Gamers on RIU ?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I don't frequent the forums outside of grow journals much and wondered if there was a thread or group of people on here who play video games. I play my ps3 and pc quite a bit and am sure there are others on here. Just wondered if I was missing out on something.
No one here plays video games we're all too elbow deep in the ganja for that...

speak for yourself ma there are lots of gamers here its just not a gaming forum so not a topic brought up often.

to the OP, maybe you can ask RIU to put in a Gamer sub forum somewhere.
No one here plays video games we're all too elbow deep in the ganja for that...

yeah for sure im an avid gamer, i probably game close to 15 hours a day on my days off. its disgusting but its hardcore.
Thanks for chiming in guys and gals. So while we are talking about it... Borderlands 2 comes out in a few days and steam has an offer for 4 games @$45 each. I think I have 2 friends who want in... anyone want to trust me with $45? lolol I know it's ridiculous asking, but worth a try eh?

its disgusting but its hardcore.

Glad to know someone feels the same.
Thanks for chiming in guys and gals. So while we are talking about it... Borderlands 2 comes out in a few days and steam has an offer for 4 games @$45 each. I think I have 2 friends who want in... anyone want to trust me with $45? lolol I know it's ridiculous asking, but worth a try eh?

Glad to know someone feels the same.

theyre summer sale was alot better, boarder lands 2 looks pretty good imho. i feel like its disgusting but whatever i enjoy it, i make sure all my house work is done first ect, :p so its all good! I play with lots of friends, ect and i enjoy doing it :)
Just bought the new counter strike for pc. Not too shabby, very very very different to source, but in the same way source was very very different to 1.6. Other than that i like strategy games, pint and click games at times, and this and that. You'll have to work DAMNED hard to get me to play a console game though, having used a pc for so many years, i just cannot in any way feel happy when playing a console game, the graphics are just revolting, ugly as sin. Can't do it.
Just bought the new counter strike for pc. Not too shabby, very very very different to source, but in the same way source was very very different to 1.6. Other than that i like strategy games, pint and click games at times, and this and that. You'll have to work DAMNED hard to get me to play a console game though, having used a pc for so many years, i just cannot in any way feel happy when playing a console game, the graphics are just revolting, ugly as sin. Can't do it.

console is good for memories and party games imho.
Not sure what you mean by memories, but won't argue againt it being good for party games. But for me, that is a non-point, i do not really enjoy multiplayer gaming, i play counterddtike offline against bots :) What can i say, i don't like people, or not so much don't like them, just have no place for them in my life, i'm much more content just being nice and quiet on my own or with someone special, nothing worse for me than a party or gathering of people, i normally just bugger off down the road with a handul of joints and come back a few hours later too blazed to give a damn about them :D
Not sure what you mean by memories, but won't argue againt it being good for party games. But for me, that is a non-point, i do not really enjoy multiplayer gaming, i play counterddtike offline against bots :) What can i say, i don't like people, or not so much don't like them, just have no place for them in my life, i'm much more content just being nice and quiet on my own or with someone special, nothing worse for me than a party or gathering of people, i normally just bugger off down the road with a handul of joints and come back a few hours later too blazed to give a damn about them :D

i mean like mario for original nintendo...nostalgia
What games do you play Sunni? By your comments, I'm going to guess... MMO's? WoW?

I'm a pretty hardcore gamer myself. Play almost exclusively single-player games on my PS3. However, I do play CS: Source (and I did by GO but so far haven't been very impressed with it), and I will be picking up Borderlands 2 for my PC here next week. We should get some RIU Borderlands 2 Co-op going on!
What games do you play Sunni? By your comments, I'm going to guess... MMO's? WoW?

I'm a pretty hardcore gamer myself. Play almost exclusively single-player games on my PS3. However, I do play CS: Source (and I did by GO but so far haven't been very impressed with it), and I will be picking up Borderlands 2 for my PC here next week. We should get some RIU Borderlands 2 Co-op going on!

mostly wow, gw2, starcraft , lol, hon, ect ect the list goes on but mostly wow. , halo, moa, cod, ya know usual games females dont play :p i make it a point to do things guys say i cant

like in wow " girls cant tank"

i sure showed them bastards up!:p
mostly wow, gw2, starcraft , lol, hon, ect ect the list goes on but mostly wow. , halo, moa, cod, ya know usual games females dont play :p i make it a point to do things guys say i cant

like in wow " girls cant tank"

i sure showed them bastards up!:p
Haha, nice. Fits your personality well!

I'm just not into MMO's, really. I've tried playing a few (Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes) but that was about it. That being said, I'm afraid to play WoW though because I have a feeling I would love it and it would take over my life and I don't want that.

I also have a serious problem with having to pay a monthly fee for a game.
I had Indiana Jones for Atari, I remember it being so 'advanced' ha. I have always always been a console guy... until I got an awesome pc last year. Not it's really tough because I do so love my console, but like you said ttt, the graphics are enough to make you puke. I never would have guessed but I found the difference in the online community in both pc and ps3 worlds. People on the pc are fewer, older, and much better than the kids on the play station.

I get there is no difference, but playing on an emulator is just nowhere near the same as playing on an old box, with an old controller. I still have my N64 in the attic.

Love the sig chucky.

TTT, what games (specifically) do you like? And that's out to anyone really.

Here's my games (or franchises) that I play:
Gran Turismo
Assassins Creed
Little Big Planet
Elder Scrolls
Call of Duty
Guitar Hero
FIFA Soccer

I like other games too, those are just the ones I play a lot.
Haha, nice. Fits your personality well!

I'm just not into MMO's, really. I've tried playing a few (Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes) but that was about it. That being said, I'm afraid to play WoW though because I have a feeling I would love it and it would take over my life and I don't want that.

I also have a serious problem with having to pay a monthly fee for a game.
IMHO its worth it, i could recruit you and we could play together, its only 14$ a month its like paying for xbox live, it suits my needs to be honest, i enjoy playing
Snowboard Kids... hahahaha, my god I forgot about that game.

Forgot about it? You fiucking heathen! One of the best games ever to grace the N64 :D N64 was the daddy, up until they started charging £60 a cartridge. Sure the ps1 was superior in terms of capability, but good god did the games suck in comparisson. Heyy, let's play gran tourismo.. or how about super mario cart... I know which one i chose. Now that is an epic multiplayer game and i'm not much of a fan of multiplayer. Mario cart and smash brothers. Fuck yes!