So does anyone....


Ok so I've been growing 4 years, smoking for the last 7 or 8 and I just stopped smoking 2 weeks ago today.
No I didn't stop growing or sharing, but I don't partake anymore.
What do you think my buddies really think of that?

I quit just because I like to control my own life, I'm pretty addicted to the stuff, I shake, cold sweats, moody as I don't know what, basically acting like a meth monkey needin a fix...

So does anyone else grow and not smoke??? Or am I all alone out here?:roll:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Good for you man, sometimes i feel like a slave to my reefer and wish i could quit. Sell it and make some nice profits.

you quitting for good or what?


Active Member
I could have sworn this post was going to say, "masturbate with a handful of broken glass". I wish it had...I'm starting to think that I'm the only one.


New Member
i feel like i need to smoke it every day but it dont give me all the crack addict symptoms if i dont got any, ill just be a dick all day


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have the attitude,don't wanna be bothered feeling if I don't have my medicine.Since you don't smoke it,sell it.


Active Member
I have to stop a lot because of work. I never feel this. Of corse I didn't feel much of the side effects from stopping oxy.