Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hi All - had a big adventure today. Drove out to Claremont and got a new grinder. No, not that kind of grinder- this kind:

Here is a shot of Big Clone's (BC) tip:



Well-Known Member
Claremont has a great place called UnionAndYale. Delicious craft beer and wood oven pizza. I brought some for all of you:



Well-Known Member
Checked them out online. I am so going to have some of that Pizza when I am playing a softball tournament out there soon. In fact I am going to take the whole team along haha. Thanks Mo!


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
The Big Malawi Gold clone had a misshap yesterday when I was watering. The weight of the water broke a branch! I had removed the stake from this branch a week ago to use in the garden. Now I have all of the branches braced with nice big stakes and that should get her through harvest. The broken branch was pruned trimmed and dropped in the mulch pile. The cola was placed in a pot of soil to see what will happen. The torn stump of the limb has been carefully trussed up with wire to close the wound.

Hole in bush:

Normal angle shot:

Mulch pile:

Top in pot:




Well-Known Member
Hi All,
The heat is finally gone and we have a cool breeze blowing. The girls (and guy) have been loving the heat and the multiple daily waterings. The big clone is not showing any additional signs of distress from losing a branch. The leaves are still turning yellow on the bottom but everything else looks healthy. The buds are really starting to fill in the branches. Still no smell except when you rub the stems and get the sweet "old spice" smell.

Bush shot:

Bud shots:



Well-Known Member
when you say 'guy' wouldn't that guy maybe pollinate the females?! i've always not risked that, and man with the size of those girls!!? i wouldn't want them turning to seed thats for sure!! i'm about to learn something me thinks :p


Well-Known Member
The guy is still a baby but I am keeping a close eye on him to make sure that I am ready when he is:

MozPoz male:



Well-Known Member
Hi All!
I want to thank Nick at Holy Smoke for putting out the killer landrace Sativa seeds!

From this:

came this:



Well-Known Member
fuck man that thing is beastly i love it! i want ten of em in my back yard like a little oasis i can chill and blaze in ...... arnt you worried about your neighbors or somebody seeing that thing???