Anozira Employment


New Member
Arizona is backwards.
Someone on here previously mentioned a grower getting a head position because they pulled a pound on a flood table...
To add to the dissatisfaction: I met someone who is signed up to a 99 count facility and is only making about 35k salary (including bonuses) on a good year.
Others quality gardeners have told me that dispensary owners who intend to have large grows, (multiple hundreds) scoff at any six figure salary for the main grower.

Seems very non-lucrative considering the industry and the risk associated with it.
Anyone else heard of anything along these lines?
Arizona is backwards.
Someone on here previously mentioned a grower getting a head position because they pulled a pound on a flood table...
To add to the dissatisfaction: I met someone who is signed up to a 99 count facility and is only making about 35k salary (including bonuses) on a good year.
Others quality gardeners have told me that dispensary owners who intend to have large grows, (multiple hundreds) scoff at any six figure salary for the main grower.

Seems very non-lucrative considering the industry and the risk associated with it.
Anyone else heard of anything along these lines?

Yeah dude I cant imagine a grower getting paid a 6 figure salary. Engineers barely make that kind of loot. You can probably make more being a sales rep for a hydroponic nutrient company. Just my take.
Agreed, I think a non mmj job that pays 65k is probably worth an mmj job that pays 100k+ just because the barrel you could be staring down.
But I dont think it would be crazy to see $100,000 or more for a top grower in a large facility.
If you consider the plant count (risk of being caught red handed) and how much the dispensary is making off the product that grower is producing...
For instance, I have heard of performance based agreements @ 2500 a lb as well. (Seems crazy to me)
A major outfit will need WAY more than 100 lbs a yr.
Agreed, I think a non mmj job that pays 65k is probably worth an mmj job that pays 100k+ just because the barrel you could be staring down.
But I dont think it would be crazy to see $100,000 or more for a top grower in a large facility.
If you consider the plant count (risk of being caught red handed) and how much the dispensary is making off the product that grower is producing...
For instance, I have heard of performance based agreements @ 2500 a lb as well. (Seems crazy to me)
A major outfit will need way more than 100 lbs a yr.

I could see growers like Subcool getting paid a 6 figure salary because of his skill and reputation. his reputation alone would draw patients.
Good point, Dont think there are many comparable to Subs overall persona in AZ. lol
Just curious Beav, what would you personally consider a legit salary to work in a place with 500+ plants.

Anyone chime in...
Good point, Dont think there are many comparable to Subs overall persona in AZ. lol
Just curious Beav, what would you personally consider a legit salary to work in a place with 500+ plants.

Anyone chime in...

A good grower with no real heavy reputation, 40 hour work week and I'm talking your "master chef" of the dispensary ( master chef being the head grower of that dispensary) probably andywhere from 45k-55k a year. And that job probably wont come with insurance nor a 401k . Think about it dude project managers and engineers for some of the top construction/engineering companies in AZ are only making 60k-70k a year not including overtime. You just gotta be realistic. I mean ask any cotton farmer in AZ how much they pay their top guy. The farmer makes well over 100k a year but how much do you really think he is paying his top guy?? Probably a 50k-60K a year salary.
I agree that six figures is rare but you also have to consider the value of the product that is being sold and the industry.
Remember I did mention that someone was offering performance based @ 2500 a lb...
500+ seems like it would be way more than a 40hr work week for anybody, no?
I imagine those willing to undergo the task, view it as more of a full-time job, 7 days a week almost.
I agree that six figures is rare but you also have to consider the value of the product that is being sold and the industry.
Remember I did mention that someone was offering performance based @ 2500 a lb...
500+ seems like it would be way more than a 40hr work week for anybody, no?
I imagine those willing to undergo the task, view it as more of a full-time job, 7 days a week almost.

Hell yeah it would be a 7 day a week job. Is over time included ? WHo knows. 2,500 per lb sounds reasonable. I mean the dispensary will be like your street dealer and will be able to make a 100% profit selling it for those 60 1/8 , 120 1/4 , 200 1/2 and 400 zip
I don't know any grower who is going to be paid anything close to that. $50k is gonna be more like it. Now if you can manage cultivation and have business management experience you bring much more to the table. Now you manage growers, supply chain etc and that is easily worth 100k.

