Gamers on RIU ?

i for some reason never got into that game. it was cause i didnt feel like learnin how the game worked on xbox so i just said fuck it. lol i wish they'd make a age of empires for xbox. i use to play command an conquer red alert retaliation soooooooooo much when i was a teen. russia ftw.
I had to walk away from WoW, played for years but it became a total time suck, I miss it sometimes but I think I'm better off......
There are dozens of gaming threads but they all seem to be for WoW, Skyrim or COD lol\

I love playing Spyro games, Tetris, Yoshi's Island, Okami, rhythm games, a few racing games like CTR, RPGs like Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts, obscure Japanese games like Kuri Kuri Mix, adventure games, point-and-click games and some other puzzle games. I won't give you a list of the games I own or have own lol

Everyone seems to be playing the same shit- Assassin's Creed, Skyrim and COD and I know alot of people who literally only play the same game all the time, or only play one at a time... There's not enough time for more games :(

These days every device cab be used for gaming and commuters play games on their way to work. Older women are being appealed to with certain puzzle/training games, but I find it akin to someone who has a joint a couple of times a year compared to a 'stoner'. There's the softcore appeals-to-everyone market and real gamers who have a passion for it and an appreciation of the industry, hardware etc. My definition of a gamer would be someone who was really into alot of games (not developed to be played at the bus stop/train to work) and appreciates/understands game mechanics. I mean, I took a degree in video game design + culture lol....

I don't know maybe I'm being elitist but I hate meeting someone who says they're into games and all they've played is Nintendogs or COD and know absolutely nothing about how games work :( We has nothing in common...
i would image real gamers dislike the industry for the way it goes about its business. makin you pay for every little dlc or add ons. i play only a handful of games an mainly fps, but i play all kinda games overall. i also understand game mechanics just cause of how shitty they can be at times. seems like you enjoy games for graphics more than gameplay. imo the most challengin games are multiplayer fps, fightin games, sports, an certain rts games. thats what makes games fun to me.
i would image real gamers dislike the industry for the way it goes about its business. makin you pay for every little dlc or add ons. i play only a handful of games an mainly fps, but i play all kinda games overall. i also understand game mechanics just cause of how shitty they can be at times. seems like you enjoy games for graphics more than gameplay. imo the most challengin games are multiplayer fps, fightin games, sports, an certain rts games. thats what makes games fun to me.

If the DLC is good I don't mind paying for it, Old World Blues for Fallout New Vegas was more than worth the money. I think the DLC complaint came mainly from certain games that had DLC that was already on the disc but you had to pay to unlock it basically, the DLC would be just a few KB instead of MB.

Your paying for content that is already on the disc.
I forgot to mention I also love my nintendo DS.

And yes Kuroi, you are an elitist, but that's what makes you so special. Don't dislike me because I like pop games. I also like pop music. But that doesn't make me mindless, just an enjoyer of mindless things.
I'm pretty damn good at BF3 for the 360, same with cod but I broke my cod copy. For the pc I mostly torrent my games. But if I do play a game on the pc it's usually Tribes: Ascend.
usualy a COD:BlackOps guy, but I recently got Pokemon Blue on my phone hahaha. And today Im going to pick up BioShock 2 finally. The first one was fucking EPIC
Borderlands 2 will be amazing. The first one was great, logged countless hours in looting everything in my path. But I'm on PS3 so I will have no one to play with. Goldeneye was the shit and even the remake was worth playing. But Super Smash Bros.? That game was my life for a while. Me and my buddies would have tournaments to decide who was driving to the store to get a dutch. To this day I believe I'm untouchable when it comes to Smash Bros. or Tony Hawk.
I've been gaming a long time. Had the original Genesis, Super Nintendo, and almost all their later incarnations. Even had a 3DO if anyone remembers that...still have it a box somewhere. Have the Wii, Xbox360 and Ps 3 currently.

I've always liked RPG's, platform games,,puzzle games etc, not a big fan of shooters although I've owned and played them, and don't play them online with others. I suck too much!

First MMoRPG I played was Everquest, played it for years. The guild drifted apart and I quit. Tried playing WoW a few times, the the cartoony graphics turned me off, and the general chat was full of trolling kids.

Some of my favorite games lately include the Uncharted sEries and the Batman games, Skyrim, etc back in the day I was a Final Fantasy fan despite the Japanese fruitiness, but the last few games just don't seem to have that magic
I use to be a hardcore gamer,but now I just play when it counts,like when halo 4,and metal gear solid drops.