Portland area greenhouse grow


please return my couch. nice pups, too. but i want my couch back.

Thanks. The pups are awesome. They are sisters also. I own the one that has a collar in the pic, and my buddy owns the other. It works out well with letting them play together and shit.

Aw shit too bad :idea:
He is still just a hair under 5 months, so he's still a baby, we do all his commands in german as well, but havent worked on hand signals yet. he is so damn smart and just knows things that we never taught him or only spent ten min teaching him and he gets it that quick. Kinda scary actually, this is my first german shepherd, swooped him up at 7 weeks old and there really wasnt even any house training to do either, and no seperation anxiety from his parents or siblings.
His mom was a healthy 86 pounds and his dad was a healthy 89 pounds, he looks just like his daddy. He is going to be fucking huge.:shock: Very impressed with the GSD.

That's awesome! He is looking big for 5 months, he IS going to be huge. GSD's are the absolute best dog breed in my opinion. Not only can my dog go from snuggling with an infant one moment, to ripping apart an attacker with ferocity that is unmatched the next, she, as you have experienced also, is the smartest animal I have ever met. She knows about 100words, knowing the difference between "Get your ball" versus, "Get your purple football" which happens to be the same size and nearly the same shape as her ball. All of which she knows in German and English. Furthermore, she knows many commands like "Bark", "Growl", "Sit" etc etc in those 2 languages as well as in hand signals. She definitely has a unique personality as well, which is common in most german shepherds. They become much more than just pets, they quickly become close family.

Cute fuckers

Thanks, I think so too!

Reply #420! smoke one to that
I'm guessing they kicked you out of the greenhouse a while ago

Looking good buck
My black domina just kicked into overdrive
The flowers are all connecting together now ...I'm looking at 9 inch colas :D

How much.are you watering now ?? They're huge !!
well, i have another admirer.

neighbors were out on their porch at about 6:15 am last night and saw a guy riding his bike down the road, slowing suddenly when he got to my house, as slow as you can go without falling over.

their porch is hidden from view so the dude had no idea he was being observed until they cleared their throats to make their presence known.

not a kid this time, either. grown man on a bike, with a backpack. sporting dreadlocks and a beard.

i'm in a pretty shitty mood right now, kinda hoping he decides to try his hand tonight before this mood passes. might be cathartic.
i found two stalks of corn that were half knocked over and a dead leaf from my beans lying in the lawn behind the greenhouse just now. it's not windy, either. so that leaves one explanation.

something tells me i was paid a visit.

no signs of entry to the greenhouse, but i turned on the 100 decibel alarm just in case.

i can't wait for this stupid shit to be over. fucking goddamn thieves.
You should get some signs for your backyard that say "this area is under closed circuit TV" or something like that. So if anyone intrudes they might panic and leave. Or simply you need a mean ass dog. A trained german shepard. One that will not chew your yard up but will eat an intruder.
Keep your guard up ....

How many cars do you have parked on your driveway ?

I would try to lure the theif in and park down the street so it looks like no ones home .

Then Suprise the lil fucker
wow thats fucked up unclebuck your going to be doing 24/7 garden patrol like me now. i also cant wait for this shit too be over!. for winter and next year im going to have a 15ft wood fence with barbed wire at top and then a metal electric fence around that and fuck it maybe even a mote haha ! no more of this bullshit for me after this
got a great deal on a 4 person tent yesterday, so i'm ready if it rains now.

gonna get one of these for it:


and put a radio in there as well. i've got it set up facing the back corner of the yard where intruders would come in.

i need a fucking moat.
got a great deal on a 4 person tent yesterday, so i'm ready if it rains now.

gonna get one of these for it:


and put a radio in there as well. i've got it set up facing the back corner of the yard where intruders would come in.

i need a fucking moat.

OR a few of these ;)


EDIT: You can use a pvc or metal sleeve to increase the volume of the sound (OR direct projectiles).