4 white rhino under 1000w using co2.


Well-Known Member
DAY 20

Well i havnt had an update in about a week so here it is, i just started my 3rd week because il be running these for 65 days. The 3rd week of DNF nutes is the beggining of Bloom feeding. The plants are just getting massive and beefy, as the OG Kush was lanky and stretching alot i went back to the same setup i had in the beggining and put the 4 White Rhino under the 1000w and put the OG Kush in the corner, it seems to be helping her as shes got little buds on her. I feel as if il be satisfied with my hard work this time around, hoping for 10oz total (i was told thats under estimating) but i like to leave room for suprise and self recognition for hard work.

Well here are my progress pictures.


Well-Known Member
niiiice work, i'm in love with those fat ass wide leaves, lookin at them makes e feel like im on a Hawaii beach, man, yeah im ripped too :bigjoint:
good work, im on day 17 so im behind you about 5 days. just wondering, where'd you get these white rhino's? as ive been looking to get the original white rhino aka medicine man and im wondering if this is that cuz i'd like to see how it comes out.


Well-Known Member
this is GHS white rhino, they claim 1200grams per outdoor plant and 900per square meter indoor. Im putting that to the test as wayyyy over exceeds other companies expectations, im not expecting 2lbs thats for sure


Well-Known Member
DAY 26

So not many people commenting so i post when most convenient, Well ive been feeding them every other day. Getting great results. Ther getting good mass and size. Pictures to explain.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow mate, you should go coco next one, you'd grow some serious trees like that. Hope you yield good!


Well-Known Member
DAY 33

So, lots of changes within the last few weeks. I developed a problem from too much light also called light bleaching or albino bud. It isnt caused from heat, it usually happens from too much light being too close to the plants, if it happens its to people with cooltubes or coolhoods.

Down to the size of these fuckers, THERE GETTING HUGE!

I havnt been covering my OG Kush much because i threw her in the corner, even she is starting to surprise me so il give her a few minutes of fame also, shes 1.5 weeks behind the white rhino.
Keep in mind these plants are only half way done...


Well-Known Member
DAY 42

Well the plants are getting really big and dense these days, some side colas are leaning due to weight. I plan on running the plant full 63 days for max yield and density. Just an outrageous amount of crystal at the bud sites, most leaves are completely covered so it will make me some good hash.

Feel free to sub or comment on how there looking.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Looking great bro! Can't wait to see what you end up with. Those look mighty fat! What does your white rhino smell like? I used to get some in high school that would literally knock your socks off lol smelt and tasted absolutely amazing!


Well-Known Member
yup smells stanky when i touch it, ive grown autos before where the whole plant wasnt even comparible to the side branches i got going with the white rhino

aus2 canibasiva

Well-Known Member
Nice setup man, great plants!
This gives me inspiration to do my own grow tent op. :-P
I was thinking a 4x4x7 tent with 2x 600w 1 HPS & 1 MH. I reckon 1200w should be great. what do you think to much light for a 4x4x7. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Nice setup man, great plants!
This gives me inspiration to do my own grow tent op. :-P
I was thinking a 4x4x7 tent with 2x 600w 1 HPS & 1 MH. I reckon 1200w should be great. what do you think to much light for a 4x4x7. :confused:
as sweet as an idea it is, you wont have enough room. UNLESS and a big UNLESS, you go and find a hood that holds 2-600w bulbs, there more pricey but thats the only way you could make it work. good luck my man