Pineapple..? 400w HPS Grow Tent


Active Member
Starting this journal primarily for personal reference but in case I run into any problems it's always good to have an outside perspective. Im using a simple soil mixture of soil and perlite in a 5gal deep bucket. We're only doing one plant at the moment for a test run. The seed is pretty much unknown, she had it from a prior grow a few years ago. It was sent over from a friend from the UK, that labeled the bag "Pineapple." So your guess is as good as mine.

400w HPS in vented hood
2x 6in. inline fans
small a/c unit
Growlabs 5.5 x 2 x 2 grow tent

Soil A+B
Rock Resonator

Flower Day 6 - I just repotted it this morning before it really gets going, I should have done it a week ago but it seems to be ok. We're off to a decent start so far, I believe I'm mid battle with thrips right now. Today was the first day that I applied Monteray Gardens, from what I've read it seems to do the trick... I may have topped her a little early, but this is the first grow in this tent and light so it's a learning process. I'll post pictures either later tonight or tomorrow morning when she wakes up again.


Active Member
Day 7


Figured I would snap some quick cell phone pictures for you guys, to show what we're working with. It's the end of week one with her and she seems to be doing well. A lot of stretching going on, so managing to keep the canopy even has proven to be a bit difficult lol. But things seem alright, I did the first thrip treatment yesterday so hopefully things work out...



Well-Known Member
interesting. So how come you opted for one plant instead of maybe 2-3? more fems likely hood of female ya know. I understand it was from a friend (SWEET!) wish I had cool buds like that. But put some more girls in there!!.. question tho.. are you getting smell issues yet? lookin good

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Toke how's it going. Thanks for checking out my thread, thought I would do the same. Man can I feel the excitement no friggen shit!! I sthis one of your first grows? It's so cool your girlfriend is into it to you guys will have a blast : !)

One of my grow rooms is only 5.2 sq ft, not much bigger than yours, with a 400 also. You can have a lot of fun with that and it's a pretty easy learning curve especially if you ask questions here. Your plant looks like it's going to be nute sensitive as it's showing signs already,,,leaf tip curl and some clawing going on. Just baby it ; !)

Good luck! I'll swing by at some point to see how things are going. Have fun!!



Active Member
interesting. So how come you opted for one plant instead of maybe 2-3? more fems likely hood of female ya know. I understand it was from a friend (SWEET!) wish I had cool buds like that. But put some more girls in there!!.. question tho.. are you getting smell issues yet? lookin good
To be honest we have an outside vegetable and herb garden on our front porch and threw a seed out that she had from a previous grow and one thing lead to another. We're moving soon and didn't want to make it too involved. Had I known we were going to set-up the whole grow tent and see it all the way through we probably would have opted for 2-3. She's starting to have a really nice light evergreen smell. But it's hard to tell if it's the plant or one of us smoking in front of our computers lol.

Hey Toke how's it going. Thanks for checking out my thread, thought I would do the same. Man can I feel the excitement no friggen shit!! I sthis one of your first grows? It's so cool your girlfriend is into it to you guys will have a blast : !)

One of my grow rooms is only 5.2 sq ft, not much bigger than yours, with a 400 also. You can have a lot of fun with that and it's a pretty easy learning curve especially if you ask questions here. Your plant looks like it's going to be nute sensitive as it's showing signs already,,,leaf tip curl and some clawing going on. Just baby it ; !)

Good luck! I'll swing by at some point to see how things are going. Have fun!!
This will actually be my second grow ever. I had one back home under cfl's in a dresser I gutted and made into a cabinet. My first grow were bag seeds that turned out nice and I learned a lot from them. This is my first grow under mh/hps lighting and has been pretty exciting. I'm in the process of battling Thrips, do you think that's the cause of my leaf curling or like you originally said with the nutes? I've only fed her once since flowering, and it's a 1/4 str of the soil a+b additives,, 4ml of each added to a gallon. I was going to let her go another day or two before straight flushing her and applying another round of the monteray gardens spray.

