Club 600


Well-Known Member
Regardless of Ryan's personal position on it, he's just running for VP, and will have no power to affect policy.
It's his boss that will be against any positive change of the current marijuana laws.
All they have to do it give some lip service to it to get a few extra desperate votes, then ignore it if they get into office, or worse, start levying pressure against states who have medical marijuana laws already on the books (threatening to reduce federally funded programs for states who don't comply with federal laws about marijuana, such as highway funding, medical funding, school funding, whatever they want to use as leverage), and it'll be another 20 year battle to get things even back to where we are now.
Even Obama isn't doing anything really positive about it, and he's a so-called liberal.
I signed up for the online polling of things the U.S. public wanted addressed by the Obama administration, and legalization of cannabis (both medically and recreationally) was one of the most popular subjects.
So I added my name to the appropriate petitions and waited to see what they had to say about it all.
I got a form letter e-mail a few months later saying that they had taken into consideration the petition but.... then quoted word for word the old reefer madness schtick and how there was no evidence about any medicinal value, about how it was a dangerous narcotic, etc, and the laws would remain the same.
I don't, for the life of me, see a conservative mormon president doing anything different, and would worry that he would move to usurp state's rights regarding medical marijuana laws in any way he could.
Just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
left or right, all screwheads




Well-Known Member
Don't know if you guys know this or not, but Canada just closed it's embassy in Iran today and are expelling all Iranian diplomats from Canada. I think they have 5 days to leave. The next two months are going to be very interesting, to say the least.


Well-Known Member
There's a storm rolling through right now and the lightning is cracking particularly loud. It made me think of these guys.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I have a cj hanging now and just tried a bowl. She rates up there with DOG and extrema.....the strain I have is a keeper. I had some medium issues that caused a lot of the plants hit a wall and stopped growing and this crop has suffered. I have changed and the clones and seedling are looking pretty good, but the bloom room is not. I'm still fiddling with my mix and when it's a little off, it can be hard on the plants. I really need to have my compost pile tested to see what I'm working with instead of guessing.



Well-Known Member
Soil testing is a great idea.
I keep forgetting my dad would have samples tested a couple of times a year so he'd know what it was actually doing and make adjustments.
If one lives in or near farm country, I'll bet the costs aren't too high, too.
I might have to look into that, too, since I've switched to re-using my soil.
The first grow it would be easy to guestimate based on amounts of ingredients (in my case) since I use commercially available composted animal poops & such .
But I imagine in a grow or two things get a bit out of whack, so testing would be a great thing to do.
Think I'll do some calling around in my area to see what they charge.


Well-Known Member
Damn I've meesed a bunch of posts in here. Do you know this is the only thread on this site that the Rollitup Android app will not open on my phone, too many pages I guess...

Been in the hospital since 4am Thursday morning while my wife gave birth to our 9lb 10oz daughter. She is a beautiful baby girl. We just got home tonight at 10..



Well-Known Member
Oh, how I could photoshop this pics...


I have a cj hanging now and just tried a bowl. She rates up there with DOG and extrema.....the strain I have is a keeper. I had some medium issues that caused a lot of the plants hit a wall and stopped growing and this crop has suffered. I have changed and the clones and seedling are looking pretty good, but the bloom room is not. I'm still fiddling with my mix and when it's a little off, it can be hard on the plants. I really need to have my compost pile tested to see what I'm working with instead of guessing.

I know that feeling! lol I'm just gettin back from dialing it back myself. I was please when I saw the root on the transplants I did yesterday. I figure if I get over the next day or two I should be looking at a good finish this time around.

You feisty Canadians.
Always makin' trouble, eh?
Seems to be the path our leader is taking us. I've said it over and over, I think this man is a war monger. He's been promoting our military like never before seen here spending money on new warships, subs, F35's, and other equipment. There's big recruitment efforts going on and they put a huge importance on celebrating the War of 1812 Bicentennial this year, no expense spared. I fly my flag upside down on my facebook because I believe my country is in distress, and I will not turn it back until he's gone. This is not my Canada anymore. Over decades I've heard us joke that we're really just Americans we just don't know it yet. It's not funny anymore to me.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the live vids too, especially when they're pro productions of the whole show. I have no idea why these guys didn't get bigger.



Well-Known Member
I prefer the live vids too, especially when they're pro productions of the whole show. I have no idea why these guys didn't get bigger.

Geez! I know! I'm digging their sound.
One more reason why I hope my hands & finger problems get sorted out: music like that.

K doob, i just finished my 5th round of the beegees staying alive. i should have been alive in that era.
To me there was always a big difference between "disco" and the Bee Gees.
The only common denominator was songs that you could dance to.
I'm not a dancer, by the way, but I dig a funky beat (Disco), and real Funk and R&B from that era was fun to listen to.
But the Bee Gees could flat out sing & play their instruments: R&B, ballads & love songs, and Soft Rock.
To me they were the white Marvin Gaye's.
And the chicks digged the music, so it was a great way to get in close with them.
But not everyone digs The Brothers Gibb, and that's cool, too.
I'm just one of them guys who likes just about all types of music.
Not all of every type, but some stuff just stands out in every genre, so I never can say I hate a whole style of music.