Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger


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[h=1]From [url]http://nationalcannabiscoalition.com/2012/09/obama-tries-to-sway-marijuana-voters-marijuana-voters-toss-him-the-finger/

Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger[/URL][/h] [h=2]by Sam Chapman • September 5, 2012 • Blog[/h]
President Obama certainly asks for the votes of the cannabis community. How will his call be answered after four years of disappointment on the issue?

Without question marijuana has been the topic of discussion banging on the doors of the White House for the past few years. With President Obama allowing more raids of medical marijuana dispensaries and patients that George W. Bush did in his eight-year term, marijuana patients, advocates, and all-around freedom fighters are sick and tired of being thrown under the bus.
Outside of topics regarding marijuana, the Obama campaign (in my opinion) has done a pretty good job framing their issues in a way that results in positive feedback from targeted constituents. So it was quite surprising to see Obama come out with a video a few days ago targeting the marijuana crowd in hopes of garnering more votes for his campaign. Not only does the video send the message that everyone who smokes marijuana is a stoner who just sits around watching cartoons all day while eating junk food, it sends the message that Obama has no idea who he is mocking on national TV.
President Obama’s Video:
The intelligent, fast acting, politically savvy individuals that make up Students for Sensible Drug Policy alumni put together a video rebuttal to Obama’s attempt at lassoing marijuana voters. From the Huffington Post:
President Barack Obama’s new ad featuring stoner duo Harold and Kumar drew accusations of hypocrisy on Tuesday from critics who note that the beloved potheads could easily be arrested under the White House’s current drug policy. Now drug policy reformers are out with a parody ad that depicts what might actually happen if the president spontaneously dialed up a pair of marijuana users to ask for their support.
While the president’s original ad was meant to promote the appearance at the Democratic National Convention of actor Kal Penn, a former White House staffer who plays the character of Kumar in the eponymous film series “Harold and Kumar,” pot advocates saw an opportunity to hammer the president for his marijuana policy.
“Shaleen called me about how irate she was at the Obama campaign video and that she had this idea for a parody,” said Chris Wallis of Side Pocket Images who helped produce the video. “We hope we made the message clear that for a lot of people this isn’t a laughing matter, and I think the internet’s response to the video proves that.”
SSDP video:
The video does an AMAZING job by pointing out all of the petitions that have been crafted by serious drug policy reformers, and signed by REAL voters. Time and time again petitions submitted via Youtube, Reddit, and even Whitehouse.gov have topped the list of topics that the American public wishes Obama would address. Time and time again, President Obama has failed to address any of these questions, and now he thinks making a mockery of marijuana reform is going to easily win him some votes. We are here to say, “NOT TODAY PRESIDENT OBAMA.” We are not dumb, blind, or ignorant to the rhetoric you spew through offensive campaign ads. We will not let down our guard to be persuaded by fictional “stoners” to cast our vote for someone who refuses to end the prohibition of marijuana.
Over 800,000 people are arrested every year under the current administration that continues to wage a failed war on drugs. Is this change? Is this really a step forward?
Are you pissed off yet? We thought you might be, because we certainly are.
TAKE ACTION NOW! If you want the President to earn your vote, tweet this:
@barackobama @kalpenn @johnthecho It takes more than lame jokes to earn votes. It takes action. Change the marijuana laws. #EarnMyVote
Be sure to check out Students for Sensible Drug Policy to get involved and stay informed about how YOU can help these students and alums make a difference in ending the failed war on drugs in America. www.ssdp.org
Follow me on Twitter @SeriouslySamuel
Tags: cannabis, Drug War, Harold & Kumar, marijuana, President Obama, SSDP
[h=4]About Sam Chapman[/h] Sam Chapman has dedicated the last seven years of his life to leadership, activism, progressive legal reform, and social media. He has been a crucial member of the End Prohibition Again Campaign, Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, as well as a strategic framer for Occupy Eugene. Beyond drug policy reform, Chapman has served as the Associated Students of the University of Oregon Campaign Manager, College Outreach Coordinator for the Measure 74 Campaign, and currently runs a social justice organization, the Interpretive Framing Group. Chapman’s expertise also includes his ability to develop diverse networks of people through the power of social media. Chapman seeks to challenge outdated status quos and policies through his public speaking, leadership, and social media skills.
Click here for 4 full quotes on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
  • Voted NO on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs. (Jun 2008)
  • Voted NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism. (Sep 2001)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC. (Oct 1999)
  • Rated -10 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)

[TD="bgcolor: #cc0000, align: center"]
Paul Ryan on Drugs
I love the "obama has allowed more raids" bs


There are way less in California, but honestly, it doesn't matter who gets in office, democrat or republican. Democrats will lie about being in favor of it and republicans won't budge a single damn inch!

The Feds need to stay out of the states fucking business period.
There are way less in California, but honestly, it doesn't matter who gets in office, democrat or republican. Democrats will lie about being in favor of it and republicans won't budge a single damn inch!

The Feds need to stay out of the states fucking business period.

If medical marijuana is legal in a third of the country and was not so prior to the last presidential election, the current president is the most liberal toward medical marijuana of any sitting president in decades. The only reason all you growers are not in jail is the Holder memo.
The only reason all you growers are not in jail is the Holder memo.

Can you offer one shred of evidence to this claim? Last time I checked it's illegal to grow and I have a feeling if the feds knew they wouldn't ignore it. I think being discreet is what has kept growers from not being in jail, not Obama or Holder.
If medical marijuana is legal in a third of the country and was not so prior to the last presidential election, the current president is the most liberal toward medical marijuana of any sitting president in decades. The only reason all you growers are not in jail is the Holder memo.

That was all lip service for political PR. The feds do not have the funds or the resources to go after the average MMJ grower, so they pic the easy targets, the dispensaries.
That was all lip service for political PR. The feds do not have the funds or the resources to go after the average MMJ grower, so they pic the easy targets, the dispensaries.

The only reason there are any dispensaries operating is the Holder memo.

The president can't change the law, he can only enforce it, Love or hate Obama, he has allowed us a reprieve from enforcement. If dispensaries are not fully state compliant, they get busted but very few even so are doing any time.

Of course there are more busts than under any president in recent history, there are FAR more dispensaries.

MMJ is legal in a third of the country. Obama is by far the most liberal on MMJ of any sitting president in decades.
The only reason there are any dispensaries operating is the Holder memo.

The president can't change the law, he can only enforce it, Love or hate Obama, he has allowed us a reprieve from enforcement. If dispensaries are not fully state compliant, they get busted but very few even so are doing any time.

Of course there are more busts than under any president in recent history, there are FAR more dispensaries.

MMJ is legal in a third of the country. Obama is by far the most liberal on MMJ of any sitting president in decades.

You keep on drinking that Obama Koolaid bro!