well-Known Member
I am due for a new photo shoot. I almost did one this morning but got distracted with other chores before work. I will get them going this week.


Well-Known Member
Here are some shots from this morning. The Pandora's Box is about 7.5 feet tall now and the Qush's are around 6 feet. They are all in pots that are about 2 feet high. It was actually pretty hard to take these pics. I had to stand on a bucket and hold the camera over my head to shoot without seeing what I was shooting. A couple of them came out OK though.

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Pandora's Box
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