im better off than i was 4 years ago. it has nothing to do with our president though. for one, four years ago my state didnt have medical laws. maybe they were just new in MI than but i think they only been here 3 years. dont feel like looking it up.
also have a very nice paying job right now working for my parents at an insurance company. nothing to do with the government. my parents hired me for getting an associates degree. they said if i get my masters i get a raise.
fuck republicans and fuck democrats even more. except mit romney is an even bigger bitch than obama.
4 years ago i had a shit girlfriend and made shit money cause my parents make me work for everything for the most part. 4 years later i have a cool gf and have like 10x the money i used to. also have 2 decent cars, 2 houses, indoor pool, land for hunting. im not even close rich or anything like that. just a bit of extra money. even played the land lord game for a while but failed lol.
i'd say yeah, now is better. hope everyone else that deserves it achieves their goals and lives a happy life. if not keep trying, dont give up. u will get what u deserve! sometimes it just takes a while.