Thanks for stopping in guys, all questions and comments are definitely appreciated.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I think spraying it would have only caused the claw if it was still a little wet when put back under the light. One qtr strength is the way to start and that should not have caused any problems being such a light dose. Occasionally some strains will look like that no matter what and still produce well. Sounds like your doing just fine.

Has it shown sex yet?


Well-Known Member
I'd also suggest not watering until she pretty light in the pot(weight wise) sometimes if your using a big pot like that if you water often without letting the bottom get some O2 they start to rot off and cause curling. I'm subbed, You plan on doing more when you move?


Active Member
I think spraying it would have only caused the claw if it was still a little wet when put back under the light. One qtr strength is the way to start and that should not have caused any problems being such a light dose. Occasionally some strains will look like that no matter what and still produce well. Sounds like your doing just fine.

Has it shown sex yet?
They seemed a bit droopy before I applied the spray, but I did however leave her under the light during/after the spray. So take it out from under the lights, spray it and let it dry correct? At the moment it is very very female, so it's a great start. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that nothing happens, but so far so good.

I'd also suggest not watering until she pretty light in the pot(weight wise) sometimes if your using a big pot like that if you water often without letting the bottom get some O2 they start to rot off and cause curling. I'm subbed, You plan on doing more when you move?
Good point, I'm going to let her dry out for a few days and see where she goes. Afterwards i'll flush her with straight clean water. Yea, I actually can't wait to get this move going so we can set-up a more permanent perpetual grow. I've had a huge fascination with these plants for years since my first grow. (back when was thriving)

Thanks for the advice guys, I just checked on her again this morning and man she has stretched in the most random directions, there is no uniformity to any part of it lol That probably has to do with the fact that it was veg'ed for around 50-60ish days. I'm going to straight leave it untouched for a few days and see if it evens itself out a bit. Stay tuned, because today marks the end of Week 1​


Well-Known Member
Have you topped her ? Its day 7 she's starting her stretch. In about 3-6 days she should start showing her flowers. Well for me i use 10 days as the bar. Its usually around there.


Active Member
Have you topped her ? Its day 7 she's starting her stretch. In about 3-6 days she should start showing her flowers. Well for me i use 10 days as the bar. Its usually around there.

I topped her at the 6th node in veg...I don't plan on making clones because this is a one and done before we move and set-up a more permanent perpetual grow. Should I top a few of those spots to even out her growth?


Well-Known Member
Yessir, lookIn nice Mr..

Hows the smell? Descriptions are nice for my olfactory ;)
Keep on keepin on man! See ya round bro..


Active Member
Yessir, lookIn nice Mr..

Hows the smell? Descriptions are nice for my olfactory ;)
Keep on keepin on man! See ya round bro..
Thanks for stopping in man, funny story....I don't have a sense of smell, I can smell strong chemicals like pvc glue and racing fuel. But unfortunately I've got nothing when it comes to my hard works aroma =( sad really..


Active Member
Day 10

Today I took her out and flushed her with some nice clean/cool water and applied another round of that monteray gardens. She seems to have taken it nicely, no more spots appearing and the canopy is nice and flush green. She's starting to even herself out, it's fun to look at the subtle differences every couple days. She's super bushy and as soon as I get this leaf curling thing down I'm going to be super happy with our progress.


Do you think I have it too close to the light? She doesn't look burned...sooo...maybe my ph is off..??


hey there! i chose to comment simply bc i too am using pa express, and have a four undred watt hps, and a tent! it looks like the ligh is to close, only bc it looks like ur tent is rather small, for the power of light u are using... how big is your tent? and do u have proper ventilation?


i took a second look ...your tent isnt as small as i thought it to be.. u had mentioned that ur ph may be off? well thats somthing critical, that u should and will want to correct! if the ph isnt rite? youy plant cant successfully take in the nutes u give her, and that usually ends up in u thinking shell need more, ending up in a overdose of nutes! ph is always 1st thing u need to make sure is correct, wen facing any type of deficiency...
i would LOVE to show u a few pics from my set up. or even put them in a album on here, but i am new to the site and cant figgure out y my albums dont give the ioption to uploa pics, can ya help a brutha out??! lol