Well-Known Member
iducing her 8AM yes thats rite the AM lol shitting ten bricks i am m8 this ones hard ennough,, but tbh i miss her been a baby lol
U going to the hosp with the missus then ic3?
iducing her 8AM yes thats rite the AM lol shitting ten bricks i am m8 this ones hard ennough,, but tbh i miss her been a baby lol
U going to the hosp with the missus then ic3?
iducing her 8AM yes thats rite the AM lol shitting ten bricks i am m8 this ones hard ennough,, but tbh i miss her been a baby lol
U going to the hosp with the missus then ic3?
yeh suppose il have to drag my sorry as sther,, she says not too,,shel ring wen in labour or watever,,, dunno its up to her
Shouldnt crack ic3, if ya not gonna use it with a fan to cool the light then just take the glass out mate and use as normal hood.
was thinking better to have light lower keep the lass on? + ist looks cool for my jouirnal,, maybe if i atach a pc fan to the hole wer ducting clip one? im a cheap cunt lol.. i dont have heat issues so i suppose im orite
Whooo, i survived me first day. Tomorrow will be much longer and later though alas. Time to open a beer and moan at my lack of weed. Not long now!
WOOHOO!! well done my man hope it goes well, DONT let ur oprinions run of with ya m8 ul only get the boot!!
Don't let my opinions run of with me? I don't follow. And as DST pointed out, it's "off" not "of" they have totally different meanings!
Mw3 n black ops etc is fucking hard especially if ya not played them before took me ages to get to grips with the online play, I'm shit but not too shit get a good few kills n don't finish bottom, but just gets boring quickly imo.
Buy a sucking battery then or treat yourself. No as if your short of a few euro's
I got board of the modern warfare game too mate. I found world at war and black ops kept me entretained for longer because they had those zombie maps. I used to play some of my mates online. It wasnt as hard to play stoned as the mw onesI got rid of it ages ago ic3 done me nut in, but I was getting the hang of it just got bored of it quick tho.Might get another ps3 when the new black ops is out.U brought it then bill, tried any yet? I had 1 of them subutex a few wks ago NEVER again was spewing me guts up for hours lol
Partner and I are going to buy top range laptops soon so no point me buying one the now. But I had planned on getting a reconditioned battery from a shop down jfhchchchc