So I mixed up a few gallon jugs with 1 table spoon of molasses and some kool bloom an left it for my gf to water. 2 weeks later I return an the soil it wet (just got watered) but it stinks! Like nasty molasses! Has it rotted and should I flush sense she has been getting the same stuff for 2 weeks? She looks fine nice an healthy. But that soil is stinky! Thanks for help
If you drench your soil in molasses, then of course it's gonna smell like the stuff... mixing it "right" is important, there's no guidelines for this- it's just theory anyways but I see most (as well as myself, when applicable) suggesting & using around 1 or 2 tbsp per gallon. There is sugars, starches, phosphorous & potassium in Grandma's molasses, there's no doubt or argument about that; so, it
can be beneficial in flower. Since molasses is mostly sugar, you definitely want to use it freshly mixed; leaving it to sit for a couple weeks most likely brewed up all kinds of bacteria, molds, etc. I see you''re using chemical nutrients anyways, so try this- flush your pots with a h2o2/ water solution (about 3 -4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water; 1 drop with 33% h2o2), about 2-3 times as much of the solution as your pot will hold, then let them drain very well.. wait a couple hours and then add the original nutrients as this flush will clean your soil out. The peroxide will destroy any harmful (as well as beneficial) bacterias, the beneficial ones will grow back later, but this will rid your soil of the odors. A day or 2 later you may water with some
freshly mixed molasses/water to help grow & feed a new army of beneficial bacterias. (Btw: beneficial bacteria colonies are usually wiped out every time a chemical fertilizer is used, so if you use chemical fertilizers, saving beneficial's shouldn't be a priority of yours anyways.)
This is just what I suggest, I do it any time a strange odor is produced by my plants whether in soil or hydro.
Peroxide offers many benefits for plants in general (not only Cannabis growers use it.) Although it is not wise to use it along wit beneficial bacterias & organic nutrients since it will sterilize (kill) all of the bacteria without discrimination... but if you use all chemical fertilizers anyways then give it a shot.. if you decide to also use something organic or 'alive' then just wait a day or 2, making sure not to mix it with anything containing h2o2 until the h2o2 has had time to turn back into water (yes, this happens... usually within hours but I'd recommend a day to be safe.) It can add co2/oxygen to foliage(in liquid form!), add oxygen to roots, remove harmful bacteria & odors, help maintain a healthy system (hydroponics), keep roots clean & white, cure/treat root rot, etc., etc. Look into it for real.
Molasses contains a LOT of sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose), carbs, potassium, phosphorous, iron (blackstrap molasses), calcium, magnesium and more so the above statement is not 100% correct, I agree that those are the most desirable benefits but molasses can do a lot for a plant in the right situation & application.