This is what is causing all the uproar?

If they don't enter the smoking friendly establishment, they don't have to worry, now do they?
What about employees! If they understand the risk or smoke themselves, what's the problem?
If they don't want to work in that environment, they have the choice of working somewhere else.

And the asthmatic bartender should move to AZ and get a job in a salad bar!

If you dont want a union job
You dont have to apply for it

Thanks for making that real easy
You're really reaching now!

But I'm sure that most people buying trees at the nursery are not thinking about the risks of owning it, do you agree?

i am and i do

point being that to a degree things are deadly . . . . . the intent and design of the item, object does factor in to its plausible threat to life

and when mis used, and mis understood, guns cars and tractors will have rules and boundaries to use, so that the inconsiderate Pyrrhic freedom fighter cannot harm themselves or others
Clayton, people in my state have the RIGHT to work without ingesting:

Cancer-Causing Chemicals
Formaldehyde: Used to embalm dead bodies
Benzene: Found in gasoline
Polonium 210: Radioactive and very toxic
Vinyl chloride: Used to make pipes
Toxic Metals
Chromium: Used to make steel
Arsenic: Used in pesticides
Lead: Once used in paint
Cadmium: Used to make batteries
Poison Gases
Carbon monoxide: Found in car exhausts
Hydrogen cyanide: Used in chemical weapons
Ammonia: Used in household cleaners
Butane: Used in lighter fluid
Toluene: Found in paint thinners

I'm not a Prohibitionist, I'm not anti tobacco; I'm a smoker. You as an employer have 0 right to force employees to ingest deadly chemicals.
Clayton, people in my state have the RIGHT to work without ingesting:

Cancer-Causing Chemicals
Formaldehyde: Used to embalm dead bodies
Benzene: Found in gasoline
Polonium 210: Radioactive and very toxic
Vinyl chloride: Used to make pipes
Toxic Metals
Chromium: Used to make steel
Arsenic: Used in pesticides
Lead: Once used in paint
Cadmium: Used to make batteries
Poison Gases
Carbon monoxide: Found in car exhausts
Hydrogen cyanide: Used in chemical weapons
Ammonia: Used in household cleaners
Butane: Used in lighter fluid
Toluene: Found in paint thinners

I'm not a Prohibitionist, I'm not anti tobacco; I'm a smoker.

dont forget

Escherichia coli
the flu
common cold
swine flu h1n1

. . .. .. how many infectious diseases do you know that can spread from human contact . . and or mis-management of hygiene of both person and property

without rules any shady employer could try and force employees to work infected, al lin the name of profits vs risk to society . . . . . .
After all the GOP has done and where they put us today you have the unmitigated gall to claim Democrats don't compromise. Which party has become known as the party of Obstructionism over the last four years? Let me give you a hint. The word starts with REPUBLICAN.

Roe V Wade, a bad decision, which finds new rights where there were none before, for a medical procedure that the founders never would have imagined needed any more laws to prohibit it, seeing as it had been illegal for about 2300 years before they rebelled against england in every society on the planet with sufficient medical knowledge to perform the procedure. so yep. the framers of the constitution pretty much just assumed it was still illegal, just like the constitution makes no claim as to the legality of murder, theft or rape. the constitution (presumably the supreme court's area of expertise) lays out only one law, and thats against treason, "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" (a hostile foreign power)

scientific studies have also gound that marijuana is addictive and kills brain cells, beer is good for you, broccoli is bad for you, and there is such a thing as "gender dismorphism" it's all garbage, statistical shenanigans to advance an agenda. "smoking in public" is not even what i was talking about, you CAN smoke in public, whats at issue is smoking in PRIVATE in my own cocktail lounge bar, road house or restaurant. and yes, thats an infringement of the rights of the owners of such establishments. if you do not wish to breathe the same disgusting air as a smoker, you may choose another bar, or place a plastic bag over your head and tie it with a shoelace.

