Some good info here but the thread starter began the thread out with lots of bad info that pretty much makes almost all the other information moot. A properly set up and run system does not need cool reservoir temperatures so as to have reservoir water with a higher DO. Nutrients are actually taken up better at warmer temps about equal to the plants temperature. Plants roots really do not need a lot of DO, so the temp is not an issue. The issue is large masses of roots suspended in water (DWC) or laying thick in the bottom of a tube or a through can not get access to enough water with DO as most water never comes into contact with the center of the large root masses in ost sysytems. Indreasing staurated oxygen by lowering the ten mps still dies nor bring the root masses center roots into contact with more water so the whole issue of temps and higher DO therefore is entirely moot. The difference in bacterial growth between 68 degrees F and 90 degrees F is pretty negligible. Build and operate better systems and quit thinking lower temps and higher DO is the answer to bacterial problems such as root rot. It is not the naswer. syatems such as samll y tube aeros, NTF am nd poorly circulated DWC with too many plants can easily develop root ri ot even with low temps and g high DO. Poor designs and poor operation is the problem not reservoir temp and reservoir DO. If the DO all around a root mass is high but the DO of the water in the center of the root mass is zero or near to zero there will be root rot. Lowering the temp and thereby possibly raisng the DO around the rooyts does not mean the center of the root mass receives any more watercirculation than before so it wil still have zero or near to zero DO water there, so root rot will develop. This hold true for DWC, NTF, and small tube aero systems.
Simple as that. Yes there are things that can be done to help those systems but no one asked for that information they just wasted time talking about needlessly lowering reservoir water temps. Go figure.