My bad experience with a local MMJ wholesaler :-(

Yes it's interesting how people seem to want to look up to people in the industry. When I first met Marc Emery, I thought he was quite the cool fellow. As he had all these seeds for sale, and had similar interests in comic book artists that I did... But he turned out to be a bit of a nut.

However is it really logical to want to idolize someone? I can see wanting a square deal, and not getting ripped off, or someone being rude to you. (Especially when your waving a bunch of money in their face)

But you sort of have to expect these seed breeders to be dishonest to one extent or another. How about Vic High, that's where sub got some of his genetics. Remember Vic and his BCGA, which stood for, British Columbia Growers Association. Sounds pretty snazy right? Well yeah, except there was no "growers association" in British Columbia, or any where else for that matter.

Vic made it all up, even the reports from imaginary grower/breeder 1,2,3 he had listed on his BCGA website for years.

So it's sort of a tradition we've come to expect.

Have a blast and watch my short "Who was Vic High?" video ;)

I wont do business in any other way than I have on the street, face to face, cash sale, product present at point of sale, no middlemen, and if you fuck me, I will fuck you back.