Getting setup for a new grow, 5g Hempy w/ Third Dimension & Wappa


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Yeah, it's supposed to be at a slight angle for 'condensate utilization (i assume cooling) and drainage' I think it does both... potentially maybe if there is an abundance of condensate built up and more so than necessary for the splash cooling? Either way I am thinking maybe I should just devise a way to clear out the crawl space for the first 3-4 feet so nothing gets splashed, these things are designed to be outdoors afterall I suppose. :)

And for the duct work, that exhaust duct is going out the basement window (which is right near where the A/C is located, it's one of those small basement windows so could never work with an A/C alone. Intake seems unnecessary, it's just passively taking normal room temperature air from outside the grow area / crawlspace which should not be mixing too much with any hot air at all, that Hydrofarm fan is way more powerful than necessary to expel the exhaust air so I see no issues arrising. Eventually the room will be sealed and have no use for intake/exhaust but for now I am just leaving it unsealed to get fresh air on it's own for the time being until I complete my build and getting the supplies I need.


Well-Known Member
Day 14 updates... do these look about right for Day 14 of Veg under a 600W MH you think? It's not always turned up to the full 600W either...



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Just bought a bunch of wire fence, I am going to build one of those cylindrical vertical SCROG's I like so much and see far too few of, also going to do a standard or possible just general unscrogged and simply trained plants as well. Horizontal lighting in one area and vert on the other side (at least thats my plan as of right this minute) We'll see but I did definitely buy everything for setting up a SCROG in one way shape or form. :)


Well-Known Member
Day 16... lots of changes and additions, working on my SCROGs, kind of testing fitting one of the 3D's under it, you can see the cylindrical one tucked away in the corner as well which is a work in progress... Also added AK47 to the family. :)

In some pics (not all taken at same time) the HPS was just what I had in the light at the time, no reason... it's all MH now as seen in the later images. Temps are ridiculous right near the plants though hit 90 until I turned on the A/C, I might need a cool tube... I DO need a fan in the middle blowing up, I know this I just set this up like an hour ago and it's just getting tested atm, I'm going to run it as is but likely with the wattage at 50% until I get a few more fans both osc, direct, and in-line, I need them all plus I need to vent that A/C out basement window so I need to build a board with outlet and remove the window. Oh boy, lots to do.



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I still need to transplant a bunch of them into 5G buckets so it's kind of stupid to be introducing them all to the scrog but I can untangle them in a few days if need be when I get my buckets lol, I also need collection trays for my runoff again now, I had long rectangular ones which unfortunately won't work anymore. I figure I'll have everything fixed up within the week maybe I can get enough growth into the screens to switch them all over (aside from the AK47s of course) to 12/12 as I'd like to get this show on the road. I guess I'll see what 2 weeks can bring from this point.


Well-Known Member
I took a short clip of the vertical scrog... It's kind of cool how my light rotates with the air current of the box fan too, it's like a light mover almost but it most fast so I don't know how well it's going to work I was going to 'fix it' but decided I am gonna let it go for a few days and see how they respond. They all seem to be thriving plus it seems to keep heat down since it's constantly moving. I have noticed a couple degrees cooler since adding that fan.

I am trying to upload the video to photobucket right now, never tried anything but YouTube but I won't upload this type of stuff to my YouTube account.


Well-Known Member
Can I create a new journal and start this one over, It's now a vertical grow... two types of SCROGs and I introduced more strains... I wish I could give more information in my title this time around so those interested in those various aspects could check it out. Oh and 1200-1800W would be nice to throw in too. I don't want to create another thread if it's frowned upon but I want to execute it just a little bit better this time around so it's more known what type of grow it is... wish I could edit the title!


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Turns out my timer never shut off the lights last night, good thing I am in veg... brand new too, I don't understand these things sometimes they work and sometimes they don't and it drives me nuts... even if I flip the manual on/off toggle sometimes it's hit or miss. I wonder if it has anything to do with how much of a load I have going through it (2 600's and 6000BTU A/C) the timer is only rated for 1650 watts. It's a BRINK and halfway decent mechanical timer but I need to address these issues soon before flowering that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Day 19... Don't be shy to say something in here, maybe I need bud porn first.

Got a new tote for my nutrient reservoir too, I am sick of hand watering and going to rig something together and see how that goes, need more drain pans too until I recirculate (or make a drain system)

I am not sure if I should top/fim a bunch more or just let them go for another week or so and flip, It's been a while and I want maximum yield from my space and setup. I still need to transplant the smaller ones but am almost willing to just let them go as is and compare results so I know just how much of a difference the 5 gallons will make over the smaller containers, the smaller containers thrived and got much bushier I think because of the head start in reaching the nutes... haven't seen them all even out yet.


I am using Lucas formula ratios of Micro/Bloom right now with Floralicious Plus, Rapid Start (well don't need it so much now), CaliMagic, and I also have Pinapple Rush enhancer but haven't used it... figure more for flowering. What I am wondering (if I stick with this stuff through this grow) are there any really worth while enhancers I should get for maximum yield and quality which will go nicely with GH Nutes? Open to commendations if they will make a worth while difference.



Well-Known Member
Thanks jmi :)

All plants are 12-13" tall now... assuming they *might* triple in size, I am wondering if I should flower ~10 days earlier than I was originally thinking, my screen only reaches 36" above the growing medium but I know I could train or just let them grow beyond that since it's vert. I wish my horizontal screen would have been a lot more full before flipping but I suppose 12/12 will fill that thing up like crazy during the stretch anyway -- right? Maybe enough to get it 80-100% you think?

