weed plant tall and skinny!

Mr. high

I am a first time grower and my weed plants have been growing for about 3 weeks but the problem is that they are all about 5 inch tall and real skinny . Also they are berely growing their second set second of weed looking leafs. Wat am i doing wrong cuz i see ppl with some badass plants at 3 weeks old!

Mr. high

I used regular soil from outside and I keep the light about 2" from the plants . I would really hate to start again from scratch :/ ..

Mr. high

I'm new to growing so I don't know when or how to feed it :\ i know its stupid to start something without knowing wat to expect from it:\


Well-Known Member
Yeah shitty lights you plant(s) will be dead soon unless you support them and add some better lights.1 13w cfl would be better than a 100w incandescent.


Well-Known Member
Post up a pic. We will help. Good soil, good light, controlled environment/nutes..thats it. Grab a beer or bowl..and read the stickies at the top of forum and watch Cervantes vids on youtube.

Mr. high

Ok I feel better now that I know that im at least using the right light . But now my problem is that I feel that they are not growing right. They are tall and only have the first set of leafs growing:\ im using regular soil from outside


Well-Known Member
When you solved your own problem. An incandescent light will cause the plant to stretch, because the plant is not getting the lumens in the proper color spectrum it needs so it will grow into the light and burn itself to death trying to get light, if left unattended. Fix get some cfl's at the very least.
Soil from outside unless stolen out of your neighbors prize rose garden has little to none nutrients in it. It also most likely is full of bugs.
Fixing the soil, you'll need to use some fertilizer. What do you have laying around the house? or is there a garden center near? And if you are going to transplant to a bigger pot, try and get some better soil.
Do some reading here, start with the Sticky threads in the Newbie section.


Well-Known Member
Generally that soil is gonna suck. It has pests and not enough drainage. Daylight cfls? You know those crappy bathroom fixtures with 4-6 bulbs? you can wire em easy and have 4-6 cfls. Garage sales..

Mr. high

Thanks alot guys that really helped! I have a bag of African violet miracle grow laying around. Wat do u guys thinks , yes or no


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot guys that really helped! I have a bag of African violet miracle grow laying around. Wat do u guys thinks , yes or no
If you are talking about the potting soil, it will work but isn't the best choice. That potting soil already has nutes in it, so don't feed any other ferts if you use this. Again it's not the best npk ratio but it will grow bud.


Well-Known Member
Read.....read....read some more....took me a month of reading here before i even tried my first cfl grow....and have 130 real watts(you would lnow what im refering to if you did some research), on one plant! Look up cfl growing posts and read them all! One bulb? Just put it in the window bro, Either that , oryour wasting your time! Good luck!