tr33b3ards first grow, t5 4 lamp: Darkstar, Heavy Duty Fruity, Amnesia Haze


Hello fellow ENTs,

Long time smoker, first time grower. I caught the bug after loosing contact with most of my herbsman in my city. I decided to order some seeds from Attitude and start with a basic barebones grow before seeking more elaborate setups.

I ordered 5 feminized Amnesia Haze seeds with that purchase I also received some free seeds. I choose the non feminized versions the strains are 2 Darkstar and 2 Heavy Duty Fruity.

I decided to try the free seeds first to see if I could successfully germinate and get the up and running before starting my Amnesia Haze ladies.

Paper towel germination worked amazingly. I had some great sprouts within 48hours.

August 27: I transfered them to solo cups filled with soil.

I am using FoxFarms Ocean Forest and plan on using their trio of nutes when the time comes.

I thought the closet in my spare bedroom would be a great place to start. I covered the walls in mylar. My dimensions are 4x2x8. Sadly it came in just under 4' length and I have my 4' T5 4 lamp barely in there hanging yoyo style.

August 30th they all had sprouted:

September 6: My current progress they all are looking great for the first week after sprouting. Every day they are growing quite a bit.

Issues: I have encountered so far have been temp control. I wanted to keep the closet closed and have a single fan in there but that made temps rise above 90*. So I am currently keeping the doors open and running two box fans one acts as intake at the bottom and the other sits atop a shelf and is acting as exhaust back into the room. My temps have stabilize to 80*. I got a bit caught up in the 18/6 24 hour debated but I have decided to test out the 24 route being my first grow and since I'm running a T5 electricity and temps are not a major concern to me at the moment.

Smooth sailing so far and my fingers are crossed. Please let them all be female!

Future plans: Transplant to 3 gal pots in either week 2 or 3. Any Input? I originally wanted to use T5s exclusively for my grows and I am still debating that. I plan on building a Flowering box 4x4x6 or perhaps going with a grow tent. I need to get some good inline fans and a carbon scrubber. I'm thinking 8" fans for intake and exhaust with speed controls. Any recommendations? Really considering a cooltube 600 watt HPS for my flowering box so I maximize my yields. Again recommendations appreciated. Although two 4' 4 lamp T5s with multi spectrum bulbs looks like fun, sorta like a rave for my ladies.

I will also be building a veg box 4x3x3 with my current T5 lamp inside. Then building a 3x3x3 clone box to keep in the closet for clones and a mother with 2' 2 or 4 lamp T5.

I'm lucky to have a empty 10x12 room for my entire grow. Just need to get some experience under my belt before I try and go H.A.M. A big issue for me are my states laws; we are only allowed 7 plants total. I believe 3 mature 4 immature ladies. With only 1 OZ smokeable on hand :roll: . I will most certainly be trying to get my garden going Perpetual as I gain experience. I am very interested in going aeroponic when my nOObness allows me the confidence.

Overall I am very happy tending my trees and look forward to the FRUITS of my labor. Any comments and recommendations on products for my future ideas are welcome. Sub up to watch this nOOb sink or swim. The RIU community is awesome and thanks for all the information.


  • Mechelle Obama incistes that the government is responsable for small business success; she also informs us that he husband Obama is gearing up for another 4 years of "stimulus" for not the middle class but he willbe hand feeding the lower class and allowing all imagrants to live off of tax payer money> This sucks: Please Vote For Mitt Romney.
Uhh learn to use spell check before trying to make a political statement. Also there is no chance in hell I would vote for a out of touch Mormon Millionaire to run this country. Get out of my thread you damn UC!


Active Member
Uhh learn to use spell check before trying to make a political statement. Also there is no chance in hell I would vote for a out of touch Mormon Millionaire to run this country. Get out of my thread you damn UC!
why is it, that liberals feel thier speech is the only free speech, and anyone elses is hate speech? if their were no millionaires the rest of us would not have jobs. stop letting the liberal media, make u chant class warefare. id rather not have a muslim lover, and marxist, run this country into the ground, which is happening. can only blame bush for 100 years, u see. lol. ahhh the rain. must be bushes fault. if its good, give credit to the dems. if its bad, blame the reps. how tho? the dems have been in countol, since the last two years of the bush presidency. this is why he got 6 trill in dept. and ohdumbo has added 10 trill, to the debt. the free shit , has to stop. america has allways been a working place. not a place where losers hold protest sighs, and dont want to work. only want handouts. sorry. remember, the media is wrong, as far as their side only have free speech rights. its been communists countries, that have only one view allowed. (the states view). so wake up. i was a lib, till i grew up. last time i voted dem, was when clit-on was elected. after monica, i never voted for that side again. they want us to be DEPENDANT. my freind is a millionaire. and what does he do? hangs drywall. he has his own small company, and employs several people. should he be put out of buis, so more are out of work?


Active Member
Uhh learn to use spell check before trying to make a political statement. Also there is no chance in hell I would vote for a out of touch Mormon Millionaire to run this country. Get out of my thread you damn UC!
that came form the media. "out of touch". seems he and his wife came from humble beginnings. like most succesfull peeps. the diff is, hard work pays off. and hard lazyness, that the left promotes. it was the reps who ended slavery. and the dems who want to keep em dependant. if i would have stayed a lib, i dought id own my own home, land, and stuff. really. but i learned that noone owes me a dime. its up to me to work for it. unfortunatly, weed dosent fit the bill, to acheive this. nor does booze. nor does any of ohbamas appointees. you notice, how each shows signs of not likeing america? why are they in there then???? to HELP DESTROY HER. wakeup. the young are being brainwashed.