You might get away with saying that in the state of Washington cause it's full of soft little white boys like yourself, won't work here bro!
Over 24,000 posts and you say this? What did we ever do to you?
i was sardonically using the same word that beennowhere uses in a non-sardonic fashion.
Never mind that the other selection was incompetent and never mind that the other selection we have now is equaly so.
mccain was not incompetent, he had no support from the base, and no appeal to the right leaning independents, his record of being the guy the dems could count on to "compromise" on anything they wanted made him unacceptable for the hardline right, an unpalatable choice for the "moderates" and BHO was already the best candidate for all the leftists.
fred thompson would have mopped up the floor with BHO, as would alan keyes, and a half dozen other conservative candidates of note, while johm mccain was a half measure of lliberalism competing against a propper dose of marxism.
Every time you have me admiring your intellectual flexability and open mindedness You come up with words like "marxism" in your posts.
obama is a marxist. why is it so hard for marxists to admit their affiliation?
i cant get christians to shut up about jeebus
nonsmokers wont stop yelling about the evils of smoking
vegans insist all must submit to their will
but marxists hide their beliefs behind code words, carefully couched phrases and bullshit. what are you scared of? i am an objectivist conservative republican constitutionalist who is also a polyhteist
what you hiding?
you must know, seeing as how you can see through all of those code words and carefully couched phrases.
Marxist? sure.
But we can still be friends, you are still holding that place for me in your bunker aren't you?
I have talked to several authors about the bios presented by their literary publicists. They all said the bios are written by the authors themselves.
Even if that is not true in Obama's case, do you really contend that Obama never read the bio used by his literary publicist? For sixteen years? And then, as if by magic, the mistake is discovered and corrected just when Obama runs for the presidency? No, that lie is owned by Obama.
Obama actually did the "books on tape" version. I've heard it. "Born in Kenya, educated in America, and raised in the world" said Obama
Well then produce an excerpt
SHould be someplace on the internet
mccain was not incompetent, he had no support from the base, and no appeal to the right leaning independents, his record of being the guy the dems could count on to "compromise" on anything they wanted made him unacceptable for the hardline right, an unpalatable choice for the "moderates" and BHO was already the best candidate for all the leftists.
fred thompson would have mopped up the floor with BHO, as would alan keyes, and a half dozen other conservative candidates of note, while johm mccain was a half measure of lliberalism competing against a propper dose of marxism.
fred thompson would have mopped up the floor with BHO, as would alan keyes
To paraphrase Col. "Bat" Guano ... you'll have to answer to the ASPCA! cn
I believe it was "you're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company".