First PC Grow - Strain- Nirvana Seeds Auto Northern Lights!


Well-Known Member
okay so what would you say switch the lights all 3 2700k bulbs 12/12 now? or later?
Hard to tell how much height there is to work with. How tall is the case? If the case is 24" and the pot is what 8"? The lights plus a little extra room probably takes 4-5"... that leaves 12" max plant height. Veg until she's 4-6 inches tall. If the case is shorter than 24" you'll have to flower sooner of course

edit: your pot probably isn't 8" actually so you have a little more room than i calculated


New Member
Im not quite sure because there is no ruler around but id have to say guessing case is like 16" and the pot IM NOT SURE EITHER... and the lights go down a bit so i think the lights are half of that so id say about 7 intches or less of grow space
plant is a few intches looks like its growing to fast???? do you think I should put 2700k, 6500k, 2700k 12/12 today or in a couple days.. I want alot of budddd



Well-Known Member
I want alot of budddd
Haha don't we all!

Yeah sounds like you should switch to 12/12 soon but I would still wait like another week or so. Just seems a little small right now. You'll probably have to do some LST to try to keep her shorter so she doesn't hit the lights at the top too soon.

Looks green and healthy... good job so far, keep it up. What kind of yield are you hoping for? I would guess you can pull 7 grams from 1 plant in a PC case?


New Member
Haha don't we all!

Yeah sounds like you should switch to 12/12 soon but I would still wait like another week or so. Just seems a little small right now. You'll probably have to do some LST to try to keep her shorter so she doesn't hit the lights at the top too soon.

Looks green and healthy... good job so far, keep it up. What kind of yield are you hoping for? I would guess you can pull 7 grams from 1 plant in a PC case?
soooo one week from now switch lights or can i keep 6500k, 2700k, 6500k because im affraid if i add more 2700k its gonna get to hott


New Member
Im seeing alot of new growth im wondering when im going to start seeing buds also, could someone let me know when i should switch the lights or give me some kinda update this is my first grow..


Active Member
Good setup man! Never done a pc grow and actually after seeing a few threads I decided this will be the wat to go! As for flipping them, I'd say depending on your height you have, can't remember what you said you have, but they say your plant get 2-3 times the size in flowering so make sure you compensate for that growth, best advice I have, sorry man but would like to know the answer to this question myself. Whats your total wattage again? I'm trying to make mine with 200w cfl mixed spectrum!


Active Member
Just stripped my pc case, will assemble it in the next 2 weeks, when my girl finishes I will add 3 new seedlings to my case, I will do a scrog though coz I have been doing a little reseach and looks like the best way to go! But what a setup you have there, will check it out to see what happens! Btw your thread inspired me haha


New Member
Just stripped my pc case, will assemble it in the next 2 weeks, when my girl finishes I will add 3 new seedlings to my case, I will do a scrog though coz I have been doing a little reseach and looks like the best way to go! But what a setup you have there, will check it out to see what happens! Btw your thread inspired me haha
Thanks man that really touched me iv tried tried tried my plants always die for once i built my pc grow and someone is telling me my thread inspired them that means alot alot thank you! seriously and GL 2 you & your grow what kinda autos do you have ? I hate ordering online


Active Member
Haha no problem! They shouldn't die if you just basicly supply them with light, soil and water! Even if its 11w of cfl haha just hang in there, they will do great! People on this site have some good info and tips, just look at what they say, they know what their talking about, they helpd me and saved my girl and now I have a 7week flowering girl :-D

Dr. Kundilini

Well-Known Member
@i7up37t...If you planted a feminized auto flower, it begins flowering right away. I am not sure if you need 12/12 to stimulate the flowering harmones. Get a magnifying glass or hand held scope(about $3.50 on Amazon) and look at the "hairs" at the internodes...this is where your first fllowers will begin, at about the 4th internode. The 2700K is the best color range for flowers and roots, but it can't hurt to have a 5000K+ bulb to supliment the light spectrum. Be patient, don't overwater, skip the neuts until it has around 4 nodes and even then start with 1/2 strength or less. Sativas are especially sensitive to too much neuts...If you are able, check out for high wattage CFL's. Your girl is looking good, so far. Auto's are famous for finishing fast (as quick as 2 months) but the yield will be less than if you grew with a strain that need a photo period to bloom. Best regards and good luck.


Active Member
Maybe it was just for the lowryder #2 I was growing, but there wasn't a need for 12/12. Actually was mentioned that switching to 12/12 could in fact diminish the yield. But that could have been just for that strain.


Active Member
i7up37t looking good man.
At the beginning.all my plants will die too and some still do.
But hang in their just have faith growing is easy as long as you supply them with 3 important things water,light,soil oh and of course the seed lol.
Check out my grow
Can't link right now but it's called
Pc/ultimate scrog grow yield.

(indoormania) how's it going bro haven't seen you in a while. How's your grow going?