Starting my first grow...


Well-Known Member
You need to take the pots off the golf course. Why would you put it where anybody can walk off with it. I get you cant see a plant in it. Wouldn't the grounds crew see it and take it off the course. Dont think that golfers are only paying attention to their game. Dont plant these by the golf course they will smell a lot. That golf course isnt the only place in Australia that has sunlight.

Dont mess with your plants every five minutes let them be so they can grow. You dont need to feed any nutes at this stage. They dont have any roots to uptake any nutes.


Well-Known Member
Rain forest is a "no go" with pot. You need a well-drained soil in a location that receives full morning sunlight, literally at the crack of dawn, and has some shade part of the day. Filtered shade is better than heavy canopy trees. Better to grow on the side of a hill that has some vegetation so any rain runs off. Rain is not always a blessing. Is this really rain forest? Bud mould and rot is very real in such conditions.


Well-Known Member
Wow... All I can say is that you seriously need to go buy Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook, Jorge Cervante's Marijuana Horticulture, and mabye for you Professor Lee's Marijuana 101... U haveta be a lil smarter than the average bear. You cant just sit your crops out on a golf course, where someone would either report you, or just steal your shit. I'd definately abandon the whole idea of having an outdoor grow, and start planning for an indoor op, ESPECIALLY since you live on a bloody golf course... You need to be in control of your humidity levels and temps, and everything else for that matter... READ MORE!!! Good luck...
You need to take the pots off the golf course. Why would you put it where anybody can walk off with it. I get you cant see a plant in it. Wouldn't the grounds crew see it and take it off the course. Dont think that golfers are only paying attention to their game. Dont plant these by the golf course they will smell a lot. That golf course isnt the only place in Australia that has sunlight.

Dont mess with your plants every five minutes let them be so they can grow. You dont need to feed any nutes at this stage. They dont have any roots to uptake any nutes.
You're right, I am going to re-think a lot of things. Thank you sir. Your message has been absorbed, I'm going to abandon this thread but I'll update when I've got things back under control.

Thanks everyone else that replied too, I read your posts I just can't be bothered responding to them individually right now. (It's 1:48 AM :sleep:)