supplimental co2


Active Member
hey guys, could anyone tell me if there is a cheap co2 alternitive other than tanked and regulated? any feed back would be great


Well-Known Member
Depends on grow space......Was at hydro store and they had a package of some kinda mushrooms tht produced CO2,But it
was for like just a 4x4 area.Also look in the DIY thread theres some in there.



Active Member
I use the yeast sugar method, I've noticed much faster growth with it. The bigger container the better but in a small area a bunch of 2l bottles around the place could help. Just remember CO2 is heavy so you want it above your plants. Read some threads on it, apparantly it may help with ripening of buds also.


Well-Known Member
I've had wonderful success with this method myself, and would recommend it to anyone, if they r using a smaller enclosure such as a closet or grow box or tent... Yeast and sugar arent that expensive, especially when you notice the immense difference in yield that happens when you use it in flowering, especially...
I use the yeast sugar method, I've noticed much faster growth with it. The bigger container the better but in a small area a bunch of 2l bottles around the place could help. Just remember CO2 is heavy so you want it above your plants. Read some threads on it, apparantly it may help with ripening of buds also.


Well-Known Member
I take 2 or 3 three-packs of Fleishman's Active Dry yeast and add a lb of sugar every week of flowering, to a lil' less than a gal of water in a milk jug and plumb a line into my garden.... I'd fill up the jug approx3/4 full after adding in your mix, or it WILL overflow and make a funky mess... Each time you start a mix, it will put out CO2 for about a week, and then you need to pour out the mash and re-mix it... But, I guarentee you will never NOT use CO2 again after you see what it does to your ladies! Good luck!
ok how does the suger and yeast work how do you do it? are what should the mix be?


Well-Known Member
But, to more directly answer your question- The yeast eats the sugar, and mixed with H2O, it produces CO2... I'm no chemist, but I know thatz how the process works, and I know from experience that it certainly makes a difference...


Well-Known Member
Well, like I said, get a 1-gal milk jug, empty, cut open like three of those lil 3-strips of yeast u find on the baking isle at the grocery store, empty all of the yeast into the empty jug... Then, take 1 pound of sugar, and funnel that into the jug, then fill it up about three-quarters of the way with water, and either just sit it, open(it builds up gas, so if it were closed, not only would it not let out any CO2, but you would have a GIANT mess to clean up, and possibly some ruined plants, obviously)-or you can drill a hole through the jugs cap, and plumb a tube with silicon through a hole in it and exhaust the gas wherever you feel it would be most beneficial... You could make the tubing really long and fill it full of holes(like we do in guerilla grows on our black water lines, so that each plant receives an equal amount of CO2... Understand?
I take 2 or 3 three-packs of Fleishman's Active Dry yeast and add a lb of sugar every week of flowering, to a lil' less than a gal of water in a milk jug and plumb a line into my garden.... I'd fill up the jug approx3/4 full after adding in your mix, or it WILL overflow and make a funky mess... Each time you start a mix, it will put out CO2 for about a week, and then you need to pour out the mash and re-mix it... But, I guarentee you will never NOT use CO2 again after you see what it does to your ladies! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Idk... I dont use that much at one time... U could just multiply my recipe by 5X and see what happens... My guess is that it would still only last a week, but just produce a shit-ton more CO2, which isn't necessarily beneficial, depending on the size of your grow, that is... You do not want to bombard the plants with CO2, in the same way that you wouldn't want to give them way more of a particular nute or micro- or macro-nute, and expevt it to do better, just because you have given it more, u know?
how long would a 5 gal pale last


Active Member
and in 5th week of flowering lots of buds just not filling in that much very skinny colas i have them under 1800 wtts hps 12/12 just trying to figure out how to bulk them up and i understand what you are saying with the co2


Active Member
I've had wonderful success with this method myself, and would recommend it to anyone, if they r using a smaller enclosure such as a closet or grow box or tent... Yeast and sugar arent that expensive, especially when you notice the immense difference in yield that happens when you use it in flowering, especially...
It produces ethylene aswell which is believed to help ripen the flowers. There's a few good threads on RIU about it. Plus if you do it right it can give you some half decent alcohol lol


Active Member
and in 5th week of flowering lots of buds just not filling in that much very skinny colas i have them under 1800 wtts hps 12/12 just trying to figure out how to bulk them up and i understand what you are saying with the co2

Don't know if they will fill out from CO2? You can use high P and K ferts or boost ferts to get more mass but its the last couple of weeks that they bulk up anyway for me. JMO


Active Member
or what would you guys recomend? like i said under 1800wtts of hps in 8x8 shed 5th week of flowering can post a few pics if it would help