Grow So Stealth, GF Can't Find It... Auto's under CFL


Active Member
The funny thing is about that 1000 plant "stealth grow underground, made the entire 4 block area above ground smell like straight dank, cops ended up busting the dude. Covered it with a legit edible mushroom farm that was 4000 square feet. Behind the secret walls, a 1000 plant grow haha. Plus like 700 lbs of already bricked up ready to ships shit.

Small grows like this to keep stealth, shit no problem. Something that consist of 1000 plant, possible, but most would never get enough and proper ventalition.
Yeah that would be quite an undertaking, I'll stick to a couple plants I know I can hide. No wonder they got caught lol


Active Member
Short Rider is 68 days old. Flowering for 45 days now. This thing is getting fat! I'm not even going to bother shooting pix of the smaller one.... it looks just like this one but half as filled out. Anyway as soon as this plant is harvested I'll post a full harvest report followed by a smoke report, then I'll consider this thread closed. Mainly because I'll be starting up with a brand new 250 HPS with the next grow. Chop coming in 10-15 days or so...

The main cola is about 8" long and 3" in diameter, and solid as a rock. Floral scent, but rub your fingers along stalks or squeeze flowers and a smell a skunky, pungent odor. There are 8 smaller colas surrounding the main, about half the size of the main. We'll see how this finishes out within a week or 2.

My girl doesn't know about the plants but we haven't been in the house that much this past couple of weeks, so that's to my advantage, haha.. We'll see if it can last this home stretch


Active Member
The plant is 75 days old today; flowering for 52 days. Probably going to get chopped tonight. It just looks done. Almost 8 weeks flower so it's about right. Gotta say, it doesn't smell at all, which is amazing and really helped with keeping it a secret. Only if you really pinch the buds do you get the skunky aroma on your fingers. Hoping for some nice smoke!