Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a little paranoid and anxious. But he has a libertarian mindset so he is okay for the most part - it comes and goes. I offered to cull some if they were making him nervous but he said no. He hates waste and understands the value of cannabis.

All I really have to do is plant in the same spot next year and offer to cut them if he bitches (of course he will say no). I'm only planning to grow a few so he won't complain. I sympathize with his anxiety and don't want to stress him. I can go guerrilla if that doesn't work out; I just hesitate to abandon the planting spots I have worked so hard to develop.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a little paranoid and anxious. But he has a libertarian mindset so he is okay for the most part - it comes and goes. I offered to cull some if they were making him nervous but he said no. He hates waste and understands the value of cannabis.

All I really have to do is plant in the same spot next year and offer to cut them if he bitches (of course he will say no). I'm only planning to grow a few so he won't complain. I sympathize with his anxiety and don't want to stress him. I can go guerrilla if that doesn't work out; I just hesitate to abandon the planting spots I have worked so hard to develop.
That's coo I'm just given you shish. It will be an interesting and fun adventure to guerrilla away even from your partners eyes. I had a small plant behind my stepdads shed. He asked me one day after noticing me spending so much time there but smoking my spliffs at the front door. He goes "You growing weed back there?" "Uhh...yeah Pop
." He goes "" lol Dude was a square before my mom. Now shes the square.


Well-Known Member
hey angryblackman, hope you don't mind if i post a link to my new outdoor grow. here it is, about 2.5 weeks into flowering:

peace bro,

I need to head over there and check it out! :D Thanks for posting up here to let me know! :D

Looking good! turning out to be quite the jungle!
Yes sir it is! I can't wait to chop it down!

I will be starting to pull the bagseed this week. Og Truth within the next couple weeks. The Sour D and Harlequin should finish up in about 3-4 weeks. I have a complete chop date of the 5th of Oct (company coming in for the wedding) so everything must be cut and well into dry shortly after that. :)

It's gonna be a hash xmas! :D


Well-Known Member
It's been too dark to take pics in the AM so I will have to stop the pic a day posts. I will be chopping the bagseed today however as it's ready enough for me with about only a week left and I have a ton of wedding shit to do in the coming weeks. Choppy chop! :D


Well-Known Member
I hear you! I am so happy that my plants are all over the place. I have a couple that look like they'll be done in two weeks and a couple more that may need 6 more - and everything in-between! Looks like I can make this a nice manageable month-long harvest.


Well-Known Member
LOL I have been waiting for them to swell enough to break the lowers on weight alone. Those were sucker branches for the most part with large mains at the end. They weren't going to really produce anything so I let them snap and chopped them. I did this on Saturday and have noticed a jump in weight on the remaining branches so I don't mind a few early nugs to push the finish line a little closer with more weight. :)

I will snap a shot of what I have pulled already tonight. Keep in mind that the branches broke so they will look a little immature but that is likely going to be blunt material anyways. Also it's looking like that bagseed is a Blueberry. :) Not positive but it's an early finisher and had a nice blue smell to it. If you took a nug of Blue Dream and a nug of this and smelled it you would definitely agree! :D

But for the record.. It's bagseed. ;)


Well-Known Member
Been chopping away at the bagseed a few branches a day and I FUCKING HATE HARVEST.. LOL This is how I feel.


All is going well in the garden. Here is a couple shots of a patient/buddies OG Truth.

2012-09-12 17.54.26.jpg2012-09-12 17.57.05.jpg

Everything is coming along nicely. The plants are starting to pack on flowers and take their oh so familiar shapes and smells. I will have to snap a pic of the whatever area for you guys tonight. The Purple Trash (that I knocked the tops down on about a month ago) has taken off. I pulled it down a bit to keep it under the fence line but it shot back up and it sitting at about 7' now leaning! It's supposed to be the whatever area and not the extra work area! LOL

Hope that you all are having a great September and wishing you all a Happy Harvest! :D


Well-Known Member
Bagseed is harvested and I'm looking to chop an OG Truth here in the next few days. I hope that everyone is out enjoying the mid Sept sun.


Well-Known Member
Looks hella good ABM! I am going to chop the Medi that is in the smart pot tomorrow. She could go another week or two, but she has mites and is yellowing and just not doing as well as the one in the ground. That one is getting fat and sparkly. Even early - all cloudy and clear trichs - it's hella good smoke. Very sativa-ish though, compared to fully ripened. I will put a sample of the two side by side for you ;)


Well-Known Member
Thought that I would toss some bud pics out there. Nothing as good as Mwooten or budologist420 though. :)

First here is a couple of already harvested and curing plants. The right is the bagseed and the left is an early OG Truth branch that broke. The OG Truth is probably going to be this seasons big numbers but the Purple Trash is still packing weight so we'll see!

2012-09-17 06.35.36.jpg

OG Truth
2012-09-17 17.02.12.jpg2012-09-17 16.59.05.jpg

Bubba Kush
2012-09-17 17.00.11.jpg

2012-09-17 16.58.47.jpg

Kens GDP
2012-09-17 16.58.24.jpg

Ocean Kush
2012-09-17 16.59.39.jpg

2012-09-17 17.02.55.jpg

Purple Trash
2012-09-17 17.00.21.jpg