Lead in motor fuel is NOT and environmental hazard. you have no idea what you are talking about. Tetra Ethyl lead is a metallic salt added to motor fuel to make it burn slower, and while it burns,, the lead plates onto the combustion chamber and the valve seats making the engine run more efficiently. this is why classic cars must now have steel valve seats in their heads which were unnecessary when lead was added to fuel. the lead from gasoline did NOT pollute the environment, passing cars did not spew vaporized lead gasses onto schoolchildren at a playground (despite the assertions of propaganda commercials at the time) nor did lead from gasoline contribute to any health problems for anyone. if you had sufficient expose (acute or chronic) to gasoline you would die from petrol poisoning long before the lead made you stupid. at the time (the 70's) lead was in fucking everything, paint plastics, water pipes (yes water pipes were made from LEAD) the solder on tin cans, food colorings,, waxes, polishes and cleaners for everything from silver flatware to your car's wheels, lead was used as a stabilizer in numerous industrial and food service applications and as the bearing surface of most food service machinery. when the blanket prohibition of lead in THOSE areas was enacted (with some cause, but mostly hysteria) the led in gasoline was actually the LAST lead problem we had. only hysterical politicians decided all lead was evil and must be eliminated.

did i say bloomberg was emperor of americaa? no, he is a dumbass making declarations and fiats against the people of new york, but he is still a leftist agitator and demagogue, and the people of new york deserve him if they dont bounce his ass for all the stupid bullshit he has already done. bloomberg is, as i stated, using the leftist tactic of demanding compromise (which is code for submission to leftist will) while pretending he is actually making compromises of his own, which he is NOT. bloomberg demands acceptance of his domination, or any who resist are sexist racist homphobes who probably cheat on their taxes and sell doped up horses to innocent dressage aficionados

Either you are functionally illiterate, or you are a dolt.
The government has every right to protect its citizens from harm. Cigarettes are harmful. Doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not. Scientific studies, medical records and health statistics have proven that cigarettes are deadly. I'm surprised we even got the ban considering how powerful the tobacco industry has been.

well science has proven time and again that booze is bad for you, so we should ban that shit too! for the Children!

science "proved" that electro0magnetic radiation from powerlines causes cancer (one shitty survey indicated that statistically it MIGHT be related) so we should ban electrical power!

cars kill more kids than any other object or disease, we must stop the epidemic of "car violence" by banning these "Death Machines" forever!

icecream makes kids fat, so we should lynch the good humour man!

dogs can bite children! we must eliminate these viscous attack animals before they kill even one more innocent.

in the 18th and 19th centuries CHILDREN were employed in the operation of industrial machinery! BAN INDUSTRY!

no tobacco company ever forced nobody else to smoke, people choose their own vices habits and pleasures. if you are so hot and heravy to ban smoking why the fuck dont you go picket phillip morris or throw a brick through the windows at RJR/Nabisco? just because you dont like something doesnt make that thing dirty immoral, or sinful. thats the same thing you claim all republicans do with their jeebus bullshit. funny how i always got more evangelizing about my former smoking habit from leftists than i ever got from christians about my heathenism.

militant leftist control freaks who want to dominate everyone's life (as long as THEIR shit isnt touched) can never stop making new demands. no furn no leather, no meat, no trans fats, no regular fats, no "chemicals" no genetically modified foods, no processed foods, no preserved foods, no sulphates, no sulphites, no artificial colorings, no artificial flavours, no prepackaged foods, no anything.... shit if you assholes get your way we will only eat fruit that has fallen from the plant all by itself, and farm raised algae paste smeared on crackers made from dirt and grass clippings.

if you want to be a non-smoker then dont smoke. if you find the smell of tobacco smoke so offensive, dont got to establishments that allow smoking. you can live in your yippie enclave sipping organic small batch artisinal macrobiotic wheat grass and nibbling dried peruvian llama dung, while you lament the sad state of everybody else's life to those who actually give a shit what you "think" about anything. at least sensible people wont have to hear your whining.

i dont give a fuck if you hate smoking, eat a vegan macrobiotic diet of organic non-gmo turnip greens and distilled vinegar. you can do that shit if you want, likewise if you think i shouldnt be able to drink booze, smoke if i choose to do so, drive a classic car, or eat wild condor meat from ecologically unsustainable sources thats too fucking bad.
Unfortunately, they are here to stay. Making them illegal would just line the pockets of people willing to illegally sell them, i.e. cartels, mobs, thugs. Unless you flat out put cigarette companies out of business.(won't happen, lobby lobby lobby) I'm not too sure people are going to be growing tobacco seeing as how it won't grow basically everywhere like wacky weed.