Decisions, Decisions... I know 12/12 will make things more interesting in here though.


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It's driving me nuts trying to figure out where to hang my 3rd light... going to do (2) 600W HPS (vert & horizontal scrog) and (1) 600W MH kind of in between the two areas w/ the simple reflector... Not sure how much of that light will hit the outter banks of plants but I don't think it will hurt. I was thinking I'll run it the entire 12/12 cycle but not sure on that yet either it all depends on my temps in there if I end up sticking with 2 lights for now so be it.

My room's ceiling is covered in duct work from my central air / heating and there's no places to secure hooks or any kind of mounting hardware in half of the entire room because of it... if I could tap into the duct work and not worry about holes later (or it holding weight) i'd do it but that's not going to work lol, might kind of find an 'odd' place to hang it and have it angled so it sorta points toward everything instead of facing straight down above everything maybe that would work better. Either way I think I will survive on 1200W if need be. :P


Well-Known Member
I think I've got it figured out! I have illustrated it here, obviously those are Halides at the moment but I am still veggin... Kind of want to switch but only 12-13" tall across the grow... Not sure if my circuit will handle another 600W light either so I may have to wire in those new outlets and 30amp breaker I bought a while back -- Just been lazy and everything has been working fine so have not bothered. Project for tomorrow I suppose...




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I just topped (fuck I missed, actually) a ton on some of the plants, the horizontal SCROG plant (3D) got fim'd on about 6-7 different sites alone. I followed suit on 2-3 other plants, 2 of them were moderately done and just a couple spots on others but left a few of them alone completely for comparison sake. I wanted to flip 12/12 soon because I am getting a little antsy so I went ahead and topped to make sure I had to wait at least 4-5 more days before flipping (more than likely a week unless the growth picks up quick)

We shall see...

I think I am going to have temperature issues if I kick on that 3rd light... I covered up the door way with a loose piece of poly (light leaks out of the edges quite a bit but I think I can keep the basement dark enough during the lights out that I don't really need to get crazy on the light control. Honestly all I need to do is cover the two basement windows and REMEMBER to have everything turned off down there and there won't be anything more than a pilot light going which won't be enough to leak any light into the room. I got kind of sick of devising ways to cover everything considering I have concrete, metal and various plumbing and such in the way... So much for Co2 I am not in the mood for that hurdle yet. :)

Keeping everything relatively loosely sealed up with a lot of open areas I am worried my Carbon filter won't do it's job enough to stop the smell though but I guess I will seal everything up if that is the case this area is gonna reek I know that much.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, I actually went back in there and pinched the shit out of the plants too (all of them on the majority of all pinchable stems leading to tops, some were too thick and rigid for me to crush... good thing, I can't complain there.) enough to break the tissue and get it a little mushy, I figure if I am going to induce the stress of the topping I should get some of the supercropping/pinching done at the same time so I don't need to wait for one after the other to recover. But yes... I am thinking about a week I will flip (depending on how they're looking, I am thinking they'll be great.)


Well-Known Member
I am more than likely going to install my new 30amp single pole breaker and (2) 15amp dual outlets in a 2 gang box so that I can power all 3 of my 600's plus my A/C, I have been running 2 600's and an A/C off a single 15amp and really pushing my luck right about now so it's time to get this done. I have never done this before but I do feel comfortable with it and know the procedure like the back of my hand. I am going to pull the main power disconnect outside the house (like the power company would do if you don't pay the bill) that way I am pretty confident all power should be off (I am going to put up a cardboard shield over the main lines & connects though for peace of mind too)

I have run 50' of Romex (will be cut to around 45' it looks like w/ how much excess I have) 10/2 and everything is ready (125V so I don't need 10/3) but right now all that is left is actually connecting both ends. Once I get the gang box all done, wired, installed I am going to throw on my headstrap lamp, put the good ol' LED camping lantern by the service panel... cut the power and go to town! If I update this Journal again this evening, all went well.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, I actually went back in there and pinched the shit out of the plants too (all of them on the majority of all pinchable stems leading to tops, some were too thick and rigid for me to crush... good thing, I can't complain there.) enough to break the tissue and get it a little mushy, I figure if I am going to induce the stress of the topping I should get some of the supercropping/pinching done at the same time so I don't need to wait for one after the other to recover. But yes... I am thinking about a week I will flip (depending on how they're looking, I am thinking they'll be great.)
DG - I would never supercrop vegging plants heading into a scrog, you want to encourage growth. SC reduces the growth through a stem. Read THIS
SC is used to turn a vert stem to a horz stem. Once horz you get more side branch growth which makes more bud heads at one elevation. With your scrog you can weave the branches at angles and horz without crushing the stems.

Best of luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah well said, I have just gotten a bit too involved in the training of the plants I think that I am being counter productive in some regards. Thanks for pointing that out, this is my first grow in years and I probably never made myself clear on that point when it came to a SCROG... I also have them tied down again, basically the same counter productive concept I am thinking now at this point. My problem is... I have too much fun playing with them (but not to the point I kill them or anything lol) and that's going to slow me down if I keep it up. I will do my best, that said here's recent pics of the misguided training efforts.

Also you can see my Pump & 'rigged up' manifold for underground sprinkling so I can feed my hempys the easy way... got 100' of black nylon line too so I think I am good to go.

Thanks for stopping in too and offering some good advice.

