My bad experience with a local MMJ wholesaler :-(


Well-Known Member
I recently had an awful experience with a local wholesaler for a int'l MMJ genetics provider. During correspondence with the int'l MMJ genetics provider I was put in contact with their local wholesaler. After some back and forth I had decided to place a bulk order with this guy. I placed my order one week ahead of time to ensure availability and timely shipment as time was of the essence. I purchased my money order and placed it in the mail on Monday morning for it's 200 mile trip. On Thursday the wholesaler confirmed receipt of my money order and promised timely shipment. On Friday, in an unrelated email, I was told the order was together and would ship ASAP, over night if delayed any further. On the following Wednesday, having not yet received my order, I inquired about the shipment. The reply that day referenced some personal problems and once again promised shipment ASAP.

This is where the situation takes an inexplicable turn. The very next day (Thursday), one week after receiving and confirming the receipt of my money order and repeatedly promising shipment, he drops this bomb on me. Once again replying to my Wednesday inquiry, this time with a quite different tune, he simply sends me this statement: "I haven't got your money order yet.....?????"

I'll stop here for the moment and ask you guys (the MMJ community) what would be a reasonable response at this point?

Thank you for your time,
I would contact my money order people and get their input. if they say it was cashed then send the prick the reciept if not then ask them what the lost/stolen policy is in your case with the uncashed MO. a small fee might get it canceled out before it's cashed and they could probly send you a new one or something like that. it's the reason we use MO.
get systematic and organized. be prepared to get nasty and demonstrate to the rep how you have the events and entire timeline layed out and you're about to publish it all here on an international cannabis forum. If you don't have your shit in 3 days, take a truckload of hillbillies over to meet this representative in person. Ok seriously, bad press or a boycott should be enough to get em dancin'. I tend to become somewhat ballistic in these bogus situations and whomever I'm dealing quickly becomes acutely aware of what's possibly on the horizon.

Are you speaking about the TGA rep for Michigan? I hope not.
dude, start with the MO and keep an open mind. we're all people infalible and working in a grey area of the law with lots of special circumstances because of it. Just my $0.02 you're out alot more then that so for its worth. GL
I love you guys! If not for the entertainment value alone ;-)

The order was for beans. Around the one week mark I was guessing that this was a stalling technique. My first thought was, as the wholesaler was a separate company from the genetics provider, that he was possibly going under and looking to take me with him. We have all heard those nasty stories of MMJ businesses going belly up and taking employees, suppliers and patients with them. I guess this is a scary part of living in the grey area. I did check the MO though and it had not been cashed.
horseshit excuses are just that. let us know how well works out for you, I may personally have a lot riding on the outcome of how well this gets resolved. you know you can get TGA at hemp depot for only 75$/10.
In some instances, Canadians may look after us better than our own.
Sorry if this is hard to follow guys, I have been struggling with my heath this past week and I'm pretty medicated :eyesmoke:

That said, let me just remove some identifying info and share the story with you further via the email chain:

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 8:13 PM, <I> wrote:
I am concerned about your latest email stating that you have now NOT received my money order and furthermore by your lack of response following. Per my request you had confirmed receipt of said money order over a week earlier and have been promising shipment until now. Please provide me with the current status of this order.

Received: Saturday, September 8, 2012 12:05:42 AM
To better reach me please call me. at reasonable hours. thanks xxx-xxx-xxxx. i just don't sit around my email all day. i'm sorry.
Here's the situation, i've been running around like crazy this week as well as having handled 10+ orders....
i may have easily mistaken a money order from someone else's, as yours and told you i received it and cashed it. however. i did check my bank files being what you've said.
No check has been cashed or deposited with my business in the amount of $xxxx.xx. Please check with your bank to see if it's cashed or if you have a tracking number for your letter...

I'm really sorry about this, don't know what to say. i can assure you though your order and shirt is sitting right here next to me waiting to go.....

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 10:01 AM, <I> wrote:
I had the money order checked this morning and it has yet to be cashed. A stop pay and recovering the funds will be costly. Considering this, along with my wasted time and effort up to this point, I believe it best to just cut my loses and move on. Please check once again for my money order, that you had confirmed receipt of, and remember that it arrived in a marked up xxx seed catalog. If found please return ASAP. I am sorry but as a matter of principle I do not do business like this and our business relationship will have to end here.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 10:43 AM, <HE> wrote:
Ok so in regards to your email, I flipped my home office upside down looking for it! i found it at my daughters coloring station with flowers and such drawn on it! I did receive it! i didn't get to open it. i'll cash the check monday your order WILL go out today.
I'm gonna ask you for some understanding in this matter, and if you'll ask around michigan, THIS IS NOT HOW MYSELF OR xxx do business. i do look forward to future ventures as we do have a exceptional product AND SERVICE! this situation is an unfortunate fluke, i do hope you understand my situation. i haven't had a car for 4 months, i'm a single father, she just started school this week and i have NO employees, everything is just me in this life and has been a million miles an hour the last few weeks... and unfortunately my traction slips and i appologize. I'm really sorry you had to experience this but i can assure you this is an EXTREMELY RARE thing, as a matter of fact i cant remember the last time this happened.

Again, my deepest apology!

Thanks for your patience and i hope you understand.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 10:49 AM, <HE> wrote:
Please call me, this email stuff is indirect and inefficient.
did you stop pay?

Saturday, September 8, 2012 4:41:35 PM
so we go from multiple emails a day to no response?
I'm a little confused sir, i understand what happened, but i feel like your treating this situation like i cashed your check and didnt send an order.....
look forward to resolving this situation mr.
Get back with me.
ok. not stalling just not well organized. what is the problem now?
looks like the dood is doing what he can, albeit slow.
I would love to hear more info on this. I have had similar shit happen. Sure the fuck don't know of another industry that loses this many money orders. Thread after thread on this topic.
So was cutting ties at this point a reasonable and/or admirable response to the situation at hand? Or am I just a dramatic fool overreacting and trying to be difficult?

I just don't believe the fact that he finally got around to finding the MO really makes any difference here. He ran me around for a week and had no intention of taking responsibility for his actions. I'm not going to do business with this dude at that point.

So for the next couple days, while not returning my MO as requested, I receive rambling insults from this guy in some unrealistic attempt to get me to change my mind and just accept the order. I also began CCing the genetics company around this time.
overreacting. how fast will a replacement order from someone else get there.

If your principles are that strong then fuck him.

If you want smoke sooner than later resolve this issue now.
So I finally received a response from the genetics company in reference to my ordeal. Can anyone guess it's content :?:
I have read all of the e-mails and I have instructed xxxxx to return your Money Order and have no further dealings with you.We don't need drama or hassles and xxxxx has an excellent reputation and I have received dozens of reviews from happy customers.
He made a mistake and said he was sorry you drug this out far longer than needed.
End of transmission :finger: