Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

No it ain't true I could swear I saw that on tv, makes me wonder what other false memories I have from the past LOL.
Just saw where a person I use to work for died yesterday. I new someone would kill her someday. (May your son rest in peace Chucho). Another friend of mine who was on death row went to his maker this month. Guess I am just happy to be alive. Time for that first bowl. Make it a good one.:leaf:
i'm pushing up on 60.

OGOF = overgrow old fart.

we had a thriving community until the disaster.

i did my first outdoor in 72. my first indoor in 81 and i've been growing steadily since 1995.

i'm retired and pretty much wake and bake daily. i think i might be addicted. :)
I had a Pioneer Quadrophonic home system in the 70's. There was discrete quadrophonic, where each channel was separated as cleanly as left and right on stereo, and the pseudo surround that wasn't a clean separation. It gave kind of an echo in the rear speakers, kind of like Pro Logic does now

i was in the air force in the early 70s and my room mate and i both bought a quad stereo. 8 speakers, no waiting. :)
I got mine...a Pioneer...from a friend in the air force who was oversea for half the price it would have cost in the states. Had four Klipsch speakers, some of the best around, especially for that time
I got mine...a Pioneer...from a friend in the air force who was oversea for half the price it would have cost in the states. Had four Klipsch speakers, some of the best around, especially for that time

that's what we did. buying from the base exchange was a lot cheaper for some things.
Makes my putter stand up..
OK who saw that on Johnny Carson back in the sixties??
Asked Arnold Palmmer's wife what she did for luck before Arnold's game?

--That'll make your putter flutter--- Was the quote and it was some entertainment celeb's wife that brought suit.
that's what we did. buying from the base exchange was a lot cheaper for some things.

Ahhh yes the base exchange. Ciggies for 19 cents a pack. Not much else of interest there except for toiletries if you lived on base. Ground radio maintenance for this airman. You?
Ahhh yes the base exchange. Ciggies for 19 cents a pack. Not much else of interest there except for toiletries if you lived on base. Ground radio maintenance for this airman. You?
Your younger than me....10 cent's a pack at the exchange.....1969..
Iwas going to join the Air Force in 1970 when on my way to take the physical I slammed my 62 Volkswagen bug into a guard rail and my head took a beating. Several weeks later I asked the recruiter to send me again and he siaid my head needed more heeling.It was cut up pretty bad.My lottery number was 78 so I knew they were going to get me and being a dumb inpatient kid I went next door to the Army recruiter who saw no problem with me passing the physical and off I went. One of the biggest fucking mistakes of my life the first being not going to college as a kid , I waited until I was 30 and then again at 40. Now I'm retired on disability and don't give a shit about too much anymore except growing good weed and of course smoking it.
Iwas going to join the Air Force in 1970 when on my way to take the physical I slammed my 62 Volkswagen bug into a guard rail and my head took a beating. Several weeks later I asked the recruiter to send me again and he siaid my head needed more heeling.It was cut up pretty bad.My lottery number was 78 so I knew they were going to get me and being a dumb inpatient kid I went next door to the Army recruiter who saw no problem with me passing the physical and off I went. One of the biggest fucking mistakes of my life the first being not going to college as a kid , I waited until I was 30 and then again at 40. Now I'm retired on disability and don't give a shit about too much anymore except growing good weed and of course smoking it.
oct 1969 friday....mail came there's a draft notice for me...report monday 0900 hour's usmc mcrd san diego....went to navy recruiter friday afternoon and was sworn in saturday USN guranteed me any school I wanted!!.......stayed in home town for basic and shipfitter "A" school went to new haven conn. sub school did not end up "in country" my viet-nam was three mile's off the coast in submarines....lost many friend's there and would have been in country if didn't enlist!! Enjoy the Grow my friend!! It makes me smile and that's something!! jack
Ahhh yes the base exchange. Ciggies for 19 cents a pack. Not much else of interest there except for toiletries if you lived on base. Ground radio maintenance for this airman. You?

i was a contract specialist. i bought stuff. which fit right into my pot buying and selling career. :)
oct 1969 friday....mail came there's a draft notice for me...report monday 0900 hour's usmc mcrd san diego....went to navy recruiter friday afternoon and was sworn in saturday USN guranteed me any school I wanted!!.......stayed in home town for basic and shipfitter "A" school went to new haven conn. sub school did not end up "in country" my viet-nam was three mile's off the coast in submarines....lost many friend's there and would have been in country if didn't enlist!! Enjoy the Grow my friend!! It makes me smile and that's something!! jack

i was a canadian at the time. while in high school, i got busted with 2 lids. they weren't for sale officer, i swear!

the mesa police department suggested that i join the army or else. i was selling pot to a couple of guys out at the local AF base and they said fuck the army, join the AF. they were right. the AF was a lot less military bullshit than the army or marines. i never had to march or exercise etc.

the funny thing is, i had more access to drugs in the AF than i did back home. :)
I had CID after me for 2 years, they never found anything...

i got busted twice while in the AF. within 2 months. lol both times it wasn't my pot. wrong place, wrong stupid friends. i was very short. i lost a stripe but got an honorable discharge.

the air force version of the FBI was the OSI. when patricia hearst got kidnapped, i was friends with a guy who occasionally dated a friend of hers. these 2 guys walked into the office one day, all american looking guys in suits, with some AF cops with them. they talked to the OIC, took my friend and went to his home.

there was pot and pipes etc., all over a table. they didn't find anything about patty and told my bud to get rid of the dope. that was it. no charges.

such odd fellows.