Making things, historically doesn't really put a stop to the problem. It creates a whole new problem, sometimes worse than the problem that is illegal. Solution? Kill everyone. LOL, no..


tobacco grows quite well in all the lower 48, an hawaii. only alaska has a growing season too short for tobacco.

its a very popular decorative plant in many gardens around the world. you can buy seeds online, and grow that shit for your personal use all you like.

just because you FEEL that tobacco wont grow in any place north of the mason/dixon line, or west of the mississippi that doesnt make it so.
What about the employees?

Should a pregnant waitress have to inhale secondhand smoke for her 8 hour shift? What about the asthmatic bartender?
What about their rights to breathe clean air?

well those waitresses and bartenders can work in a joint that doesnt allow smoking, or get a job elsewhere?

people who dont want to smell smoke should keep the fuck out of places frequented by smokers, just as recovering alcoholics should not hang around in bars, recovering junkies should not chill out in heroin flops, and people who dont smoke crack should keep the fuck out of crackhouses. second hand smoke is an unproven lie, a leftist fairy tale invented to create a false sense of violation if one even SMELLS smoke.

i dont like kids, should i be empowered to ban children from my place of employment because they irritate my sensibilities? why cant i sue to ensure that my employer does not allow dogs into his establishment since i am allergic to them, and these creatures are bad for my health? what about ugly people? they offend my sense of aesthetics, should i be empowered to put bags over their faces to protect myself from their unbalanced features and blotchy skin?

you have no "right to breathe clean air" you cannot sue every car that passes your yard for "polluting" your environment, nor can you forbid your neighbors from cooking boiled cods heads or kimchee to protect yourself from those unpleasant aromas. learn to respect diversity or go live ina gated enclave with your fellow intolerant leftists. hopefully the lock on your gate will be on the outside.
what if an establishment comes under new ownership and the new owner wants to get rid of the smoke free environment?

does the pregnant waitress have no rights in that case?

NOPE. bitch shoulda kept her legs together. her crib midget is her own problem.

when i blew out my knew for the last time, and could no longer trudge the fields, bale hay, or climb into the combine unassisted i lost my ability to work on a farm. where were my rights to have a job? why couldnt i sue the farmer for handicapped accessible feilds and haylofts? why couldnt i sue International for making their combines too high for a cripple to drive? why cant i sue the maker of my truck when i couldnt even climb into it for almost a year and a half?

where are MY rights? WHAAAAAH!!!

oh wait i didnt even think about any of that shit because i am not a whiney leftist who believes i have a RIGHT to everything i want, and all the world must be a super special Candyland (but a sugar free diabetic safe Candyland) where all my desires become RIGHTS and everybody OWES me whatever i want.

tell you what bucky, if i ever find my way to The Big Rock Candy Mountain ill send you a postcard.


in the big rock candy mountain you never change your socks
and little streams of alcohol come a-trickling down the rocks...
Who the hell are you trying to protect, is everyone else stupid?

Dude, driving a car and riding a motorcycle is deadly WTF let's all bend over let government outlaw them too!
This is fucking insane, people like you were thrown in a pot of water while it was still warm and refuse to believe it will ever boil!

You have my blessing to smoke 12 packs a day. Have fun.
that kind of talk should work out well in the general for you romney fellators. you're only 14 points behind with the women's vote anyway.

the CHOICE to drop a loin turd is a bitch's own decision. her employer should not be forced to bend over and take it in the ass (which is a sensible alternative to prevent abortion and unwanted babies, take a note girls, anal saves time trouble and money and helps the economy! blowjobs too!) just because she exercised her CHOICE to spread em and get one up the spout.

bitch could always take the liberal sacrament and have the runt surgically extracted, that would make her a real american hero in the eyes of the liberals and wimminists.

unless her employer is the sucker who drops a load in unsanitary vag and helped create the spawn it aint his problem. he also aint gotta breastfeed the polywog nor change it's shitty pampers neither.

bitches wanna make crib midgets then they need to take responsibility for their CHOICE. their CHOICE comes with responsibilities either way she Chooses with her sacred "Right to CHOOSE"!

Her body Her Decision! and her problem.

the more you squeebs whimper and whine about how their being oppressed because they CHOOSE to smoke, make yard monsters, eat cheesecakes, or drink 3 gallons of grape fanta at a sitting the more you drive sensible cats to become Romulans.

looks like ill be voting for the emperor of Kolob anyhow. Long Live the Empire!


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