I've actually looked into this quite a bit, and the only answer for strains taking on each others characteristics is due to the growers technique. For instance, the 'deeper colors' are probably due to your nutrient regimen. As far as I know, plants don't just begin to genetically modify themselves to look like each other.im not sure about the plant telling the other "hey little ones, you should be female, the grower will let you live longer!" but the communication thing is legit. i ve kinda noticed in veg but its more pronoun in flower. if i have multiple strains that grow a certain way i notice some characteristics are tranfered interstrain.
ive grown both my romulan and kryptonite by themselves and then together my krypto takes looks from the rom and the krypton shares its deeper colors. amongst others theses are the most obvious
No wonder they call it the photo-period.When females get together all there cycles synch up and they all get there periods at the same time
its more than just a color swap, i know how i bring my colors in later in their cycle. i worried bout thiat response, is why i stated i have grown both strains by them selves and also have gotten these plants from top growers that have been growing mostly that strain for a wile all of whom know how it grows umongst its peer ladies.I've actually looked into this quite a bit, and the only answer for strains taking on each others characteristics is due to the growers technique. For instance, the 'deeper colors' are probably due to your nutrient regimen. As far as I know, plants don't just begin to genetically modify themselves to look like each other.
When females get together all there cycles synch up and they all get there periods at the same time
now I have to remove the plants in the bathroom.If you think about it, we know very little, if nothing about most of the earths flora and fauna let alone if they communicate. I wouldn't find it surprising at all if they "talked" with each other.
yes it was a movie but i dont think plants would want to kill us because in a way they still need us to survive at least i hope thats how they see it.Wasn't this the premise of a movie? That one with Marky Mark where the plants were protecting themselves from humans destroying the world and made everyone go nutz and kill themselves.
health does have a sent. so does Stank.i read somewhere that sick and stressed out plants emit a chemical scent that certain insects can actually detect. choosing them over healthy ones to feed on.
An 80% quart is a fifth, so ... uhm. cnthe earth has a hart beat and is made of roughly 80% quarts so if they were some how in-tuned with each other would not surprise me.