There is always someone out there just as good and willing to work cheaper. Thats the way it will always be.
gerald gaines has said he plans on paying his dispensary managers upwards of 160 k a year. as for the growers i have not hard or read anything in terms of figures specifically. sounds like the middle men trying to fuck the guys who actually do the work. no surprise here it the republican ideal. fuck the workers and make them think they will be rich one day. the whole thing is disgusting, you got these money grubbing scumbags already trying to bank on harvests they dont plan on growing and they are already planning on fucking the guys who are doing the actual work. if you are a good grower stay away from working for any dispensary and go it alone or with a few other growers. i do not advise any grower to partner up with a non cultivator, they have nothing to offer but false hopes and empty promises.
What about a grower with a degree..jk
I agree with you, I think the economy will be selling the qualified growers short as we are seeing it happen to any qualified employee looking for a job.
Every business in the world is always looking to pay employees less because it potentially means more profit for them.

Some guys I know, here on some of these forums, said they would rather continue underground than get paid pennies for getting caught holding the bag/show at a dispensary...
Hopefully that is not a sign of the medicine coming to us patients.

We need to remember that without a grower there is no medicine in house and w/o a good grower the herb most likely does not have any medicinal value..
Exactly. And truth be told they are lucky to have jobs at all right now.

Thats why I'm trying to compare a MMJ grower to say a cotton farmer's top foreman. I mean those guys take care of acres and acres of cotton plants and lets be honest we all seen those guys and they dont look like they are raking in the dough. Its a good salary none the less but they aint making 6 figures or even close.
What about a grower with a degree..jk
I agree with you, I think the economy will be selling the qualified growers short as we are seeing it happen to any qualified employee looking for a job.
Every business in the world is always looking to pay employees less because it potentially means more profit for them.

Some guys I know, here on some of these forums, said they would rather continue underground than get paid pennies for getting caught holding the bag/show at a dispensary...
Hopefully that is not a sign of the medicine coming to us patients.

We need to remember that without a grower there is no medicine in house and w/o a good grower the herb is not considered medicine..

A grower with a degree could possibly make 10k more a year than just a regular grower. A grower with a horticulture degree could provide literature and detailed analysis of their grow and understand the complete science behind cultivating anything.
Thats why I'm trying to compare a MMJ grower to say a cotton farmer's top foreman. I mean those guys take care of acres and acres of cotton plants and lets be honest we all seen those guys and they dont look like they are raking in the dough. Its a good salary none the less but they aint making 6 figures or even close.

Exactly. Some guys think, even some on these forums, that just because they know how to grow a 100k yr job is going to fall into their laps. It's not.

Stay in school kids!
No potential jail time/ attorney bills for picking cotton.....
But farming acres is a shit ton of work for sure...

I think there will be some people making six figures but it will be a very select few.
Maybe these paychecks will not be available to anybody until a yr of living with dispensaries passes.
When the quality medicine dictates who is profiting in the industry, then peoples skills and abilities will have more value than they do currently
What about a grower with a degree..jk
I agree with you, I think the economy will be selling the qualified growers short as we are seeing it happen to any qualified employee looking for a job.
Every business in the world is always looking to pay employees less because it potentially means more profit for them.

Some guys I know, here on some of these forums, said they would rather continue underground than get paid pennies for getting caught holding the bag/show at a dispensary...
Hopefully that is not a sign of the medicine coming to us patients.

We need to remember that without a grower there is no medicine in house and w/o a good grower the herb is not considered medicine..
lol on the degree, i am getting one now in non profit leadership management.... growers with degrees usually know everything i have said above.
i am not worried about quality, where there is a demand there will be those looking to supply it is a fool proof motivating factor which drives economic transaction. if the dispensaries are not growing quality then they will either change and end up paying more to retain talent or they will not last.
Thats why I'm trying to compare a MMJ grower to say a cotton farmer's top foreman. I mean those guys take care of acres and acres of cotton plants and lets be honest we all seen those guys and they dont look like they are raking in the dough. Its a good salary none the less but they aint making 6 figures or even close.
cotton does not wholesale for 3k a pound. the money has to go somewhere and if it is not going to the grower it is going to the middle men fucks.