Good recent movies to watch stoned


Active Member
So I love to get baked and watch a good film with my gf on a regular basis especially in the winter.
I watched a british film called Tyrranosaur the other day and it was brilliant i thought. The acting was amazing and it had me a bit teary eyed in the first 5 minutes. Highly recommended drama to anyone who isnt a hollywood blockbuster fan.
So whos seen any good films to recommend? All the new ones lately are just remakes or modernising a fairytale or something equally unoriginal and its hard to find anything worth 2 hours of attention imo.
Hun, do a quick search, there are dozens of threads on movies to watch stoned x

I think it's awesome that you have a cosy night in with your girlfriend getting baked... Does she smoke a much as you?

As for recent movies, Tip Top recommended 21 Jump Street and yup, it is hysterical when you're sober let alone when high. Yyou're right about the slew of remakes... No movie is entirely original but unless we're taking about weird art house films that only appeal to a niche market, we've run out of ideas. Well, for financially viable/commercially popular movie anywayz

We're gonna be snuggling with movies this weekend. Apparently there's a bunch of stoner movies from the last 3 years I've completely missed. He'll fill you in x
One I do not recommend watching stoned is "Network". Saw that the other night for the first time ... argbl. cn
This is not recent but everyone needs to see this movie it's just a great story from a great director. Great acting, Tim Roth kills it. If this scene doesn't get your attention, you don't know movies.

The Legend Of 1900--- IMBD
Ratings: 7.9/10 from 22,063 users[youtube]uWlBCoy2wh8[/youtube]
Also if you have netflix and even if you don't check out the Canadian TV series Intelligence
It is hands down the most gripping, accurately portrayed espionage series ever. This trailer does not do it justice but if you watch the first episode you'll be hooked. Highly recommended.

The show basically got cancelled after 2 seasons because: (great youtube comment(not mine))
Dropped because it exposed the nature of US imperical asperations with regard to Canada and it's resources. It hints that the US is attempting to dissolve the border with Canada and worst of all it portrays the majority of Canadian intelligence, political and media establishment as having been infiltrated by US agencies for the sole purpose of effecting a soft coup. The truth hurts. If Intelligence was a person it would probably be buried deep in the tundra with it's fingerprints burned off


Wasn't stoned but the Dictator was pretty fucking hilarious, so definitely would be x10 funnier.

Last movie I watched high was Rubber. Was about this independent film about a tire that rolls around blowing up people around town with it's 'mind', highly recommended it. Should be on Netflix if they still have it.
Wasn't stoned but the Dictator was pretty fucking hilarious, so definitely would be x10 funnier.

Last movie I watched high was Rubber. Was about this independent film about a tire that rolls around blowing up people around town with it's 'mind', highly recommended it. Should be on Netflix if they still have it.

I got tired of it ... dead tired. cn
Wasn't stoned but the Dictator was pretty fucking hilarious, so definitely would be x10 funnier.

Last movie I watched high was Rubber. Was about this independent film about a tire that rolls around blowing up people around town with it's 'mind', highly recommended it. Should be on Netflix if they still have it.
I loved the Dictator, and I was pretty blazed when I saw it. I felt like I was the only person really laughing at the movie when I saw it. The crowd I was with sucked (there were probably only like ten other people in the theater, but still).

As for Rubber.... I tried watching that movie, and had to shut it off after 15 minutes. I hated it. It's so not like me to give up on a movie either.
For me, a movie I'd watch stoned needs to be not especially violent. I'm less concerned with stylized fight scenes than I am with psychological nastiness. I don't care for mind rape when i have a buzz going.
In keeping with this, Pixar and older Disney movies are my fave watch-stoned fare. cn
There is a Canadian film titled Cube that I think most people would like.
Cube is great! The sequel isn't bad either (that is if you can get past some of the questionable CGI).

I haven't seen the third film in the series though. Also, I don't know if I'd recommend the films to everyone. They're sort of like a combination of Saw and Hellraiser.
Cube is great! The sequel isn't bad either (that is if you can get past some of the questionable CGI).

I haven't seen the third film in the series though. Also, I don't know if I'd recommend the films to everyone. They're sort of like a combination of Saw and Hellraiser.

That's true, but I think the psychological aspect is a hell of lot scarier then the actual violence, mind you it is a very cool effect to see a man be cubed in secs lol
[video=youtube_share;Bm8Xbb8NZG4][/video] love how one dude out of the whole thng doesnt have something fucked happen to him
In keeping with this, Pixar and older Disney movies are my fave watch-stoned fare. cn

I agree cannabineer. A good movie to watch drowsily is not Gunga Din, the black and white feature mentioned in some old song. I mean, it's a funny movie if ya dont have a buzz on. I watched it today sober. Terribly Happy, from Denmark respectively, was a what's gonna happen cluey cool mystery. That is a great flick. Left me wondering why the female lead would die.